875. Chapter 874 chapter one sword!

The 874 chapter is a sword!

Unfortunately, it is too slow!

In a scream, the black sword light greatly rises, drowning the three people’s figure.

The sword of silence! There is no Devouring god of the dragon, it has the power to destroy the earth, and there is no shock in the earth! Yes, it is just silent death!

It’s like a breeze blowing, it’s not sounding, but it’s deadly!

Just seeing the black light, the three people’s body withered at terrifying speed, full of white hair, flesh and blood shrinking. Among them, Lingying and Linglong two people turned into skinny on the spot, and finally life died completely and fell to the ground.

“Blood Escape Technique !”

Ling Jian is a palm shot in the chest, the blood of the whole body is ejected from the tail, like a rocket, smashing into the distance, in the twinkling of an eye, disappears at the end of the line of sight, only remains the bloody rain, flying and under.

“Kid, you are dead, dare to kill the genius of the ghost list, the king of the father can not save you! Go back and die!”

Far away, the roar of Ling Jian came.

The black light dissipated.

Looking at it, the fertile land has become dry, and the forest has become a dead wood. Here, it is a dead place, the only dead zone in the ghost forest.

Lin Biao’s “Yu Tong” slammed on the ground for a long time, his face pale, the hands of the running Lei sword lost their color, and became ordinary iron sword, without the slightest vitality.

Lin Biao gasped slightly, his sweat on his forehead dripped down, and a white spot appeared on his forehead.

Long You is still in the same place, not moving.

“This is Lin Biao’s killing move!” Long You stunned: “Too terrifying! If this trick is used by me, I will die forever!”

Although Long You can’t kill, this trick is to directly reduce vitality. Anyone who suffers such terrifying attacks is also uncomfortable!

Just look at the middle of the dry yellow earth, lying with two dry corpse, it is exactly Lingying and Linglong.

The two people are dying, like the old man who has lived for countless years. No one would have thought that they were less than a thousand years old, or a disciple of the ancestral hall.

“Lin Lin, you…”

Long secluded looked at Lin Biao surprised, only to see Lin Biao on the ground, his face pale, his body slightly trembled.

“Nothing, this trick can’t be easily used.”

Lin Biao looked at the running sword in his hand. He could feel that the sword spirit in the Ben Lei sword was very weak.

He found a serious problem, his sword of silence is not perfect, there is a serious flaw, that is, the speed of the sword is not fast enough!

This led to Ling Jian actually running the Blood Escape Technique to run!

The main reason for this defect is that the sword spirit of Ben Leijian is too weak, just the four-star swordsman initial stage, not enough to control this trick!

The sword of silence is a double-edged sword. At the same time as the enemy is killed, its vitality will also be damaged. Especially the sword is only a sword, and the sword soul has been greatly traumatized.

He has to find Treasure that fixes the Soul Calibur and makes Evolution once, otherwise it would be harder to use it again.

There is still one month to go to the sect annual meeting, and Time must hurry.

“Go, go back to the spider house.” Lin Biao shouted.


Lin Biao and Long You two people immediately got up and took the ring of the two people of Lingying. Then the corpse of the two people was also destroyed by the way, and then went to the direction of the spider house.

When I thought of Ling Jian’s departure, Lin Biao’s heart was a little worried.

Running a potential enemy is a small matter, and Ling Jian can’t keep up with him. The problem is that he is worried that killing the two people of Lingying will bring a series of troubles.

You know, Ling Jian three people are afraid to kill them, but only propose to make them into heavy heavy losses.

“The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, and they will not leave the Wan Gui Zong.”

Lin Biao’s heart secretly said that he was not the one who was beaten and did not fight back. The other side wanted to deal with him. Of course, he had to solve it. Lin Biao did not regret it.


After the two hours after the great war here.

A black robe figure, with a pale face, a dry body arrived here.

It can be seen that the young man with a dry shape is Ling Ling who escaped from the sword of Lin Biao.

It’s just that in his eyes, there is a deep shocked, and it’s obviously a worry.

Another black robe figure, with a dark complexion and a dark-cold chill, seems to make his eyes freeze.

If someone sees him, he will know that this person is the eighth in the ghost list, the famous movie king, and the title of the king of the killer. It is said that even the four robbers died in his hands.

“You said, the disciple of Spider Church killed Ling Ying and Ling Long?” The black robe figure was cold and cold.

“Yes! It’s here, you look at this ground, it’s all caused by that trick!” Ling Jian said.

The shadow king looked down on a circle, and found out that the different commons of the environment here, the trees here are all withered, the green is lost, and even the land becomes yellow, and there is no life force.

After looking around for a lap, he said to himself: “I don’t remember that there is such an expert in the bottom of the Spider Hall.”

Ling Jian was also very puzzled in his heart. He died from the evil spirits. There was almost no genius disciple who could take the take action. Suddenly a monster appeared, and even he was almost killed. This made him dare not believe it.

“Ling Jian, as long as you dare to pledge to ensure that the truth is true, I can ask the teacher to ask, go to the spider hall to get back to justice!” Shadow King indifferent.

“My sword vow to the Heavens, the words are false, the sky is thunder!” Ling Jian immediately swore.

“Good! Dare to kill my brother in the ghost forest, I will let him pay the price!” Shadow King nodded and disappeared.

Wan Guizong has clearly stipulated that no disciple can be separated from the side.

Although there is a hidden rule, it will not be pursued for fratricidal outside, but it is limited to ordinary disciples. If the genius disciple on the ghost list is killed, the Wan Gui Zong will be severely punished.

Genius on the ghost list, each one is a gem of Wan Gui Zong, no one dares to take action easily. For example, after the assassination of the fifth list of ghosts, after being assassinated, thousands of spiders actually took action to trace the real murderer.

Even the three people of Ling Jian are only proposing to kill Lin Biao and Long You, let them lie for half a year instead of killing them directly. It is obvious how strict the Wan Gui Zong treats this matter.

“Kid, you just wait to die!” Ling Jian gnawed his teeth and followed the shadow king.


Half a day later, Lin Biao and Long You returned to the Spider Hall.

Long You found a place to break through, he had a robbery, and the third robbery should have no difficulty.

Lin Biao quickly came to Wanbaoge.

As cold as usual, lying on the lounge chair of the Wanbao Pavilion, lazy to stretch his Perfect posture, and wink at the passing pedestrians, but no one dares to approach her.

See Lin Biao came over, cold and frost smiled: “Hey! This is not Lin Biao, what Treasure is needed?”

(End of this chapter)

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