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“Haha, Pao-sang, in the shipping industry, you have been on the throne of World’s First Shipping King, and it is time to show your prowess in other industries. I would like to congratulate you in advance for making money!”

Xia Yu laughed and flattered.

Yue-Kong Pao hearing this didn’t know whether to cry or laugh and shook his head and said: “Xia-sang, you are so good at talking, I was restless at first, but now when I hear you, it is somewhat erratic.”

“I never tell lies. That’s the truth. In the vast majority of Chinese, who can compare to Shipping King you?”

Xia Yu said sincerely.

“Don’t talk about it, if you listen to your praise, I will fly to the sky.”

Yue-Kong Pao stopped the topic with a smile, and Xia Yu laughed without saying more.

Yue-Kong Pao smiled slowly, and filled Xia Yu’s teacup. Xia Yu hurriedly said thank you politely, then took a sip from the teacup, and quietly looked towards Yue-Kong Pao. He saw Yue-Kong Pao seems to have something important to say.

Sure enough, after Yue-Kong Pao took a sip of tea and put down the cup, he sighed and asked sincerely: “Xia-sang, please come tonight, I still have one more request, I would like to ask you for advice.”

“Pao-sang is polite, please speak!”

Xia Yu hearing this politely, then sat up straight, looking at him waiting.

“Then I’ll speak bluntly.”

“The shipping market has already seen it. It is clearly a quagmire. I really want to get out of it, but I haven’t decided which industry I will be involved in.”

“In terms of understanding of the market in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, you are the first to be recommended in Hong Kong because you have a professional Economic Research Office, and your “Economics Weekly” magazine has included market research and analysis. No one else has Ways to compare.”

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu calmly nodded, and this point praised him for accepting it with confidence, because this is a fact. In terms of business and economic research, Hong Kong really cannot find a company more professional than his. Yes, the value of the sorted and analyzed data is immeasurable!

Why is “Economics Weekly” magazine so popular? Really thought it was just a few ranking lists?


It is the information and articles revealed and analyzed based on these ranking lists, as well as those research and analysis articles on the current economic situation and the future economic situation and business environment.

There is great value between the lines in an article, and even some data in it. It depends on whether the reader can discover and integrate their own status quo, make full use of it, and use it to create wealth!

Then Yue-Kong Pao continued: “So Xia-sang, can you give me some suggestions?”

Seeing Yue-Kong Pao’s solemn request, Xia Yu felt hot in her heart and felt Yue-Kong Pao’s sincere attitude.

Of course he will not refuse, that is to say, it is a matter of licking his lips, and he can still get a favor of Yue-Kong Pao. Isn’t the relationship owed by the favor?

And even if he doesn’t say it, Yue-Kong Pao will still go ashore, and it is very likely that it will enter the real estate industry. So in this case, Xia Yu naturally said the more the better, to gain more favors.

Xia Yu nodded, thinking, Yue-Kong Pao and Peter Woo 翁婿2 waited quietly.

After a long time, Xia Yu sorted out his thoughts, he sat up straight, Yue-Kong Pao and Peter Woo immediately refreshed and looked at him with bright eyes.

“According to our company’s internal research data, among all industries in Hong Kong, the top 4 industries contributing to GDP are manufacturing, real estate, finance, and trade logistics.”

“The contribution of manufacturing to GDP exceeds 31%, and the manufacturing industry is mainly concentrated in the textile and garment industries. It can be said that it is the lifeline of Hong Kong’s economy and will not decline in the next ten years.”

“In the real estate industry, the growth rate has been very fast over the years, but now the pattern is basically set. If you want to rush in and become bigger and stronger, it’s very difficult. Unless you acquire an existing real estate giant, it will be difficult to get ahead.”

“The financial industry has strong manufacturing support, and the prospects of the financial industry are amazing…in the next 40 years, it will not decline. Pao-sang has two financial and investment companies under your control. You should have an intuitive feeling.”

“Finally is the trade logistics industry. Hong Kong is blessed by heaven and backed by the mainland. It is the mainland’s external window. Whether it is the Pacific Ocean Region or the Indian Ocean Regon, it must pass through Hong Kong… So the trade logistics industry has a good prospect. And with Pao-sang your current strength in the shipping industry, if you step into this industry, you have a huge advantage.”

“In other industries, although there are good ones, it is not suitable for you in Pao-sang. After all, it is not as good as these four major industries, and there is less room to use it.”

“My opinion is probably that, Pao-sang, you can see if it works.”

After speaking, Xia Yu sighed, picked up the tea cup and drank slowly.

What Xia Yu said is really a real dry goods. When See How stabbed Jardine Air Cargo Terminals in the newspaper, the newspaper article analyzed the impact of the decline in Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry on air transport, but that is a way of avoiding the importance of it, not mentioning it. The advantages only magnify the disadvantages.

Although the manufacturing industry’s share of GDP declined, the decline was small. Combined with Hong Kong’s economic growth rate, the scale actually increased. However, the article does not analyze it from this aspect, but instead seizes the year-on-year decline in the proportion. Focus on writing this point, the purpose is to guide public opinion.

But when speaking in front of Yue-Kong Pao, Xia Yu said it truthfully, revealing its sincerity.

“Thanks to Xia-sang for the point!”

Yue-Kong Pao first thanked Xia Yu, then contemplated it. He deeply agreed with Xia Yu’s opinions.

In addition to World-Wide Shipping, Yue-Kong Pao has 2 companies in the financial industry, namely Worldwide Financial Limited and Lufeng International Investment Co., which are involved in securities and capital investment, but they are not deep enough. The development can only be said to be OK. , Mainly using its own resources and advantages to develop, not comparable to those extremely professional financial companies.

But finance is the blood of social and commercial development. There is no doubt about importance. Yue-Kong Pao definitely wants to get involved, but there is no such professional talent as Xia Yu. If you want to go all out, it’s very difficult. There are many problems. .

In the manufacturing industry, rich and powerful families are getting together, although it is good, but if you want to get involved, competition is too great, and it is difficult to use your own advantages. It is too difficult to catch up with others in the accumulation of several decades. Yue-Kong Pao does not want to Get involved.

The remaining two industries, real estate and trade logistics, are both good industries, but for real estate, the span is too large for him. As Xia Yu said, it would be too late for him to enter the market urgently now. He couldn’t wait so long.

The only way is to acquire and annex, which is definitely difficult.

As for the trade logistics industry, the shipping he is currently working on belongs to a sub-industry in the trade logistics industry. He knows the internal ways very well. Even in other sub-sectors such as air transportation, terminal operations, inland transportation, etc., he can Start quickly, and even use your own advantages to make a perfect transition, and promote the rapid development of companies in new fields.

“I was still interested in real estate, but now it seems that trade logistics and finance are not bad!”

After Yue-Kong Pao thought about it, he thought to himself.

At the same time, his impression of Xia Yu in his heart has risen sharply, and he has to say that Xia Yu is really giving him advice, and he can feel the sincere attitude.

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