879. Chapter 878 Snakes for men and women

Chapter 878 Snakes for men and women

In the dark, Lin Biao was hesitated. He and the nine thunders had vengeance, and many people said that Jiu Lei had been chasing him, but he did not encounter it.

However, according to the task of cold and cold, he must take action now!

Lin Biao thought for a moment, hitting a black annihilation of the real yuan, hitting the scorpion poison needle and extinguishing the poison needle.


The daughter-in-law, the dark snake, and the three people of the nine thunders brushed their faces toward Lin Biao.

After seeing Lin Biao, the wife and the dark snake looked at each other and looked confused. The two people did not know this person.

Nine thunder but the pupil shrinks, and the eyes are cold and suddenly appear.

“Who are you?” The dark snake was indifferent.

On the surface, in question, in reality, there is a lot of dark things in the sleeves, ready to throw out.

The other party can solve the poisonous needle of the wife, which means that there are two next time, maybe a ghost list expert.

“Spider Hall, Lin Biao.” Lin Biao calmly said.

“Oh? People in Spider Hall, I don’t remember that Spider Hall has such a person, is it new?”

The daughter-in-law smiled and said that there was a scarlet glow on her nails.

Lin Biao nodded: “It’s just half a year.”

“Hahaha! It turned out to be a newcomer. How far is it to go, I am not interested in a small character like you.” The dark snake smiled.

On the surface, he was not interested in Lin Biao. At his feet, a few snakes were drilled out of his trouser legs and drilled into the mud. He walked under the ground and directed straight to Lin Biao.

These snakes are hidden in the package of Soul Power, and ordinary people can’t find it at all. Even the nine thunders are overcast by him.

He does not think that people like Lin Biao can resist.


Suddenly, Lin Biao stepped on the ground, the ground thunder exploded, and several burnt black snakes broke out and flew out, burning the twine, apparently dead.


A dark snake, I can’t think of this person actually seeing it, there are two sons.

“What are you doing here?” asked the dark snake slowly.

Lin Biao smiled and said: “Being trusted, playing dogs.”

The dark snake suddenly stunned and immediately laughed: “Hahaha! It’s so funny, a little devil who doesn’t know where it came out, wants to challenge us.”

“I remember the top 50 in the ghost list. It seems that there is no such person. It’s killing.”

“It makes sense.”

The two people talked to each other and sentenced Lin Biao to death.

Lin Biao gave a slight glimpse, he could not think that the two people had to kill him.

After Jiu Lei heard the words, there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes. He was trying to kill Lin Biao. Who knows that this person actually took the initiative to send him to death, and he was troubled by the province.

He thought in his heart, was he taking advantage of the wife of the two people to kill Lin Biao, took the opportunity to slip away, after all, Lin Biao can kill the Guo brothers, there must be two sons, it should be able to stop for a moment.

“Give it to me to solve, I like this Xiaobai face!” The daughter licked her tongue and smiled.

“Come on!” the dark snake urged.

The daughter-in-law leaned over and suddenly smashed like a cheetah. On her finger, the nails stretched out a meter long, each with a scarlet-colored luster, and at first glance there was extremely poisonous.


The daughter-in-law grasped the claws of Lin Biao’s head. Such a huge hand must surely catch Lin Biao.

Lin Biao did not change color, suddenly the thunder flashed under his feet, mixed with the whistling sound of the wind, it is his secret art wind and lightning!


In the twinkling of an eye, he flew to the other side of the wife, and the sword in his hand was already sheathed.

“Fast! Be careful!” shouted the dark snake.

Lin Biao’s speed is too fast, and the means to deal with people is also simple, that is, the absolute speed plus the absolute destructive power, one force breaking the law, letting you all move, you can break it!


The sword light flashed, and the black annihilation of Will was fleeting, only to hear a sharp scream from the wife, and one hand was cut down.

The blood is flying, but her blood is green.

Such a surprise scene, let Jiu Lei and others all stunned.

Lin Biao unexpectedly made a heavy attack on the wife, what is the speed!

The wife who broke her hands stopped at the road and became angry at the moment.

“Kid, you dare to break my arm, I will never spare you!”

The daughter-in-law leaned over the ground and saw that her body was rapidly expanding and turned into a ten-meter-long scorpion.

Wan Guizong, in addition to recruiting Human Race disciples, also recruited a small amount of Monster Cultivator, provided that Innate Talent is sufficient.

For example, in front of the daughter-in-law, the main body is a scorpion Monster Beast.

Monster Beast cultivation to the transcend tribulation period, has been no different from the Human Race, only to be forced to take action, will be transformed into the Monster Beast form.

At this moment, the two foreheads of the wife were cut off and green blood was flowing.

“Can force me to show up, you are proud of yourself! Let’s die!”

On the tail of the wife, a huge poisonous needle stabbed toward Lin Biao, and the poisonous needle flew out numerous innumerable plush flying needles, which were almost invisible to the naked eye.

“Destroy the storm!”

Lin Biao’s wrists danced, and the black storm Sword Intent was distributed in all directions. Under the storm, all the nearby poison needles were wiped out.

When the dark snake saw it, he knew that the strength of the child was good, and he could not keep his hand. He planned to work together to solve Lin Biao.

He grabbed Lin Biao with his hand, and his arm instantly stretched to a length of 100 meters, like a slender and slender rubber, grabbed toward Lin Biao’s neck, and five fingers were turned into snake-type fangs. .

“A snake and a scorpion will make you die clearly.”

Lin Biao’s palms are shot, and on the top of the head, there is a huge hoe phantom, which is his holy Soul Skill, the soul singer!

Monster Beast Soul Power is weaker than the same level Human Race.

Deal with them and use Soul Skill.

When Lin Biao was in the gambling, he applied this trick and solved the first person of the outer door. The evil cloud has not recovered yet, and the terrifying of this trick can be seen.

“Oops! It is the sorrow of the soul!” The daughter-in-law shrinks.

As Monster Beast, the most worried is the powerful Soul Skill, but it is harmless, they have long been able to cope.


The illusory gimmick, a long humming, the soul of the soul of the song as the center, swept in all directions.


The slender hand of the dark snake was smashing to the neck of Lin Biao, and after being swept by the ripples, he suddenly became halfway and could not advance.

“Women, show the soul of the town!”

The dark snake and the daughter-in-law did not hesitate to hesitate to display the soul clock, forming an illusory clock on the top of the head to protect them.

Their Soul Power is weak on the ghost list. In order to prevent being hurt by Soul Skill, the two people have cultivated the soul of the town to defend against the soul defense. No mistakes have been made so far.

However, when the invisible ruined ripples swept through the town’s soul clock, the entire clock face was terrifying and there was a slight crack.

The soul of the town, can not stop.

(End of this chapter)

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