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Leaving this meaningful sentence aside, Xia Yu took Wang Qi out without looking back. Someone wanted to stop, but Li Wuming pushed him away.

Watching Xia Yu leave arrogantly, the faces of all the people present turned red. One of them said to Benjamin Veblen: “Chairman, this Xia Yu is too arrogant! He must be punished!”

“What punishment?”

Benjamin Veblen sighed, asked suddenly with a tired face.

“Uh… we report to the Governor of Hong Kong, and ask the Governor of Hong Kong to sanction him, and apply to the Governor of Hong Kong to issue relevant regulations as soon as possible.”

The man choked, thought for a few seconds, and reluctantly said.

Benjamin Veblen thought of Xia Yu’s meaningful reminder in his mind, and he felt very weak.

In fact, although they are the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, it is very difficult for Jardine Matheson to find Xia Yu through him. On the contrary, it is not more useful for the chairman of major stock exchanges to find Xia Yu.

But he couldn’t refuse, so he could only brace oneself and trouble Xia Yu, and now he really got into a commotion, how could this not make Benjamin Veblen feel aggrieved.

Speaking of this, I have to introduce Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission.

The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, the full name of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, is a statutory organization independent of the government’s civil service structure, responsible for overseeing the operation of Hong Kong’s securities and futures markets. The purpose of the Securities Regulatory Commission is to promote the development of Hong Kong’s securities and futures markets in a fair, efficient and orderly direction through effective supervision and guidance.

But the vision is good, but it is difficult to realize it.

In fact, Hong Kong’s securities industry is still very young.

Before the 70s, Hong Kong established the Hong Kong Club to do small-scale shares listing and trading activities. Since entering the 70s, the shares market has become an important way for Hong Kong to raise capital.

Because of the short period of time, the Hong Kong securities industry’s regulatory system is not perfect, and there are still many loopholes and shortcomings.

Before the mid-1970s, Hong Kong’s securities and commodity markets were largely unregulated. After the stock market crash broke out in 1973-1974, the Government of Hong Kong first intervened and then enacted core laws governing the securities and futures industry.

To this end, the Government of Hong Kong has created a regulatory framework consisting of two non-full-time departments, namely the Supervisory Committee responsible for securities and commodity transactions, and the Office of the Commissioner of Securities and Commodities Exchange.

Together, these two departments form the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission.

But these two departments are part-time, which shows the strength and prestige of the Securities Regulatory Commission.

Even the “Securities and Futures Commission Regulations” have not been formulated and perfected. It seems reluctant to accuse Xia Yu of manipulating the stock price. This is why Xia Yu has no scruples.

According to history, it was not until 1986 that the 4 stock exchanges were officially merged and The Stock Exchange was officially opened. There were no explicit regulations, and in 1989, it was improved.

Facts have proved that Hong Kong’s securities regulatory system is not perfect, even after the establishment of The Stock Exchange in 1986. Because of its many drawbacks, it cannot keep up with the times. During the 1987 stock market crash, various problems were exposed and the losses were extremely heavy.

Only after severe damage did the supervision and management improved substantially after May 1989.

The current Securities Regulatory Commission, even the name seems irregular, and it is not a full-time department. Its influence on Hong Kong’s securities industry is not as strong as the Board of Directors of various stock exchanges.

Only at this level, he jumped out to serve as a pawn for Jardine Matheson. Naturally, Xia Yu didn’t intend to give them face.

This time I voluntarily came to the Securities Regulatory Commission with them, also in order to clarify with them all at once, so as not to do 7 or 8 later and waste his time and energy.

After leaving the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, Xia Yu and Wang Qi sat in the back of the car together. Xia Yu said to Wang Qi: “Wang Qi, after returning home, we will continue to stock trading prices and arrange for people from several major companies to grab shares and land. Seriously, Jardine Matheson wants to cause us trouble to hold us back, keep us in a hurry, but can’t make them happy!”


Wang Qi solemnly responded, and there was also a raging anger in his heart.

Xia Yu is slightly nodded, no more words, leaning on the seat of the car, eyes slightly narrowed, the brain is running wildly, thinking about the countermeasures.

These things Jardine Matheson did actually cause real trouble to Xia Yu, and that is the thing about Sing Tao News Corporation. Most of the other things are for disgusting Xia Yu, restraining Xia Yu’s energy and making Xia Yu unable to attend to other things, they can grab time to get back the initiative.

Not to mention, Xia Yu is really disgusting. For this reason, Xia Yu’s hatred for Jardine Matheson is more intense, and secretly decided to deal with Jardine Matheson, he will be more cruel!

“Wait, coming soon!”

Xia Yu heart secretly thought.

After thinking about it, Xia Yu closed her eyes and thought, trying to clear her mind.

During this day, there were continuous problems. Even if Xia Yu was more powerful than ordinary people because of cultivated ancient Tai Chi, he was also exhausted.

Suddenly, Xia Yu thought of something. He opened his eyes and ordered Wang Qi: “Wang Qi, after returning, I immediately gave Luo a list of the government shareholders among the five major funds of our company.”

“Especially the general Administration of Press and Publication, Trade and Industry Department, Department of Justice, Independent Commission Against Corruption, and other important departments for the shareholders. The must standards come out and the list is counted. Must give it to me immediately! Give me the fund income!”

Xia Yu warned repeatedly again.


Wang Qi immediately responded and guessed the purpose of Boss Xia Yu’s request for this list and income list.

People from General Administration of Press and Publication, Trade and Industry Department, Department of Justice, etc. all come to find trouble, and there may even be other departments running out to find trouble later. The purpose of finding this list is to keep them in check.

After all, those officials have money in Xia Yu’s fund. Xia Yu can help them earn money. Under the bond of interest, these people are naturally easy to stand on Xia Yu’s side.

Jardine Matheson was able to find people in these departments to trouble Xia Yu, and Xia Yu was naturally able to do the same, limiting the struggle to their various departments.

Although it may be that the time is too short to accumulate in the background, and these shareholders are probably not the opponents of the people Jardine Matheson is looking for.

But Xia Yu didn’t care, as long as he had a helper, he didn’t necessarily need to win. It only took a few days to crack the conspiracy of Jardine Matheson.

There are a few days, which is definitely enough for Yue-Kong Pao, Li Ka-shing and the others to be ready, when the time comes is the time for Xia Yu to show his power.

Until then, the Keswick Family will definitely be overwhelmed. Where else will there be mental energy to trouble Xia Yu? !

After returning, Xia Yu ran non-stop, each and everyone company ran to calm the hearts of the employees, and at the same time told the managers of each company something to prepare them at any time to deal with all possible troubles.

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