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“ding dong! ding dong! ”

Just as Xia Yu had just finished taking a shower and was about to go to bed, the doorbell rang without warning.

Looking up at the time, he found that it was 9 and a half pm, but he did not hesitate, but walked quickly downstairs.

There are not many people who know about his residence. Now that he is bothering him at night, it must be just a few people, and it must be an important matter.

“Are you here? Come in!”

As soon as I opened the door and saw that it was Ma Qianjun, Xia Yu was a little surprised and said to let Ma Qianjun in.

Coming to the sofa and sitting down, Xia Yu poured a glass of boiled water for herself and Ma Qianjun and asked, “It’s so late, what’s the matter?”

Ma Qianjun looked slightly nodded and said, “The 3 father and son of Keswick Family have now been sent to the hospital for rescue.”


Xia Yu was taken aback, blurted out, looked at Ma Qianjun with a calm expression, and questioned: “What did you do?”

Ma Qianjun calmly nodded and said: “Yes, my other brothers did, long-range sniping, using a 12.7 mm large diameter steel core bullet. Although I don’t know the current rescue situation, according to normal experience, The chance of survival of the bomber is not high.”


Xia Yu Weiwei took a deep breath, calmed herself down, took a deep look at Ma Qianjun, and asked, “You said they were investigating the situation in the afternoon, but they were actually going to ambush?”

Ma Qianjun nodded, said directly: “Since we intend to rely on your help, naturally we won’t come empty-handed. This is a name-voting certificate!”

“Haha, the handwriting of this name is a bit big!”

Xia Yu smiled and exclaimed, expecting Ma Qianjun’s team to quickly rise, and I really want to see what kind of talent it is now that can easily break through Keswick Family’s defense.

At this time, Xia Yu, after a moment of shock, was deeply refreshed. Keswick Family breakthrough bottom line wanted to assassinate him. Not only did he fail, but the person who wanted to take refuge in him’s done it instead.

Yes, Xia Yu just wanted to kill it!

Although according to Ma Qianjun’s statement, the three Keswick father and son have been sent to the hospital for rescue, but Ma Qianjun’s attitude is that the probability of rescue is not high, and Xia Yu also thinks so.

With those memories of the big shots of Europe and United States, Xia Yu knows the power of guns very well.

If it is shot by an ordinary pistol or long-range rifle, the bullet will be more than 7mm. As long as it is not hit by the key and the bleeding is stopped in time, it can still be rescued, just like the previous Xia Lei.

But Xia Yu didn’t ignore every word Ma Qianjun just said. He mentioned that the 12.7 mm steel core bullet, which is the large-diameter armor-piercing bullet in the usual sense, was shot out by the sniper rifle. The power, even the armor of the tank, is fight through. ? Even if the distance is a little far away, it is not a problem to penetrate the human body.

If the bullet stays within the body, the blood flow can be slowed down, but if the bullet penetrates the human body and leaves a trajectory that cannot be healed, the person who is shot will bleed and die until he loses blood.

I must be able to hear the “good news” at the latest tomorrow morning!

After being happy, Xia Yu suddenly thought of a very serious matter, her face became serious, and asked Ma Qianjun, “Have your brothers hidden?”

Ma Qianjun confidently said: “Don’t worry, we never do things that are uncertain. All risks are considered. No one can find out. After they completed their tasks, they also contacted me by public phone. I haven’t been to see you yet. they.”

“When I came, I also concealed my traces so that no one would find it.”

Xia Yu frowned, thought for a moment, and continued to ask: “How did they come to Hong Kong?”

“I have considered this point. I left Hong Kong by a black boat, and brought them here by a black boat. There were no traces left. If the police want to investigate through the port channel, it will only waste time.”

Ma Qianjun said lightly, dispelling Xia Yu’s worries.

“It’s not unreasonable that you can cross Southeast Asia.”

Xia Yu said with a light smile.

Ma Qianjun hearing this, mouth raised a smirk, and then said: “Before the limelight is over, it should be inconvenient for them to see you.”

Xia Yu was slightly nodded, saying: “It is true, during this period, it is estimated that it will be a little troublesome, but it is easy to be found out after seeing me.”

Xia Yu touched her chin, lightly said with a smile: “Maybe the police will come to me tomorrow, but I don’t know anything.”

Seeing Xia Yu’s appearance, Ma Qianjun unable to bear smiled.

“Okay, let me talk about something else. Since your brothers completed the task, give me the account number and I will call you the money.”

Xia Yu narrowed his smile and said solemnly.

Unexpectedly, Ma Qianjun shook his head and refused: “No, we originally planned to bring a gift. We just saw bounty and decided to treat it as a gift. Even if there is no bounty, we will do it.”

Without waiting for Xia Yu to continue, Ma Qianjun looked into Xia Yu’s eyes, and then said: “What’s more, you should know that people like us don’t lack money, and what they pursue is not money, but the joy of life and the future.”

Xia Yu brows slightly wrinkle, then stretched, silently nodded, and had an answer in her heart.

“If you say so, let’s do it!”

“However, a lot of resources are needed to build Luo Wang. I will come up with a 100000000 million yuan. I hope you can build Luo Wang.”

“I will not let you down!”

Ma Qianjun nodded promised. After speaking, he stood up and said: “It’s getting late, I’m leaving now!”

“Well, pay attention to safety!”

“Although you are a world-wise person, there are still risks. Qianqian definitely doesn’t want you to be in trouble.”

Bring Ma Qianjun to the door, Xia Yu warned repeatedly.

Hearing Xia Yu mentioning Li Qian, Ma Qianjun’s face loosened, and he looked back subconsciously to the stairs, as if he could see Li Qian upstairs, withdraw his eyes, Ma Qianjun seriously nodded, and looked at Xia Yu deeply. At a glance, he said: “I understand!”

“Be nice to her!”

After leaving a word, Ma Qianjun turned his head and left without hesitation, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Xia Yu glanced at all around, and seemed to be able to see the security personnel hidden all around, slightly nodded, and then turned around, closed the door, returned to the sofa and sat down, thinking.

“Bounty was asked by Li Wuming to hang up. There is a problem with It shouldn’t be. The deposit is also in the anonymous account of Swiss Bank, and I can’t find it.”

“But no matter how you look at it, my suspicion is the biggest. No matter whether Keswick father and son 3 die or not, I will definitely be in trouble. The police station will inevitably have to go, but as long as there is no evidence, there is nothing to do with me!”

“But I can’t sit there. I have to wash away the suspicions, and more people will share it with me. When the time comes, even if Murray MacLehose wants to trouble me, he has more scruples!”

Xia Yu squinted slightly, thinking about it.

He still understands this truth when the water is muddled beforehand!


Thinking for a while, Xia Yu eyes shined, and came up with a very good idea.

“I think Yue-Kong Pao and Li Ka-shing and the others should award me a trophy as a leader in getting rich. After all, I will never forget them!”

After speaking, Xia Yu didn’t hesitate, and immediately picked up the phone and dialed the number of Yue-Kong Pao’s home.

“Hello, who?”

Hearing the majestic Yue-Kong Pao voice from the microphone, Xia Yu said in a solemn tone: “Pao-sang, do you know the news? It’s a major event!”

“I know, I just wanted to call you. I heard that all three of Old John father and son were hit by the sniper rifle. The situation is very bad, this matter…”

Yue-Kong Pao first talked about what he knew, then said two words, and then dragged the ending sound and did not continue.

Xia Yu pretended not to understand, and said taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “It seems that they are offend, how much hatred and grievance, they actually forced others to this step. It seems that Keswick Family must be Others are pressing.”

“I think so. The rabbit bites people in a hurry. Since the instigator has this ability, he will definitely not walk this way easily. It can only be blamed on the Keswick Family offend too many people.”

Yue-Kong Pao was taken aback, and then he was alert, erased the speculation in his heart, and said with a drink.

Although he had an intuition in his heart that this matter was related to Xia Yu, but seeing Xia Yu’s reaction, and then thinking that Xia Yu and the Keswick Family did not suffer from the fight, the suspicion in his heart gradually faded.

Even more how, he also woke up, even if Xia Yu did this thing, it must be what the Keswick Family did to make Xia Yu counterattack. Xia Yu is his good friend. There is no need to affect him and Xia because of Keswick Family. Yu’s relationship.

“By the way, Pao-sang, are everyone else understood?”

Xia Yu asked curiously.

“They are all understood. They didn’t have time to call you just now because they have been talking on the phone with other people.”

“Presumably now the entire upper floors of Hong Kong are in chaos.”

Yue-Kong Pao stated.

“Yes, Keswick Family, as the controller of Jardine Matheson, Old John said at the time. Now that the three Keswick Family father and son have an accident, there is only one Hugh Barton that is absolutely impossible to subdue. But Jardine Matheson has so many gold mines. , Such a good opportunity, no one is not tempted!”

Xia Yu said with emotion, and began to lead the topic in the direction she designed.

Yue-Kong Pao on the other end of the phone moved in his heart and nodded in agreement and said: “Yes, Jardine Matheson had lost his prestige and strength. Now that this kind of accident has happened, it’s difficult…”

“Pao-sang, don’t let slip an opportunity. Now we happen to take the lead. Such a good opportunity must not be missed. Even if we don’t do it, other families and rich people will never hesitate.”

“Maybe Swire other British consortium will also pounce, after all, the benefits are really moving!”

Xia Yu continued to encourage.

“Xia-sang, what do you think?”

Yue-Kong Pao understood what Xia Yu meant, and he asked, wanting to know what Xia Yu has insights, after all, Xia Yu has proven his strength in this regard.

“Pao-sang, now it depends on who is grabbing more. We must have a greater advantage in grouping. Or we should ask everyone to discuss it together, lest we compete indiscriminately and consume our strength internally.”

Xia Yu suggested.

In Pao Family’s Yue-Kong Pao eyes flash a bright light, he noticed something wrong from Xia Yu’s positive attitude. He pondered for a moment, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, “Okay, I will inform them and let them Come to my house, they should all be there at such a critical time.”

“Okay, I’m going to trouble you again, I’ll be there soon! Let’s do this first, and talk about it later!”

Xia Yu finished speaking and hung up.

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Yu not at all left immediately, but contemplated.

“In the end, Yue-Kong Pao took the initiative to go to his house. He is impossible to know that this matter will definitely be known by the Government of Hong Kong. It seems that he should still have doubts in his heart.”

“This time, I have to owe others love again!”

“But it’s okay, I don’t worry about my debts, even more how I can pay it!”

Xia Yu chuckled and shook his head, ready to go upstairs and put on formal clothes before going out.

Xia Yu wanted to clear her suspicion through the party tonight.

As long as 9 people are here tonight, and tomorrow, we will attack Jardine Matheson in a mad manner. If Xia Yu hides a little bit or reduces her strength to make herself look less prominent, his suspicion will be much smaller. The Government of Hong Kong will also be investigated by everyone. Check together.

When the Government of Hong Kong or the British found out that Xia Yu was on the bounty list, and then came to investigate Xia Yu, Xia Yu was more confident to respond.

After all, when you find out there, you will know that Xia Yu was bounty first, and it was Keswick Family who broke through the bottom line first, and then was killed by the anti-bounty. That is beyond blame.

But wait until then the Government of Hong Kong is understood, presumably the big shot of the upper level in Hong Kong will know that even if the Keswick Family is killed, everyone will stand by Xia Yu, after all, the’suspect’ Xia Yu is only being Urgently respond.

Keswick Family deserves to be killed, after all, everyone who takes the initiative to break through the bottom line deserves to die!

If you can’t fight in the mall, you can play Yin, absolutely not allowed!

This time it’s because of the “suspect” Xia Yu’s fate or strength. If in the future, when the competition between Chinese and British capital becomes extremely fierce, Li Ka-shing, Yue-Kong Pao, or who among them will let Keswick Family suffer In order to lose, if Keswick Family also bounty the killer, they are not confident that they can survive.

It’s better to take this time as a lesson and let the competition be confined to the shopping malls, lest everyone is at risk!

So when the time comes, it is completely predictable. Even if Xia Yu did this thing, the entire Chinese capital will stand on Xia Yu’s side. After all, Xia Yu’s behavior represents justice!

Of course, even though Xia Yu took these into account, he still felt unsafe, so he thought about dragging other people into the water, sharing the suspicions, and tied them to his side with profit.

Acting together, they are Xia Yu’s accomplices. The Government of Hong Kong may have the courage to move Xia Yu, but do you dare to move the nine of them together?

The answer is self-evident!

After a while, Xia Yu got dressed, and after telling Li Qian to go to bed early by herself, Xia Yu drove to Yue-Kong Pao’s house.

Since Xia Yu is the farthest away, Li Ka-shing lives near Yue-Kong Pao, and the other big shots are not far away. So after Xia Yu’s arrival, everyone else basically arrived, except Henry Fok. Xia Yu arrived a few minutes later.

The matter was serious, and everyone didn’t have any thoughts to chat, and soon came to the topic. Yue-Kong Pao, as the host, took the lead in speaking: “Everyone, now that the Keswick Family has something wrong, Jardine Matheson is completely exposed. The opportunity is very rare, although there will be a hit a Person when he’s down is suspected, but even if we don’t do it, a lot of people will do it. If it is eaten by others, our advantage will not be kept, and there will be a lot of trouble in the future!”

“Yes, Old Pao is right. There are not a few who have the same strength as ours. There are also rich and powerful families who are stronger than us. During this time, thanks to Xia-sang, our strength has improved a lot, but the advantage is still not obvious!”

“The stronger the powerhouse, in order to live better in the future, even hit a person when he’s down has to do it!”

“Old Feng, what did you say hit a person when he’s down, just got back what we deserved that’s all? Were there less Chinese capital in Jardine Matheson before? The Jardine Matheson subsidiary company, how many originally belonged to our Chinese capital? It was just taken away by them. Have you forgotten the gloomy Liu Fukuan and the violent Wu Jianfeng?”

“Yes, it’s just that both principal and interest took back that’s all and did it!”

“Well, since everyone has no objections, then we negotiate a charter to avoid internal friction and strive to get the most benefits!”

“I brought the latest Jardine Matheson information, let’s take a look…”

Xia Yu immediately took out the information in the bag and distributed it to everyone.

After more than an hour, the discussion was over, and after the meeting was announced, everyone hurried back and set up overnight.

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