877. Chapter 876 is ruined

Chapter 876

Some elders did not express their opinions. They just thought that the elders who are spiders should not talk to other churches, but should maintain their own disciples.

Only with the elders Lei Xiao and the elders Liu Hu took the lead, they did not choose to speak.

When the evil winds saw it, suddenly smiled.

“Not bad, the elders of your Spider Hall are quite understandable, foxes, learn something, think about the big picture.”

The evil wind is a real smile.

Cold as frost, silver teeth bite, anger tumbling.

How did the Spider Hall raise these two casks, did not maintain their own disciples, and instead sent them out.

If the general disciple is okay, the person in front of him is Lin Biao. If he enters the Spider Hall for half a year, he will have such strength. It may be the best person of Innate Talent in the history of Wan Gui Zong!

“Let me take a trip!”

The evil wind is really touching the hand.

“Wait!” Lin Biao suddenly said.

“Oh? Do you have any last words?” The evil wind laughed.

“I first ask, in the ghost crying forest, when someone encounters action on you, can you fight back and kill the other party?” Lin Biao asked.

“of course can.”

“Is this not nonsense?”

Many elders have whispered, and in the Wan Gui Zong, let alone passively counterattack, even if the initiative take action is no big deal.

“Nature can.” The evil wind nodded.

“Ting Ling three people are self-sufficient and powerful. Seeing that I have a threat to my disciples, I will take action on me, I want to make heavy debts, and miss the family. So people who are so vicious, I am just a small punishment. They can’t bear to die directly. Who can blame?”

“Don’t I fight back, stand and let them inflict heavy losses, go back and lie down for half a year to meet the rules?”

Lin Biao sneered.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was dumb.

This Lin Biao is so courageous that he does not know who the evil wind is, and dares to speak to him.

“Bold, dare to question the rules of Wan Gui Zong, your court death is not Succeed!” The shadow king in the distance suddenly shouted.

“Oh, a group of waste, only send the Master to suppress people, hiding behind the shrinking turtle, 蜈蚣堂, no more than this!”

Lin Biao’s ridiculous eyes swept through the shadow king and Ling Jian, and he was merciless.

Many elders were directly shocked.

It’s not a terrible story to die, it’s not too fast!

However, there are some elders who think that Lin Biao’s ridicule of these words seems to be very cool!


The evil wind is very angry and cold, and the terrifying soul suppression force falls on Lin Biao’s body.

“The soul of the town!”

Lin Biao whispered, and an illusory big clock appeared on the top of his head to protect his Sea of ​​Consciousness. Even the evil force of the evil spirits can be withstood.

“Good Soul Power!” Everyone is making a sigh of relief.

“Snort! Soul Power is good, no wonder it will be seen by thousands of spiders, but it can’t stay with you!”

The evil wind screamed and was about to take action to catch Lin Biao, but suddenly, there was no place to stop.

Ling Jian saw it and quickly trembled: “The evil wind is real, catch him!”

The evil wind does not care about him.

Just seeing, Lin Biao’s gaze straight on Ling Jian, sneer: “Ling Jian, but a rubbish, just dare to call the owner of the house for you, but he shivered behind, I have seen waste, have not seen you so Waste!”

Ling Jian heard the words, completely anger, his face is blue-red.

“Hey! I’m still angry. I will see you when I see you later. I will see you once and hit you once!”

Lin Biao stared at Ling Jian and ruthlessly screamed.

“You…” Ling Jian anger attacked heart, directly squirting a blood, so that many elders are silent.

Lin Biao was not finished yet, and turned to look at the elders of Lei and Liu Long, who were behind him, sneer: “The elders of the two Spider Halls are not for their own disciples, speak for outsiders, you two people, it is more appropriate to go out as a dog! ”

“Vertical court death!”

Lei Elder and Liu Elder immediately became angry and shouted at the evil wind: “The evil wind Sir, this person does not divide, the heavens are difficult! Let’s take this person down!”

However, the evil wind has never taken action.

The evil face has changed and changed, and seems to have heard something.

At the moment, a devilish voice is echoing in his mind.

“Go back!” “Go back!” “Go back!”…

These three words are constantly being played back and forth in his mind, like a magic sound.

He is convinced that this is not a Spiritual Sense sound transmission, but a word that appears in the air.

The evil wind looked around, but did not know who was talking to him!

This only shows that the strength of the other side is far better than him!

“Is it a ghost Jun? Impossible, how can the ghost Jun suddenly come to the spider house? Not him, who can it?”

I can’t understand the evil wind.

These three words are still playing back in the mind, which makes him afraid to catch Lin Biao, and if he angered the one hidden in the dark, it would be a big problem.

At this time, the people outside did not know what the evil wind had heard.

Lin Biao said that the more vigorous, pointing to the shadow king sneer: “I heard that you are the shadow king, hiding behind the evil wind, the turtle Wang Ba?”

“You are talking about me?”

“Ha ha! I dare not come to challenge me, call your Master to catch me back, not what is the turtle king?” Lin Biao said.

The Shadow King was completely angry, and his hazy face was twisted into a twist, which seemed to be a bit embarrassing.

Grand is the eighth in the ghost list, people are scared, and where a peer disciple is provocative, this seriously violates his dignity!

The Shadow King immediately handed the evil wind to the real person: “Master, I requested take action, challenge Lin…”

“Give me a shut up!”

The evil wind suddenly shouted.

The scene was quiet in a split second.

Everyone looked at the evil wind and it was unknown.

“Go back!” The evil wind followed.

Ling Jian and Shadow King are completely shocked.

Is this going back?

Lei Elder and Liu Elder are not inconceivable. They quickly said: “The evil wind Sir, this Lin Biao has not been punished, just left?”

“Shut up!” The evil wind sighed coldly.

The two people dare not say anything.

“Hey! Two, you give people a slap, others don’t agree.” Lin Biao laughed.


Lei Chang old gas seven smoke, pointing to Lin Biao, fingers shaking, can not wait to take action immediately, will kill Lin Biao, to smother the hatred.


I saw the evil wind hand wave, and took Ling Jian and the violent shadow king away.

Only the rest of the cobweb elders, looking at each other, did not understand what happened.

“Lin Lin, you are so bold, humiliating the elders, I can completely convict you!” Liu Hu angered.

“Give me all shut up!”

Suddenly, there was a voice in this sky.

After this sound appeared, the scene was quiet.

“Liu Hu, Lei Xiao, you two people really lost the face of the spiderhouse!” The voice continued.

(End of this chapter)

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