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“Yes, Boss, the crisis of Sing Tao News Corporation is very serious, and it has reached the point of life or death.”

Yan Wenhan’s smile narrowed, and his face was seriously said.

Seeing Boss Xia Yu’s expression become serious, Yan Wenhan continued to tell what he knew.

“The most fundamental problem facing Sing Tao News Corporation is lack of money. The resulting series of situations can also be summarized into three aspects.”

“The first is the debt collection by the bank. Now the bank account has been frozen. I heard that Sing Tao News Corporation has used multiple bank loans. The largest one is from Hong Kong Commercial Bank with a loan of 10 million HKD. Now many banks Come to ask for money.”

“The second is that there are many advertisers claiming that because of sales falsification, fraud has been involved. Many advertisers have sent someone to guard the downstairs of Sing Tao News Corporation, asking them to return the advertising money privately, and even more demanding Sing Tao News Corporation doubled the damages, otherwise it would take it to court as a commercial fraud.”

“The last point is also the most serious. At present, Sing Tao News Corporation is still in a state of suspension of business for rectification. All its employees are closed. Now their accounts are frozen and wages are no longer available. Its employees are already restless. According to the current situation, I want to The reopening will not solve the problems of advertisers and banks. Even if the Government of Hong Kong let it go, it is estimated that it will be nowhere in sight.”

“So now it has become a deadlock. The only way to survive is to immediately take out the money to solve the problems of advertisers and banks, so that we can find a way to resume publication.”

“But in the current situation of Sing Tao News Corporation, no one would dare to lend to Sally Aw, that’s why she thought of selling the company and getting away. Otherwise, if it drags on, not only will the company go bankrupt, but Sally Aw will even face jail. “

After listening to Yan Wenhan’s words, Xia Yu’s eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and her eyebrows contemplated.

According to Yan Wenhan, the life of Sing Tao News Corporation is really not easy. To put it plainly is to the point of survival or death.

If there is no money to solve the problem, there is no hope of re-publishing, and there is no way for employees to pay their salaries. When they still have no hope, employees will definitely leave.

But as soon as the employee resigns and the team disperses, the game will be completely finished. When the time comes, it will be useless to pay.

So as Yan Wenhan said, Sally Aw’s only way is to pay the money back to the bank immediately, and then solve the advertiser’s problem, and finally find a way to resume its newspapers and continue to make money.

But here comes the problem again!

Even if its newspaper resumes publication, with the dark history of Sing Tao News Corporation sales falsification, which advertiser would dare to advertise?

And also consider the possibility of a sharp drop in sales when the time comes!

There is no advertising revenue, sales are declining, and the company has to spend on operations. What kind of money can you make just by selling newspapers? Sally Aw’s ability is nothing but Sally Aw!

So even when the time comes to reopen, the value of Sing Tao News Corporation will be greatly reduced. It’s not bad to keep alive. If you want to stand up, you don’t know how long it will be!

“Bankruptcy and prison 2 With a knife hanging over her head, Sally Aw thought of selling the company, it is really possible!”

Xia Yu thought to himself.

Find a strong buyer and transfer all the risks and debts to the new boss. By the way, you can get a sum of money. This is very different from bankruptcy and prison!

Of course, the premise is that Sally Aw can find someone who has the strength and is willing to take the risk to take over the company!

And Xia Yu can say unceremoniously that he has this ability and strength!

If Sing Tao News Corporation can be acquired, then…

Thinking of this, Xia Yu eyes flash of brilliant thought.

“Is this news released by Sing Tao News Corporation, or did you send someone to secretly inquire about it?”

Xia Yu asked seriously, he must figure out this point before he can make correct thinking and judgments.

Yan Wenhan was taken aback for a moment, and browsed slightly wrinkle for a moment and said, “It is the news from Sing Tao News Corporation, but in my opinion, it should have been leaked on purpose.”

“Why do you think so?”

Xia Yu asked.

“Because I got a gossip. I heard that Sally Aw flies into a rage at the company and cursed British. It must be British behind the scenes.”

“The advertisers who were stubbornly reluctant to keep private were instigated by British unless she sold the company, but I heard that the price was too low and Sally Aw was unwilling to sell.”

“So I guess Sally Aw deliberately released the news, either to take the opportunity to attract more buyers, or new buyers to pay high prices, or to force British to pay high prices.”

Yan Wenhan said with a serious expression, and after speaking, he looked towards Xia Yu, waiting for the Boss’ order.

Xia Yu brows slightly wrinkle, the brain turns quickly.


“British-man hit a person when he’s down profiting from somebody’s misfortune is very possible, but who is it? It forced Sally Aw such an arrogant person to bow their heads, and can only secretly spread the news. There are so many British, which one is it?”

“Wenhan, do you know who wants to profit from somebody’s misfortune?”

Xia Yu asked.

“I don’t know this, but I have sent someone to inquire before I came here. I don’t know if I can fight to hear it.”

Yan Wenhan said truthfully.

Xia Yu slightly nodded did not ask much, condensed his eyebrows, thought for a while and said: “Forget it, who is not important, the important thing is that we must find a way to buy Sing Tao News Corporation.”

“Buy it?”

Yan Wenhan’s eyes widened in surprise, he really didn’t expect to buy it.

As soon as he got the news, he had a single thought in his mind. Sing Tao News Corporation had no threats. Jiuding Newspapers Co.’s Overlord position was completely stabilized. In the future, the media industry will be the world of Jiuding Newspapers Co..

He didn’t think about buying it because he thought it was not worth it, and it was too risky to buy it. In the case of Jiuding Newspapers Co., it is unnecessary to buy it.

Besides, even if Jiuding Newspapers Co. wants to buy it, it’s hard to say whether Sally Aw is willing to sell it or not!

To know that Sing Tao News Corporation has come to this step now, and trace the root cause, it is still to blame on Jiuding Newspapers Co., the two sides are rivals, it is estimated that Sally Aw is sold to no one and is not willing to sell to Jiuding Newspapers Co..

“Boss, is it possible to buy this? And it’s not worth it? The price should be high.”

Yan Wenhan asked puzzledly.

Xia Yu mouth raised a smirk and said: “How can I know if I don’t try? Is 10000 possible?”

“As for whether it is worth it or not, as long as it is in our hands, it will be worth it. The price will only be known after we talk about it.

Xia Yu really wants to buy Sing Tao News Corporation.

High cost?

The price is cut to reasonable!

High risk?

That’s all varies from person to person, which is a huge risk for Sally Aw. Putting it on Xia Yu is child’s play, and he can easily resolve it!

Moreover, Sing Tao News Corporation is better in his hands than in the hands of others, at least the potential threat will disappear and its own strength can be enhanced.

Even if “Sing Tao Daily” and “The Standard” are homogenized with the newspapers owned by Jiuding Newspapers Co., when they get it in hand, Xia Yu has ways to rectify them.

With such a large media market, Hong Kong has to accommodate every 2 newspapers. There are more newspapers that are homogenous with the newspapers owned by Jiuding Newspapers Co., but what can be done?

As long as the quality of newspapers is improved, and positioning is well done, isn’t it enough to grab the market from other newspapers?

Or is the newspaper revised to avoid homogeneity competition with other newspapers under the Jiuding Newspapers Co., and can’t beat “Jiuding Daily” and “Fengyun Daily”, but also fight other newspapers?

With Jiuding News Agency in hand, Xia Yu has no worries about not having high-quality news to publish, only that there are not enough newspapers in her hand and not enough pages to report all the news!

“Then Boss, I’ll try it right away.”

Seeing the attitude of Boss, Yan Wenhan agreed even though he was dubious in his heart.

After a while, Yan Wenhan went out full of thoughts. When the morning was about to pass, Yan Wenhan came to the office again. He still had an incredible expression in his eyes.

“Boss, I went to test Sally Aw, she didn’t expect that she didn’t refuse, but said she wanted to meet you.”

Yan Wenhan reported.

If there is no rejection, it is possible, and if you want to meet Boss Xia Yu, the hope is even greater. As long as the negotiation is good, it is really possible to buy it.

When the time comes the specific situation depends on the means of the boss!

“see me?”

“No problem, promise her, and the location and time are up to her.”

Xia Yu mouth raised a smirk, and said lightly, let Sally Aw set the time and place, she can definitely feel Xia Yu’s kindness, even if she is angry, when the time comes can get rid of some, which is more beneficial to the negotiation.

“Okay, I will reply to her immediately!”

Yan Wenhan said heavily nodded.

“Go ahead, hurry up!”

Xia Yu said with a smile.

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