Rebirth of the Super Banking System

Chapter 281: Turning the face is faster than turning the book, promise

Chapter 281

It's half past six in the evening.

Bangkok International Airport.

It was already dark at this time, but it did not prevent the flow of people from this huge airport.

Tang Kai was standing at the airport exit, with six bodyguards standing behind him. The whole battle was that no strangers should enter. Many passengers pointed to them, black suits and black shirts. Fortunately, there were no slacks at night. Wearing sunglasses on the ground, many people think that Tang Kai is a big brother of an underground force, and he walks around and bows his head, so as not to watch too much and get into trouble.

It’s not that Tang Kai pretends, but since Prasong’s death, Bangkok has not been calm. Although the underground situation in Bangkok has stabilized in the past few days, he dare not take it lightly. Going out is the same as before, with at least six bodyguard.

This time, Chai Ren and Liu Gan will be picked up.

The flight had landed at this time, but people hadn't come out yet, otherwise Tang Kai wouldn't get out of the car and waited at the exit.

After a while, the passengers came out of it, and the soldiers around him suddenly reminded:

"Ms. Tang, they are here."

This kind of service can only be enjoyed by people above Tang Kai's level, and it would be nice for Liu Gan to take care of him.

"Where is it?" Tang Kai, who was thinking of something in a trance, came back to his senses.

Then following the direction of the soldier's finger, he saw Liu Gan and his group at a glance. Four big men in black followed behind. Liu Gan and a young man walked in front. Liu Gan was still slightly behind the young man by half a step, showing respect.

Tang Kai standing at the door was really conspicuous. Liu Gan saw Tang Kai at a glance, and quickly waved, Tang Kai also waved to indicate that I saw you.

But as soon as they walked in front of Tang Kai, the Yuan brother in their mouth automatically judged that the mission was over. The soldier said nothing, and walked quickly behind Tang Kai, doing what a bodyguard should do to guard the guard. .

At this point, the protection leasing relationship ended, and Liu Gan immediately became a stranger, and his level was a little higher than that of passersby. In the event of an emergency, he could be rescued selectively.

Upon seeing this, Chai Ren and Liu Gan were suddenly surprised, and then they glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of bitter smiles.

This is turning your face and not acknowledging people?

Although they had expected it a long time ago, they were so unrelenting that they would say goodbye without even saying hello. It still makes them a little unacceptable. This is not a question of emotional intelligence at all, but whether there is a problem.

At any rate, we are a super rich, a super second-generation, we have been together for half a month, and we don't miss old feelings at all. This kind of neglected feeling has not been met in many years.

Forget it, who told the soldiers to be their saviors.

This kind of professionalism, as a protected person, is quite reassuring, but as an unprotected person. . It really hurts people.

They all suffered a little internal injury.

Seeing them as strangers in front of them, Liu Gan and his party really felt as if they had lost something.

Maybe. . . Is it a sense of security?

Liu Gan sorted out his feelings of loss, and reached out and smiled: "Haha, Mr. Tang, it's been a long time."

"Well, it's only a month." Tang Kai, who shook hands with Liu Gan, chuckled.

Liu Gan smiled and said: "One month is a long time. By the way, Mr. Tang, let me introduce you. This is Shao Chai from China, who is mainly interested in mining. This is Mr. Tang."

"Shao Chai, hello." Tang Kai greeted with a smile, reaching out his hand, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Mr. Tang, I have heard of the name for a long time, and I am lucky to meet." Chai Ren said with a smile. After finishing speaking, he took a good look at the confident businessman and the soldier next to the soldier who came out from the same place. His heart was full. envy.

Although Liu Gan said that the relationship between the young and old in China is overwhelming, Tang Kai did not do anything flattering, because his life experience taught him that only interests can build a strong relationship, and no one looks down on it.

For example, a beggar kneels in front of him and mourns, abandoning his dignity and begging him to give him one hundred thousand yuan. One hundred thousand yuan is very small for him, a billionaire, very few, but will he give it? Of course not, it's a few hundred tops at most.

The core of interpersonal relationship is value exchange. There is no value that the other party needs. There is no need to flatter and shame. This time, the other party will make money by rubbing his own light. What if you have a background in the sky? Just take care of me and give basic respect and courtesy.

"Chai Shao is polite, Liu always doesn't say bad things about me." Tang Kai joked.

"No matter what, I always speak nice things." Liu Gan said quickly.

"Haha, please, I have already booked a position, and I will catch the wind for you." Tang Kai smiled.

"Thanks a lot."


Then a group of people got into the car, a total of 13 people, four cars, all Mercedes-Benz, two of them off-road, two cars, two of Tang Kai’s private car, two of the company’s reception car, Tang Kai has always been right Mercedes-Benz has a special liking, which is also the reason why they buy Mercedes-Benz when they return home.

After half an hour, they arrived at a large hotel in the city center.

During this period of time, the situation in Bangkok has been tense, and the number of domestic and foreign tourists has decreased a lot, but this does not affect the business here, because it was basically full before and here, and there is no place to book. Now, it is just full.

After seated.

The dishes will be ready in a short while.

After a few glasses of wine, I started to talk.

"Mr. Liu, how are you playing in the US this time?" Tang Kai asked with a smile.

Liu Gan looked at the wooden stake-like Yuan brothers, smiled, and said, "This trip to the United States is very good. Let me tell you that the big farm we went to is really big, and it can also hunt, ride, and ride. Fishing, etc., the mountains and rivers are beautiful, very interesting, next time I have the opportunity to let Chai take us to play together."

Liu Gan never told Tang Kai about the dangers. He thought Liu Gan had a great time. However, in terms of the results, I did have a good time.

"It's good to dare to love me, I'll give you a blessing." Tang Kai toasted and laughed.

Chai Ren and Tang Kai touched their glasses and said, "Everywhere, they are all friends. I also want to thank you for lending me Brother Yuan."

"You're welcome, it's not that Mr. Liu paid the fee. It's four million yuan. I think it hurts. As long as Mr. Liu doesn't blame me." Tang Kai didn't think much, but thought that Chai Ren was a courteous person. .

"Where will it be? This is the fee I raised. I think it is very reasonable." Liu Gan said hurriedly.

"Haha, Mr. Liu, I won’t be polite. I wish us a happy cooperation this time." Tang Kai didn’t bother to ask Liu Gan what he thinks. Four million RMB is not expensive, and if you have money, you can’t be so messy. Flowers.

"Happy cooperation, I really want to thank you again this time. Let us make a fortune easily. To Mr. Tang, I don’t know if there are any requirements for the transaction method and currency, and how can we be sure that we won’t suffer? "Liu Gan asked.

Talking about business, Tang Kai's face became serious and said:

"Mr. Liu, Shao Chai, don’t worry about it. You won’t suffer a loss, because the previous transaction method was that they were sent to the country, and the payment would be made after the value was verified. For the transaction method, they would be responsible for shipping to the border of Thailand. At that time there will be formal commercial papers. As long as we pay a certain fee, all those things will become legal assets. Don't worry, the forces behind doing this kind of business are very powerful. No one in Thailand dares to investigate the taxation of these goods or even legal issues. Because they are the law.

As for the trading currency, I haven't confirmed it yet. I don't know whether to follow the previous one, but it's okay. As long as the money is sufficient, there are ways to exchange for any currency. If there is no way on your side, I can match up. "Tang Kai slowly introduced.

Liu Gan didn't understand, but Chai Ren had heard about it. It was the Thai tax bureau who did this business. Instead of preventing smuggling, it would be better to open a door to do business. Everyone has money to make. Anyway, it's not a contraband.

"That's OK, our money is okay, what about the transaction time?" Chai Ren agreed.

"It is estimated that this week, the payment will be within three days after the inspection, so it is recommended that you get ready before Friday." Tang Kai said.

"Ms. Tang, the identity of the other party is okay, the internal stability is unstable." Chai Ren asked the question he cared most. If you get the goods first and pay later, you are still in Thailand. The problem is not big. What he is afraid of is other things, such as the enemy’s door-to-door or internal conflicts of interest. It is no fun to hit the pond fish. Not afraid, but Tang Kai is in trouble.

"Don’t worry, Shao Chai, I’ve asked someone to inquire about it. This time the site has been completely integrated. All the previous owners have died. One owner who doesn’t stay and does not exist comes to the door. I heard from the inside. It's very stable, unlike previous village owners." Tang Kai explained. He finally got the news, but what Tang Kai didn't know was that it was the news that Tang Qing had let him, just to dispel his worries.

After listening to Chai Ren, there is no doubt.

"I'm fine, happy cooperation." Chai Ren raised his glass and laughed.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Several people clinked their glasses and drank them all in one fell swoop.

After the business talks were over, a few people chatted happily. They met with Chai Ren for the first time. They played homework and told interesting stories. They were all giant crocodiles in shopping malls. They ran around everywhere. There were many thieves and thieves, and soon Tang Kai I got acquainted with Chai Ren.

After that, Tang Kai took the two back to his villa.

Early the next morning.

Tang Kai dialed the phone there, and Liu Gan and Chai Ren sat aside.

After a sound, it was connected over there, very quickly.

"Ms. Tang, have you decided yet?" The voice still sounded.

Tang Kai took a deep breath. This was the biggest single business he had talked about. He inevitably got nervous. "Hello, I have decided. I want all your goods. According to the previous rule, I will pay the money within three days after inspection. Do you know?" After finishing speaking, he reminded me carefully, otherwise this thing would be divergent due to misunderstanding, that would be really nonsense.

The answer over there relieved him.

"Of course we know this rule. We have prepared the goods. We can start shipping at noon tomorrow and arrive in the evening. The payment will be settled by 12 o'clock on Friday night at the latest. Is the pick-up location still the same place?"

"Yes, the old place, by the way, what is your payment method?" Tang Kai asked.

"In order to facilitate the transaction, this time you can use the three currencies of US dollar, Thai baht and RMB. There are no restrictions on cash and transfers. The international exchange rate will be used. I will give you an account at that Thai baht will do. "Tang Kai asked tentatively, before Wei Jun could only need US dollars and a small part of RMB and Thai baht.

"Yes," said the soldier over there.

Next, various things will be purchased on a large scale. Thailand is naturally the first shopping market, and all Thai baht is not a big problem.

"That's good, you guys prepare, I have to prepare too." Tang Kai has no problem.

"Okay, Mr. Tang, goodbye."

After speaking, I hung up the phone.

"President Tang, what did the other party say?" Liu Gan asked anxiously.

What Tang Kai spoke just now was Burmese, but they didn't understand it. Anyway, it was just like listening to the bible.

Tang Kai happily said: "Everything is okay. The goods will arrive tomorrow evening. After the inspection, you can pay before 12 o’clock on Friday night. You can use US dollars, Thai baht, and RMB. You can even use a single currency, cash or transfer. No limit."

"Really? That's good, so there is no need to change foreign currency. Then let him open an overseas account with ICBC, and I will call it directly." Chai Ren said with a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's start preparations separately."

Then the few people started to raise funds. The goods arrived tomorrow and there were four days left before payment. Although it was very short, it was enough for the three people. All of them were people with a way to borrow, borrow, embezzle or add money. It's not difficult to get enough funds on your own, especially if you can use your own currency, which is even more okay, but it saves a currency exchange fee.

For such a large sum of money, if you want to exchange RMB into US dollars, even Chai Ren cannot exchange it from the country’s foreign exchange reserves. He can only go to the black market, otherwise Chai Ren would not ask Liu Gan for US dollars last time.

Now, just wait to make money. )!!

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