
Drink enough.

Just leave?

of course not.

With trillion orders, the two meals seemed a bit stingy. The Myanmar National Art Troupe specially arranged a special evening party. After walking, more than a thousand people came to the huge building separated by a wall.

---Conference center.

"What a nice view!"


"It's not the same as before."


Someone has been here and looked at it in surprise.

Everyone looked up.

I saw it.

Over the oval building, huge and beautiful sword-wielding angels are projected, a total of twelve, surrounded by a circle, with long hair fluttering, and wings tens of meters agitated.


For an instant.

The guests were all conquered.


A photo.

far away.

More people joined the ranks of taking pictures and stopped to watch. This projection appeared for the first time, and there was no such thing ten minutes ago. Seeing that the door was closed but there were people inside, they immediately understood.

---Special session.


Two trillion orders.

After discounting is also a huge number, it is understandable to pay attention to it. In this regard, most of the foreigners present felt reasonable, because their lives were saved by others.


A large-scale charity performance will be held here.



Foreigners coming to Xin'an City.

As long as there is time, I will watch it once, and at other times, it is for rent. Due to the huge flow of people, in just over a month, three world-class concert tours have been held.

The field is full.

In addition.

Various performance groups are also scrambling to make reservations. Not only for foreigners, the income of Burmese locals has increased dramatically, and they have also begun to have a lot of spending power. Many have never seen it before.

right now.

I'm rich.

Watching a show is also a kind of social interaction.


It's embarrassing that you don't know what people say when you go out to chat. Material life is enriched, and spiritual life should also be enriched. In a good era, we can't just let it down.

. . .



After watching the show.

It's eleven o'clock.

As the invited party, naturally, there is no need to worry about no place to live. The new district has built so many high-end communities, such as hotels, that can be checked in with bags, so that these big customers will not be neglected.

Thousands of people can live anywhere.


"It's a good environment."



Everyone couldn't help but marvel.

of course.

It's not that I haven't seen it in the world, how could it be possible, I just marveled at the construction standards of the entire new district. There is no house in the world that is built to this standard.






All of them are good, and they are still used for low rents. Even in developed countries, this is impossible, because the Congressional budget will not approve such projects, and enterprises have no such ability.


They were amazed.



"There is no entertainment."

These words.

There is obviously some ‘color’.

"Don't think about it, there is none in Myanmar. I have to play, take a flight, and return to China." The people next to him spread their hands. Although the place is good, it is too strict about some ‘entertainment items’.

"I knew I would bring one here."


"The waiter is pretty."


This product.

Can I decorate my mind with clean things?


next moment.

The man slapped himself on the face.

"what's happenin?"



Then you don't have to work hard, it seems all red. That person was also speechless, just thinking about something sloppy, and slapped himself reflexively with his hand, which was very exciting.

Almost beaten up.

Brain: "Left hand, what are you doing?"

Left hand: "Hit the mosquitoes."

Brain: "Oh!"

. . .

Some people choose to take a rest, and more, to enjoy the night view of Xin'an City. The new district is defined as a living and leisure area. Therefore, it is not as lively as the main urban area of ​​Xin'an City at night.


Foreigners are restricted from entering and exiting at night.

after all.

The entire new district does not have a nominally open hotel, which is mainly used for local residents. Even during the day, the streets are full of foreigners at night, which looks very inappropriate.


Hughes strolled alone.

He was not here for the first time. After the city projection appeared, he visited with his friends once. After the establishment of the museum, it came again, this is the third time, so it is no stranger to Xin'an City.



have a future.

This is his evaluation of Xin'an City.

even if.

One day, when the original transcription solution is cracked, this city and the changes in this country will not disappear, roads, railways, docks, and airports. . . It will not go away.

Five years.

As long as it is not cracked within five years.

Can imagine.

The public infrastructure of Myanmar will be completely completed, the construction of new rural areas will be completely completed, and the urban construction will be complete. By then, the foundation of Myanmar will be very strong.







All investment will continue to generate stable income. Zero, will be completely on the altar, even if the president sits in the seventies and eighties, it is estimated that the Burmese people will not object.

Is walking around.

"Mr. Hughes!"


A man in his twenties exclaimed in surprise.


Who is this guy? Do I know you?


Respond politely.

"Hello there."

After the man introduced himself, Hughes understood. . I really don't know this guy, but at another private collection appreciation meeting, I had a fate, but I knew the other's father.


His father passed away six months ago.

This product.

I heard that he inherited his property, sold it everywhere, spent a lot of money, and a few pieces flowed into his father's hands. For a moment, he lost interest in chatting, "So it's you."

"Are you coming to Xin'an City to play?"


This question.

Hughes was speechless for a while. He didn't even know what he was here for, and probably didn't know that he was working for the Ovi Foundation. Such a person would be a waste of his time to say more.

Upon seeing this.

The young man was also embarrassed.

"That one."

"Mr. Hughes, I have a little trouble..." the young man said hesitantly.


Hughes stepped forward.


Is "Angel" written on my face? If you are in trouble, it is my business. I like to do good deeds, but that is to help the poor. You are not poor, and you are extravagant and annoying.


Looking at Hughes's back.

Raise your hand.


Put it down again, Hughes is an existence he can't afford.


"It seems that it's out of play." The young man was helpless. He came to Myanmar not to play, but to ‘recover’ his father’s stolen collection. After his father died, he sold a large amount of those collections.

Hundreds of pieces.

he thinks.

You can rely on these collections and eat for a lifetime. Starting from the sale of ordinary collections, I got a lot of money. Every day I spent a lot of money. I didn't think so. I just sold one piece for every money.

However ~www.novelmtl.com~ a month ago.

I dare not call the police because my home is stolen. . . They are all extremely precious, and they are of great value. If they call the police, he will not be able to get the high inheritance tax alone.

Underreporting the value of inheritance is also a way of tax evasion.

This dumb loss.

Can only swallow.


A week ago, he saw from a picture on the Internet that a stolen collection appeared in this museum with imitations written on it, but the collection was never displayed by his father.


he came.


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