868. Chapter 867 Chapter Cheats?

Chapter 867 Chapter Cheats?

The situation is too complicated. Lin Biao heard the discussion of the road people along the way, and only understood about it.

“This is a real bone, it is really an old tycoon.” Lin Biao felt.

Everyone in the world said that the people of Wan Gui Zong, one more than a treacherous one, the one hundred and eight ghosts will bear the brunt.

Especially the real bones of the bones, after two plays to play the world, can be regarded as the name of the South.

Counting the hustle and bustle of Baizong City this time, it is conservatively estimated that it has offended more than three hundred large and small influences, and there are three factors with the influence of Zhenjun.

The punishment is true, the god is true, plus this time, Wan Jianzhen, who is fighting the Auction House.

Everyone has to chase him!

Lin Biao heard the discussion of the passers-by and didn’t know what to say.

Moreover, he seriously doubts that these incidents were planned by Wan Guizong in the back. With the strength of the human bones alone, it is impossible to make such a move.

“Wan Gengzong one hundred and eight ghosts, all with secret art, and even have supernatural powers, it is no wonder that Wan Gui Zong can become the super-largest of Nanfeng domain.” Lin Biao secretly said.

After some trek, the violent energy fluctuation in front of it gradually subsided, and it seems that the battle is over.

Auction House is just ahead.

Lin Biao looked around and saw only that the Auction House had turned into a blackened ruin, and the ground was stabbed.

The corpse of many people lying in the ruins should be killed by the real bones of the bones, and the corpse of the Qin President is also among them.

I saw a person with thousands of swords, like a hedgehog, suspended in the air, the chest together, full of anger, it is estimated that the so-called Wan Jianzhenjun.

“White bones, this time you have escaped, dare to kill my disciples, I will chase after the Nanfeng domain will also smash your corpse!”

Wan Jianzhenjun roar to the sky.

He waved his hand and sucked the storage ring of everyone in the ruins. Then a big sword appeared at his feet, and the sword flew and took the air.

Lin Biao saw it, but he shook his head.

He was originally coming back to see if he could leak something. As a result, the storage ring was taken away by Wan Jianzhen, and nothing could be obtained.

There are a lot of people who are holding the same ideas as Lin Biao, but unfortunately they have not been realized.

However, Long You is very excited. There are quite a few corpse here. Most of them are five robbers and even six robbers. If you eat, you can break through!

Long You was rushing to the past, but was stopped by Lin Biao.

“What are you worried about?” Lin Biao cold and cold.

When the dragon was quiet, he saw a group of people flying in the distance to collect the dead corpse.

The corpse of the origins, all of them are taken away by their own sect, and the rest are some scattered and undisciplined, these corpse can take away.

However, there will still be people to compete for these corpse, after all, the corpse of the transcend tribulation period are Treasure, can refining 傀儡, refining the blood, etc., the dragon secluded a real life, is the court death!

After some corpse collection, there were only a few scattered corpse, and at least one hundred people were staring at them, ready to rush to snatch.

“You are waiting here, I will bring you back corpse.” Lin Biao said.

“Good!” Long nodded.

Lin Biao is now full of beginners, and under the full speed, the five robbers may not be able to catch up. The only downside is that it doesn’t last long, but it’s more than enough to get back a few corpses.

Lin Biao hides in the dark, first invisible and invisible, and transforms himself into a smashing Hu Dahan. At first glance, it is a sinister person, so as not to be remembered.

“Wind and thunder!”

At the foot of Lin Biao, the hurricane thunder and lightning appeared. He only heard the sound of “噼啪”, and instantly disappeared into the original place and rushed into the ruins.


The crowds that have been on the lookout have also rushed to snatch those who have no owners.

Lin Biao didn’t dare to be greedy. He only took two corpse. If he didn’t look at it and incomed with the body Space, he immediately showed the wind and thunder, and the original way back, and instantly flew to the distance.

Someone saw Lin Biao so fast, and did not mind to chase, but to focus on other corpse.

After a while, Lin Biao stopped on a clearing a hundred miles away.

At this point, he was so tired and panting, his face was pale, with the body of a real element is gone.

Fully urging the wind and thunder, the consumption is very big!

Long You rushed over, even asked hastily: “Lin, did corpse get it back?”

“Get it back, but it is not the time to leave Baizong City first, go to the ghost crying forest and find a hidden place to say!” Lin Biao gasped.

“Good!” Long nodded.

The two people left and flew toward the Southern Ghost Forest.

The big move of Baizong City is estimated to spread to Nanfeng Field soon.


After a long flight, the two people were completely away from the Baizong City and entered the scope of the ghost forest.

Looking for a nobody’s mountain forest, Lin Biao dug a cave dwelling and entered it.

In the cave dwelling, Lin Biao took out the two corpse with the body Space.

One of them is a dead old man, and the other is a masked man wearing a cloak.


Suddenly, Lin Biao stared at the masked man wearing the cloak and made an amazed.

“I remember that this person bought the person who had robbed Dan. He did not expect to become a corpse.” Lin said.

When he snatched corpse, he didn’t have time to observe it carefully. Now I can see at a glance that this person was at the auction and bought Lin Canghai’s robbery Dan, but unfortunately, he died.

And his storage ring was taken away by Wan Jianzhen, it is a pity.

“If you have more money, you are not going to be eaten by my dragon Uncle, haha!”

The dragon was so excited that he dragged the masked man directly and prepared to open it.

Suddenly, there was an extremely shocking scene. Lin Biao saw that the masked eyes of the masked man opened!


The dragon was shocked and flew straight out. He even retired for more than a dozen meters and stayed in the distance with horror.

Lin Biao is also waiting, nervously staring.

Just seeing, the masked man’s eyes turned and looked at Lin Biao.

Looking at the four eyes, you don’t know what to do.

“Scams… scams?” Long stunned his face pale and said in horror.

Lin Biao’s eyes picked up and Spiritual Sense probed into this person within the body.

That’s right! This person is indeed dead because his Sea of ​​Consciousness is empty!

Even if the meridians are broken, the real element is broken, the life force is saved… The fleshy body can be defeated again, or it may be suspended, but the Sea of ​​Consciousness is empty, indicating that this corpse has no soul!

Without the soul of the soul, it is absolutely impossible to die, and it is impossible to deceive Lin Biao.

But what about the scene before me?

“You… is a man a ghost?” Long sighed with courage and trembled and asked.

This person did not speak, just a pair of eyes staring straight at Lin Biao.

The atmosphere is exceptionally strange and quiet and scary.

Long secluded to breathe, swallowed hard, cold sweat came out.

(End of this chapter)

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