Rebirth of the Super Banking System

Vol 2 Chapter 2057: No worries about no market


   Chai Ren hugged her daughter, took his wife, took a deep breath of the warm sea breeze, and looked satisfied and comfortable! This wave of maiden voyage was very cool.

   all the way.

   didn't play much.

   only stopped for one day in Xinjia. Normal sea voyages are quite boring, but this yacht is fully equipped and time passed by.

   is unfinished.

   Close your eyes.

   Open your eyes.

   entered the Burmese sea area.


   arrived at the island.

   "You can park a lot of big yachts in your place. Would you like to leave a berth for me?" Chai Ren finalized his yacht on the way here.


   There are not many places to stop in the country, and it is really good here.

  Blue sea.

   blue sky.

   Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

   If you want to play, come here quickly.


  Tang Kai agreed that this island belongs to the Tang family. It is only rented but not sold. The inner bay is very large. There is one more big yacht, which was built by himself.

   is nothing!



   Chai Ren is like a child cheerfully. Zheng Lin also immediately asked for a berth. He also ordered a yacht worth 280 million yuan from Tang's Shipbuilding Industry.


   Tang Kai doesn't matter.


   is all designed by Tang Qing, stop here, look comfortable.

  . . .

   Two days later.


   More than a week of travel is enough. The trip of the three sisters Qin Shiqi is not over yet, and their travel plan is to be in mid-August.


North America.


   North Asia.


   spans four continents.

   is not just playing everywhere, just a few key countries, as for South America, Antarctica, and Africa, forget it, but a few little girls have already started planning.

  ---Make time to go to the North and South Pole.

  Meet the penguins.

  Look at the polar bear.


   is still considered ‘reasonable’. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is called ‘adventure’, but for people with a certain degree of capital, this is just a trip.

   is normal.

  . . .

   In the air.

   Tangqing’s Gulfstream G550 did not fly domestically, but to the west. After almost two years of construction, the Wanqing North Africa Park in Algeria.

   was officially completed.

this time.

  He was going to attend the inauguration ceremony. As for the rest of the Tang family, it was Chai Ren's plane. This time, Tang Qing was the only one to go to Algeria.

   In the cabin.

very quiet.


   Tang Qing is not on it at all.

  . . .

   this moment.

  He was in a deep pit, watching one after another huge machines, continuously drilling, every time he drilled, ore with extremely high gold content was dug out.


   was transported to the mine cabinet by the conveyor belt.

   after it is full.

   A flash of light flashed, and the cabinet containing dozens of tons of ore suddenly disappeared, but within two seconds, the cabinet reappeared as an empty cabinet.

and this.

   is the underground gold mine in Equatorial Guinea. As one of the three major sources of gold in Tang Qing's hands, tons of gold are being dug up every day.

  -Nordic underground river.


  -Equatorial Guinea.

   The total monthly output of the three major gold mines has exceeded 230 tons. Looking at the daily rising gold reserves, Tang Qing is always surprised.

   One year down.

   The total output is even nearly three thousand tons.

among them.

   One third is sold to China, one third is stored, and one third is used to support the ever-increasing circulation of Asian dollars, which has its place.

last year.

   Burmese has publicly sold three hundred tons of gold'futures' to it. So far, more than 260 tons have been delivered, and the countries that bought it are very satisfied.

   and said: I want more.



  Myanmar Asian Bank Group will also increase its gold sales. This year, in addition to the gold transaction with China Xia, another 500 tons of gold will be sold.


   The world is going to be blinded again.

   three hundred.

   Five hundred.

   It amounts to a total of 800 tons. In history, the sale of physical gold of this scale has not happened many times, but it will definitely be rushed.

after all.

  In human history.

   gold and silver.

   has always served as a currency. Gold is one of the high-priced currencies. It used to be bought everywhere, but not because countries rarely reduce their holdings.

right now.

   is on sale.

  Of course, some countries are willing to ask for it.


   This is still official gold sales, and private gold sales have also begun to increase their efforts. It's a pity to let so many rich people from various countries come to Myanmar.

   gold bars.

   gold bricks.

   is very popular and there is no limit on purchase.

   Check it out.

   It was all the outflows of the Bank of Myanmar Group, which caused a heated discussion at the time. Everyone speculated that the Bank of Myanmar Group was selling off central bank reserves in violation of regulations.


   The next day.

   The central bank issued a document: No.


  Many people felt a sigh of sullenness, and it took a long time to leave. The Bank of Myanmar, the Bank of Myanmar, refuted the rumors to themselves, and it looked very strange.

At last.

   had to believe it.


   The shipment volume of private gold has been stable at around 80 tons. Like the quantity sold to China, it can generate more than 200 billion in revenue a year.

   a lot?


   is just enough.

  . . .

next moment.

   Tang Qing disappeared in the mine and came to the training area, a huge factory not far from the city. There was a burst of sound and the machine was constantly working.

  -oil refining.

  -ore smelting.


   serves all the needs of the Bank of Myanmar, both externally and internally. Many of the things exported from Myanmar, in fact, the outside factories simply do not have enough capacity.


   The entire Myanmar-Asia Special Economic Zone is firmly controlled. It is said that as much as it can be produced, it can be produced as much. Both the government and the private sector have no right to question it.


   provides a sufficient amount of goods, this is a fact. For example, 70% of the production capacity of preparation liquid, filtration solution, and Myanmar exports are all here.

   As for the factories built in other countries, they are in accordance with the normal rules. After all, they are people's sites. The more they produce, the more taxes they have to pay.

Why bother!

  . . .

at this time.


   The capital.


   A group of people came to the and boarded an Airbus private jet. Suleiman sat in the cabin vigorously, looking forward to the meeting later.

   At the beginning.

   met Tang Qing through his son-in-law Aiyman, and then facilitated the cooperation between the two to jointly invest in the construction of the Wanqing Mining North Africa Iron and Steel Park.


  Their family does not have much shares.


   attaches great importance to it, because the partner is Tang Qing, a man who has created many miracles, and is still creating it continuously.

  For the park.

   He is looking forward to it.

prior to.

   There is still a little bit of worry, what is the market for steelmaking? Although the North Africa Park radiates North Africa, it is ultimately limited by market demand.


right now.

   He suddenly realized that the investment was correct at that time.

   Who would have expected that the non-negotiable loans offered by Burmese, after that, expanded like crazy in scale, and even Algeria also borrowed money.

   repair the railway.


   also created the Loy City model in India, which has attracted the capital of African countries to move around, a large number of construction projects, which are about to be established, plus the Algerian railway.


   This time.

   As long as it is produced, there is no need to worry about no sales.

  :. :

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