872. Chapter 871 Chapter Lin Wei VS Long You

Chapter 871 Chapter Lin Wei VS Long You

“Lin Lin, I only have a kind of supernatural powers, this is not fair.” Suddenly, the dragon looked at his face.

“Then we don’t have to use magical powers, how?” Lin Biao laughed.

“Oh? Then you can lose!” Long smiled.

He knows that Lin Biao’s supernatural powers are extremely strange and unpredictable. If you don’t use supernatural powers, Dragon is not afraid.

“That may not be!”

Lin Biao smiled coldly and suddenly disappeared.

“Wind and thunder!”

Just listen to a big drink, the wind thunder whistling, next moment, the dragon’s right side of a sword light hit, stroked a stunning arc, is almost impossible to dodge.

This is Lin Biao’s best trick, the wind and thunder and the annihilation of the nine swords!

The fastest speed plus the strongest big attack, so far no one can hold!

“Devouring deity!”

Suddenly, the dragon’s body instantly turned into a giant black hole. Lin Biao’s sword light ran through the black hole, and squatted on the air and came out from the other end.

Just seeing that the black hole was broken into two pieces by Lin Biao and became two semi-circles, but they quickly joined together.

This is not out of the expectation of Lin Biao, Long Youben is the body of immortality, even if it is cut off, it can be compounded quickly.


Suddenly, the black hole crashed toward the Lin Biao, where all the rocks around him were swallowed into the black hole and Devouring everything.

“It’s just right! Destroy the second style of Jiujian and burn Canghai!”

The sword in the hand of Lin Biao, passing through a devastating arc, only saw a magnificent and annihilated sword light, which appeared in the sky.

This open-minded sword crossed the void and landed on the black hole, passing through the black hole.

The black hole’s crazy rotation collided with the sword light.

However, what surprised Lin Biao was that after the sword light passed through, it disappeared directly, and even a little wave did not turn up. It’s like that the black hole is an endless abyss, you can Devouring anything.

“Good devotional Devouring Will, even my annihilation of Will can’t be annihilated!” Lin Biao’s heart movement.

Long You’s mood was even more shocking. He was the first time he met, and his Devouring Will couldn’t solve it.

The shape of Long You reappeared. On his double palms, there were countless small black holes, like large marbles.

“Lin Lin, try my Devouring!”

Just seeing Long You’s palms and waves, a small black hole, ejected from his palms, hitting Lin Biao like a marble.

Lin Biao flashed sideways and saw a black hole hitting the ground behind him.

The ground collapsed on the spot, and all the soil and trees within a few hundred meters of the area were all pulled toward the center and squeezed together to form a mess.

If it falls on the body, I am afraid that the flesh and blood will be swallowed up.

“Wind and thunder!” Lin Biao showed his thunder and flashed in the countless Devouring marbles, avoiding one after another.

The black holes hit the ground, and the land immediately caused a major earthquake, the forest was destroyed, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

“Oh, I see how you hide now!”

Long secluded cold smile, throat rolling, next moment, a large black hole in the mouth, like a storm, overwhelming shot to Lin Biao.

With such a large density range, there is almost no omni-directional coverage, and you must be hit anywhere you go!

Since you can’t hide, you’re hard!

“Destroy the sword of the Nineth, destroy the storm!”

Lin Sword light dance, in a split second, between Heaven and Earth. The black storm, only the storm-like sword light, screaming toward the front, and colliding with the small black holes.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

After the collision between the two, the two and two disappeared, the black hole and the sword light disappeared, and no one could resist anyone.

In the eyes of Lin Biao, the war was stunned and the more excited he was.

He was the first time he met, his martial arts, which could not solve the storm, the Devouring Will, the first opponent he met!

After a while, Long You stopped moving.

“Lin Biao, below my biggest killing move, a trick to win!”

The dragon’s palms spread out, and all the strengths of the whole body were gathered in the right palm.

I saw a large black vortex on his palm, a crazy rotation, and the trees of a hundred miles were uprooted, flying in the palms of the dragon.

“Devouring God!”

Long sec vision cold, a palm slammed out.

In the palm of your hand, Heaven and Earth changed color, and everything in the wind and the sky was like a Devouring force field. It was constantly attracted to the past and swallowed into the palm of the dragon.

Even Lin Biao’s gaze, there is a trace of solemn, he actually felt a threat in this move!

In the distance, the disciples of the three million ghosts are doing the task here.

Suddenly, they seem to have sensed something and looked in a certain direction.

“Are there a fight?” is a cold youth road.

“Look at this power, I am afraid it is a martial arts, and it will not be a holy grade, maybe a middle grade, or even a high grade…” Another yellow-haired youth said.

“Oh, what about the high grade, our Eldest Senior Brother is not without the high grade martial arts!” The last cool woman disdain.

The three people looked up and saw only the distant woods. The pieces were uprooted and flew up toward the center. The soil was tumbling and the scenery changed. Even the earth was shaking.

Beyond this distance, there is such power, which makes them interested.

“Maybe some ghost list genius is fighting!”

“Looking at the past!”

Everyone looked at each other and brushed over to the other side.

The sect annual meeting is about to start. They come over. In addition to doing tasks, searching for the cause of death without a soul, they also have the purpose of understanding the opponent in advance.

After all, to come here to do the task, there are many genius disciples in the five major halls, many genius encounter, are inevitably a “communication”, if it can be resolved in advance, you can also get rid of the aftermath, be regarded as the warm-up before the annual meeting Let’s go.

At this moment, the battle center.

Lin Biao faced the dragon’s devouring gods, and he couldn’t support himself. He flew involuntarily and flew toward the dragon’s palm.

The kind of terrifying Devouring force, let Lin Biao look at solemn.

“This move cannot be firmly resist !”

Lin Biao knew in his heart that this trick was a killing move of Long You, unless he showed a sword of silence, otherwise he would not be an opponent.

The sword of silence is regarded as a big killer of Lin Biao, reducing vitality, and sequelae. He is worried that after using it, it will have a serious negative impact on it! It doesn’t help you either.

Lin Biao does not intend to be like Long You, he is going to withdraw now!

Although Lin Biao also wants to do his best, a painful battle, he is also difficult to meet such an opponent, but rationality has overcome the impulse.

This battle is destined to only point to it.

(End of this chapter)

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