Rebirth of the Super Banking System

Chapter 1896: The authority to say 1 no 2

Into the night.


Moon stars are scarce, and stricter and stricter pollution gas emission policies have allowed the Shanghai stock market to see the stars clearly on an increasing number of days. Tang Qing and Chai Ren lay on their chairs, looking at the sky.

In the words of Chai Ren: No matter how high your status is, you should look up at the starry sky. The insignificance and ignorance rising up can make people alert.

---the world is huge.

---The end, far away.

---Life is short.

---Cherish the present.

The more I look around.

The more in awe.

"You said, what is the purpose of the universe?" Chai Ren asked suddenly.

Tang Qing: "..."

A blank eye.

No thanks.

Can you ask a normal question?

"I think it's an experience." Chai Ren said to himself.


Eyes +1.

You're welcome.

"In the rest of my life, I must go to Mars to see." Chai Ren's thoughts have already gone to an alien planet.


This can be a spacecraft. If it is difficult to say, it is actually the same. If the life support system is good, the biggest problem is power. At the current level, flying out of the solar system is very difficult.


The United States, which landed on the moon decades ago.

these years.

Very low-key.

The investment in space is not large from the outside. In fact, the focus is on basic power equipment. Once it is resolved, if you want to increase the number of space stations, it will be no slower than dumping dumplings.

This plan.

in fact.

It is not top secret in major countries, and is secretly competing. Most people think that the power of space is more than the size and number of space stations. In fact, the power of space is what the major powers really compete.

Who solves it.

Who is it?

The extreme of chemical fuel is there. A few decades ago, scientists realized that relying on it, they would never enter the real interstellar age, so they didn't pay much attention to it later.

Only as assistive technology.


one day.

The United States suddenly said:

My aircraft carrier can go to the sky. Note: Please don't be surprised. This is a ‘constructive reminder’ given by the soldiers after summarizing the information collected. At that time, after learning about it, Tang Qing was not surprised.

this world.

Like him.

Most people don't know how many large bodies there are under the surface of the water.


Many of the top-secret plans of various countries are completely science fiction, but they are carried out in secret. There are few insiders. What Tang Qing can do is to become the deepest behemoth under the water.

Do not move.

A move.



No one knows he did it yet.

"Do you want to go to Mars?" Chai Ren turned his head and looked at Tang Qing.

"I don't want to."


"It's too simple." Tang Qing said softly. I really want to do this. It's really not difficult. It just takes too long and the power technology is not mature enough. Therefore, just like the United States and Russia, it won't be displayed.

Strike the space power technology first.


Fly to Mars, another month, why do you go? Dig a pile of rocks? If you don't die to the technical level of a round trip for less than a week, you still learn from the big countries and stay quiet.



Keep blowing.

In response, Chai Ren also rolled his eyes to Tang Qing, no thanks!

Turn your head.

Continue to look at the stars.

. . .




That night.

Buying calls from various countries, I called the Myanmar-Asia Environmental Protection Technology Company, and the result was that the sale was launched a week later, and the call to buy if I didn't figure it out was not the real target customer.

"The wolf is coming."


The global sewage treatment equipment manufacturers are all a little panicked, just like filtering solutions and filters, when they came out, a large number of global harmful gas filtering equipment manufacturers closed down.

This time.

Is it their turn?

No way.

Save yourself.

It is impossible to prevent it. Under the general trend, rush forward. If you can't prevent it, join as much as possible, and become an agent like those manufacturers of harmful gas filtration equipment.

That's right.

Those companies closed down, but stopped doing technology research and development, and started as agents of the Myanmar-Asia Environmental Technology Company. If the water purifier is unstoppable, they want to live and only get in the car.


One application should be sent to Burma.

. . .

Three days later.



Be invited.

Dozens of related companies from various countries have sent inspection delegations. On the plane, looking at the city below, Liang Hua was a little melancholy. The company's project seemed to be difficult to continue.

Sewage treatment has many directions.




These are the three main directions of the mainstream.

among them.

Their company just went to the sink, using chemical substances to treat specific sewage, which is effective, but the number of products is still too small, but they believe that the future has a bright future.


Survival is a bit difficult at the moment.

the first.

There are few products and little demand.


Competing with domestic and foreign counterparts.

In short.

The company has been established for several years, relying on state subsidies and orders from state-owned enterprises to survive to this day. Unexpectedly, the Myanmar-Asia Environmental Technology Company suddenly jumped out and said that they had reached the end point they were pursuing.


The boss couldn't sit still, and asked him to come and have a look.

"What's up here?"


The colleague looked out the window and asked suddenly.


Liang Hua took a look and said, "Build a city." Before coming, he did some homework. Yangon is now divided into two parts, one is the old city and the other is the new district.

On the new district.

A busy scene.

"Built the city?"

The colleague was surprised, looking at the area, it's so big.

Liang Hua smiled.

"I am rich, and Ling feels that the old city buildings are too backward, and the old pictures are too troublesome to paint, so I built a new Yangon district next to it, which is about half of the old city of Yangon."


"The residents of the old city will move into the new district."

"Can you live?" my colleague asked curiously.

"of course."

Speaking of which.

Liang Hua thought of Zero Madness, “Now, the number of Burmese residents in Yangon has been reduced to one-third of the original number. Therefore, the new district’s houses are definitely enough for them to live in.”

"What about the old city?"



The colleague was taken aback.

Liang Hua nodded, "Except for a small number of historically significant buildings, all of them will be demolished and rebuilt. From now on, like Xin'an City, living in the new district and traveling in the old city."


a long time.

The colleague just uttered a word.



Yangon is the capital of a country. It said that it would be demolished. In addition to feeling the madness of zero, it also has the financial resources of Myanmar. . . Zero is the only authority in this country.

Get off the machine.

"Get in the car."

"Thank you."

The Myanmar-Asia Environmental Technology Company arranges accommodation and vehicles. In fact, Liang Hua can already imagine that the other party's purpose is to hope that they will become consignees and take the road of ‘predecessors’.

in this way.

The benefits are many.

the first.

These companies already have many customers, and the conversion will be extremely fast.


Use corporate channels to quickly pass the approval for the listing of water purifying agents.

In short.

The abacus is very loud.


It's tempting, because the experience of the ‘senior’ tells them that the money earned by acting as an agent will be many times that of before. The ‘seniors’ who used to be poor are now richer.


To speak of resistance, it's really not that big. Just like filtering the solution, what is created is a bigger a market far beyond the previous, even if it is an agent, it will make more money than before.

"Many foreigners."

Liang Hua: "..."


You are already in a foreign country.


The car came to a luxury hotel, located at the junction of the new district and the old city. The hotel is very new, but not high, and the environment is beautiful. After observing for a while, I found that it is not a business hotel.

One question.


This is an industry of the Bank of Myanmar Group, which is mainly used for business reception of Myanmar-Asian enterprises. At noon, eating a free lunch, I feel happy, this thigh is also very good to hold.


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