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Following his order, the employees who were ready for a long time immediately took action and executed General Manager Lin Sen’s instructions.

Soon, another big selling order appeared on the stock market, and the staff of Jardines did not hesitate to buy in bulk purchases.

Another big sell order appeared!

Many people with vital interests suddenly complexion changed, smelling an unusual breath, and the feeling of surprise in their hearts became stronger!

Some more pragmatic investors and institutions dared not take risks, and quickly started to take action, wanting to cash out…

With the passage of time, Yining Homes, Lifa International, and Fidelity Industries have been smashed by big selling orders to stop their prices. The news spread quickly, and soon everyone in the stock exchange was understood.

And under word of mouth, it spread quickly to the outside world.

“Not good, it should be Galaxy Asset’s clearance and departure, let’s withdraw quickly!”

“The stock price has peaked, run!”


Some people with powerful intelligence or quick minds immediately thought of a possibility and act quickly!

And Xia Yu also anticipated this situation. In order to cause even greater troubles for Jardine and keep their funds locked up, Xia Yu insidiously asked Wang Qi to send someone to disclose the news after selling her shares. Get out.

There is news from Jiuding Securities that those institutions or retail investors that hold shares can sit still and immediately place sell orders to cash out.

Naturally, Jardine’s operators suddenly noticed that more and more sell orders were hanging, and the stock price fluctuated violently, and even dropped slightly.

“President, there are many selling orders on the market, and things are not right!”

“President, we are here too, do you want to continue the acquisition?”


Following feedback from a group leader, several other groups also offered drinks. For a while, the entire operation room became a little noisy.

Hugh Barton frowned tightly, realizing that something was wrong with the bone!

“bell bell…”

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang suddenly and a Manager immediately answered the call. After listening for a few seconds, the complexion greatly changed, and he said to Hugh Barton if he didn’t come and hang up.

“President, after receiving the news, Galaxy Asset has all been cleared, and the news was deliberately leaked out in order to create disorderly panic.”

Hugh Barton’s face suddenly became gloomy, he hurried to the phone, and took the call.

“This is Hugh Barton, what is the situation?”


Hugh Barton listened in silence, his face gloomy, and after a while, he hung up without a word.

The atmosphere in the operation room became heavier and heavier, and some employees who were placing orders also slowed down unconsciously, looking towards their own group of Managers frequently.

Realizing that it was not good, the Manager of the operation group responsible for purchasing Fidelity Industrial shares raised the courage and reminded with a worried face: “President, shall we continue the acquisition?”

Hugh Barton glanced at him, then asked the operators, “How about the stock price?”

“President, the stock price is falling, and more and more selling orders…”

An employee said quickly.


Hugh Barton cursed inwardly, suddenly feeling very troublesome.


He took a deep breath, made up his mind, said solemnly: “Continue to buy, stabilize the stock price, buy as many as there are, until there is no sell order!”


With his order, all the employees stopped hesitating and immediately increased the bulk purchase efforts and kept taking orders.

Although there are more and more shares in his hands, Hugh Barton is not at all happy, he is pitted!

Galaxy Asset is simply sniping and blackmailing them, and it caused him a big trouble!

Galaxy Asset retreat and retreat, even if you take the money and leave, but Galaxy Asset is still doing harming others without benefiting oneself. It is estimated that it will publicize its position on liquidation. It is clear to tell those investors that the stock price has reached the top, and quickly liquidate and cash out. !

The consequence of this is the way it is now. After some simple investors understood, they immediately placed a sell order to cash out.

But in this way, all the pressure has been transferred to Yihe!

Do you want to continue buying?

Galaxy Asset retired, the company is safe, and there are enough equity shares in hand. It stands to reason that there is no need to purchase again.

But this is your own company. If you don’t continue to acquire shares and sell a large number of shares on the market without a buyer, what will happen?

Sellers lower their selling prices and rush to cash out. Once they follow suit, the stock price will fall. If they keep lowering their selling prices and no one takes orders, everything will be exposed and investor confidence will be hit harder. , And even caused investors to panic, and the stock price plummeted!

Can Hugh Barton watch his company’s stock price plunge?

Certainly not!

If the company stock price plunge, the shares bought at a high price will depreciate, and the loss will be large!

If you want to prevent yourself from losing money, you can only stabilize the stock price. The only way is to go to the black, eat all the shares of the public, stabilize the confidence of investors and institutions, and think of ways to slow down later. Cash out slowly, get the money back, and buy bottom when the price is low!

Dilemma! Going forward is a huge risk, going backward is absolutely bad luck!

After weighing the pros and cons, Hugh Barton decisively chose to keep the immediate situation, and the latter problems will be solved later!

Xia Yu’s hand directly threatened Hugh Barton to move forward!

So now Hugh Barton’s mood is as disgusting as eating fly shit.

Take the risk to invest funds to increase holding shares at a high price. There is only risk but no profit, and the funds are locked up. Do you think he is bad?

“He didn’t expect the scheme given by him. I’m sorry for the trust of Board-Chairman!”

Hugh Barton felt deeply guilty.

“I don’t need to watch here now, so let’s report to the Board-Chairman first, hey…”

After thinking about it, Hugh Barton left here and went to the Keswick Family mansion.


“Board-Chairman, I’m sorry, I was fooled by them…”

In the Keswick Family mansion, Old John sat on the sofa, Hugh Barton bowed slightly, and said guiltily.

Although Old John’s eyes were gloomy, he didn’t blame his capable subordinates, because not only Hugh Barton, he also didn’t expect Galaxy Asset to be purely for sniping and extortion.

“You did the right thing, don’t blame yourself!”

Old John said to Hugh Barton with a positive attitude that if he were to be replaced, he would make the same choice as Hugh Barton after he was found to be overcast.

Hearing Old John’s words, Hugh Barton’s complexion eased slightly, and his heart was secretly relieved.

“Board-Chairman, I am worried that the Chinese kid will have a conspiracy!”

“This kind of sniping method is very disgusting. Our company has so many. If he does this every time, we will passively bear it, I am afraid…”

Speaking of this, Hugh Barton didn’t say anything further, but he knew that Old John would definitely understand what he meant to express.

Old John’s face sank, and his calm heart suddenly became a little irritable, which was really a difficult problem.

Responding passively is nothing after all!

It seems…

Fierce light flickered in Old John’s eyes.

“bell bell…”

At this moment, the phone on the desktop rang suddenly, and Old John came back to his senses and picked up the phone.




Hearing the anxious report of his son Charles on the phone, Old John eyes narrowed, blurted out, and the blood vessels of his old palm holding the phone were raised. Obviously, his hand was very hard at this time.

Seeing Old John’s rare lost self-control, Hugh Barton’s heart sank, and a bad feeling lingered in his heart.

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