883. 882 chapter Ben Leijian Mutation!

Chapter 882 Chapter Thunder Sword Mutation!


The screams of the magic sword came out, and the voice gradually weakened. Lin Biao could feel that the sword sword of the magic sword seemed to be dissipating.

wrong! Not dissipating, specifically, it is in fusion!

In the shocked eyes of Lin Biao, the three kinds of Huaguang were finally intertwined and completely integrated.

Lin Biao doesn’t know how to be good. Just let him integrate?

He can’t do anything now!

After pondering for a moment, Lin Biao simply gave up, but it is better to let it develop and see what Evolution can look like.

Time is accelerating, the days are flying fast, and the day goes by.

Lin Biao did not idle, continue to enlighten and annihilate the Nine Swords, and at the same time march toward the third looting.

Finally, the three-day deadline, the days of the sect annual meeting.


In the yard, a house suddenly exploded, and the dragon smashed out, and the imposing manner of the majestic audience stirred the audience.

Jun Xiaoya laughed: “Dragon brother, congratulations on breaking through the three robberies, you can promote Inner Sect at any time!”

“Hahaha! This third robbery is really troublesome. It took only a month to finish with father, and almost died!” Long You’s foul-mouthed.

“However, this is a lot of benefits!”

The dragon stunned his eyes and saw his body. Suddenly a transparent illusory shadow floated from the celestial cover, a shadow of a snake.

Immediately, he floated back and merged with the fleshy body.

“Haha! This is the soul out, how, great!” Long is proud of the road.

Jun Xiaoya suddenly felt ashamed, and there is such a way to cast souls out of the way. Generally speaking, they are all life and death, and they will only be used when fleeing from fleshy body.

Usually, if the soul is out, the fleshy body will be very unsafe and will be attacked by sneak.

Long You didn’t care, and asked: “What about Lin Biao? This month, he won’t grow up.”

“Lin Biao, he is still in seclusion.” Jun Xiaofang pointed to Lin Biao’s house.

“No, it’s still seclusion! Today is the day of the sect annual meeting. I have intentionally left seclusion, and he still refuses to come out.”

Long You was a little surprised. He walked over and knocked on Lin Biao’s room door, but there was no reaction at all.

When he is seclusion, he will not break in and he can only wait at the door.

Time is at noon.

Lin Biao did not mean to come out.

At this time, Han Fatty outside the door rushed in and shouted: “Hurry up, Time waits for no one, the elders are urging!”

Long You touched his head and said: “Or, do you go first?”

Han Fatty and Jun Xiaofang looked at each other and had to leave first.

The venue of the sect annual meeting is located in a Secret Realm outside the Zhongzhou Ancestral Hall. It is a special place opened by Wan Guidong’s former seniors who used Space.

From there, ordinary disciples spend a day or so even on the Interstate Transmission Array.

But the elders of the Spider Hall work together to take the path, and move the great array with void, which can be reached in one hour.

On the central square of the Spider Hall, there are 20,000 people, including one thousand Inner Sect disciples, 20,000 foreign disciples, and countless comrades who watched the opera on the side of the square.

The comrades in the chores are all robbed of real people and are not eligible to participate.

The elders and Deacons of the Spider Hall are surrounded by the square. The number of Deacons is quite large, and the elders are rare. There are only about 20 people.

The cold eyes were swept over the square, and my heart was puzzled.

“It’s all this time, is Lin Biao still not coming?”

Lei Xiao and Liu Hu, who had enmity with Lin Biao, two people looked at each other and were very puzzled. They had already discussed the strategy of solving Lin Biao. If the other party did not come, it would be boring.

Among the disciples of Inner Sect, many of them have seen Lin Biao’s disciples, and one by one is quietly discussing how Lin Biao suddenly disappeared.

Moreover, even the nine thunder is not there, the two people are two strongest in the spider hall, not even!

You know, they are the hope of the Spider Church. These two people don’t come, they are definitely at the bottom.

“Hey! Even if it comes, it’s the bottom! It’s just not ugly.”

“If the evil Eldest Senior Brother is here!”

Many disciples whispered.

At this time, a gust of wind thunder and lightning flashed, the hurricane whistling, a huge shadow fell from the sky.

It turned out to be a white spider with a width of 100 meters!

This spider is milky white with black and white stripes, eight legs fluffy, green hair, very terrifying, and one is extremely poisonous!

On the back of the spider, standing with a black robe and a fight, it was the thousand spiders who had not appeared for a long time.

“See the Lord!”

As soon as the thousands of spiders appeared, all the disciples and elders shouted in unison.

Thousands of spiders’ real eyes, swept through the crowds, indifferent: “Are people all arrived?”

“Returning to the church, except for some of the disciples who did not participate in the annual meeting, most of them have arrived!” Cold as frost.

“Well! Sect annual meeting, in principle everyone is involved, but not reluctant, especially this annual meeting, I will remind you first, there may be a certain size of death and injury!”

Thousands of spiders looked at the many disciples and said coldly.

After everyone heard the words, suddenly I was shocked.

Every sect annual meeting, there will be a small number of people killed and injured, this is normal, but this time, why thousands of spiders deliberately said it.

Is it possible, is it a massive death or injury?

“If you are injured or in a bad state, you can quit now, or you will die if you participate.” Thousands of spiders are indifferent.

When you hear such warning words, everyone is uneasy.

“Give you five minutes to consider.” Thousand spiders are human.

Five minutes passed.

About half of the exit, leaving 10,000.

However, most of the people who quit are weaker in strength. It doesn’t matter whether they go or not, even if they go, they are just cannon fodder.

“Good! If so, let’s go!”

Thousands of spiders landed in the square, and took out a Space fluctuation Rune in his hand and pressed it on the ground.


The sparkling light, a Spaceflu, swept the entire square.

On the square of the Spider Hall, there is a coordinate point that connects to the Zhongzhou Ancestral Hall. Only one transmission symbol can be used for collective transmission.

“The owner, there is still one person who has not come.” The sound transmission is cold.

“Do not bother, if he still does not come at night, this person is not necessary for cultivation.” Thousands of spiders are cold and indifferent.

“Understand!” Cold as a dagger.

Space fluctuation flashes, the whole square is in a split second. It becomes empty, and the 10,000 people who were still here have disappeared in a flash.

At the moment, Lin Biao is the place of seclusion.

The Ben Lei Sword has been completely turned into black ink. The sword edge is mixed with black Thunder pattern. From time to time, thunder and lightning are released. The collection of thunder and lightning and magic makes the Space here very disorderly.

(End of this chapter)

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