852. Chapter 851 Chapter Splitting Beads

Chapter 851 Splitting Beads


Long quiet.

The means of God is the magical power, can not be explained by the often Comprehension! The fragments of the body can still move, this is the magical power of the thunder!

Lin Biao saw such a supernatural power, and he also had some interest, and he was always behind.

I saw the body fragments of the torture thunder, and when I flew to the front, I gathered again and reunited into a complete torture.

Even after the two arms of the thunderbolt were powdered by Lin Biao, the “powders” flew over and gathered together. The condense became two complete arms and finally spliced ​​into the body of the thunder.

“My mom!” Long screamed.

Compared with this supernatural power, his undead body is also slag!

“Interesting, such a supernatural power, I have settled!”

Compared with the shock of Long You, Lin Biao seems to be full of interest. He has lived for countless years, and he has seen the powerful martial arts. He is only interested in this strange magical power!

After the splicing is completed, the torture is not without damage.

His face was pale, and the thunder of his body disappeared. The huge body like a giant quickly shrank, apparently costly and could not stand the battle.

He is now, only want to run!

“Quick withdrawal!”

The criminal thunder was scared by Lin Biao, even if he could not kill, but the pain was real, no one wants to be ruined by unwarranted.

“Sword lock void!”

Lin Biao simply did not give him a chance to escape, but also a trick sword lock void.


The body of the torture mine was split into two pieces.

“Yu Wenjing, Long You, will give him a meat sauce!” Lin Biao shouted.

“it is good!”

Yu Wenjing and Long Youquan all flew here.

“Flying feather sword!”

Yu Wenjing’s wrists are shaking, and the long sword swing dances countless sword lights. It is like a rain that is shot on the body of the thunder, and it shoots his body out of countless holes.

At this level, the torture has long had no real resistance, and the fleshy body is also a mess, and even Yu Wenjing can break his defense.

After only a few breaths, the torture was cut into pieces.

Those pieces are still strong condense, but this moment, can’t be like him.

“Black hole big Devouring!”

The dragon sighed and screamed, and when he opened his mouth, he saw the floating pieces of flesh and blood, and he was sucked into the belly by a sigh of relief.

“Ah!!! Don’t! Stop!”

The flesh and blood in the air, the roar of the thunder and lightning.

“If you have something to say, don’t eat me! Ah!! Stop!”

“I will not kill you! Begging for mercy! Help!”

The screams continued to come, and they saw that the pieces were swallowed into the mouth like a rain.

The dragon sighed a few breaths and all the bodies of the torture were swallowed.


After the swallowing, Long You was satisfied with a full meal.

“Hahaha! The blood of this torture is good, I feel that I have to break through again.” Long Yu surprised.

“Well, it’s done well.” Lin Biao laughed.

If it weren’t for the dragon, he had to pay for it, and he chopped it up. He could only use a stupid way to kill him!

Now, it is directly swallowed by Long You, saving time and effort and convenience.

This time, the criminal Lei Zhi was overwhelmed, and thought that the full grasp of Lin Biao, but fell to this end, I am afraid to die with a remaining grievance.

In general, the strength of the criminal investigation is indeed strong. If you remove the supernatural powers, even if you are not in the same position as Lin Biao, you are only lost in luck.

If other people are, they may be overthrown by the torture, but they will encounter the freak of terrifying, which is both experience and strength.

“Is the death of the thunder?” Yu Wenjing was surprised.

“not yet.”

Lin Biao shook his head, and he suddenly had a vision cold, and the sword was smashed, smashing a huge rock in front.


The rock burst, an illusory shadow drifting out of the stone crack and fleeing in the distance.

“And want to run?”

Lin Biao flashed, and a nightmare fire burned up, burning the illusory shadow.


The screams of heartbreaking came out, and the Soul Body of the thunder yelled: “Don’t burn me, ah!! spare the life !spare the life!”

Lin Biao took back the fire of the nightmare and flew to the front of the dying prisoner.

At this point, the physical body of the criminal thunder was destroyed, and was swallowed by Long You. Only one Soul Body remained floating outside. After being burnt by the nightmare fire, the color was even more illusory.

The irony is that the criminals also tried to confuse the past, thinking that Lin Biao did not know.

Lin Biao played a ban, sealing the Soul Body of the mine, lest he escape.

“Treasure, honestly hand over the previous supernatural powers.” Lin Biao sneered.

“You can’t think about it! Just torture me so much, when I come, I will kill your family!”


Lin Biao waved his hand and the nightmare fire thumped again.


The screams began to sound, and the thunderbolt was burned in the same place, and it was constantly fleeing in Lin Biao’s ban, but it could not escape.

The pain from soul is stronger than the physical body.

This makes Yu Wenjing on the side look like a slap in the face, a good hegemony means, no chance to give a thunder! Moreover, Lin Biao seems to be not afraid of even the innocent?

“Don’t burn me! If you give me magical powers, you can’t show it!”

“Quick stop! Ah!!”

Lin Biao ignored the screaming thunder, and the fire increased. Gradually, the Soul Body of the thunder was becoming more and more illusory and almost disappeared.

Finally, the torture can not stand.

“I will give you! I will hand it over! Don’t burn me!”

The thunder screamed and finally gave in.

Lin Biao took back the fire of the nightmare, cold and severe: “If you dare to play tricks, I will burn you for a month with slow fire, let you enjoy it slowly.”

The criminal thunder took a nap and burned slowly for a month, which was harder than killing him.

I saw the thunder in one direction, and the space in front broke through a small hole with a bloody sphere floating out.

Lin Biao can see that this is the Life-Source Blood Essence of the Thunder, which is hidden in the gap between Space.

This kind of means, if not forcing the thunder, and asking for it, he could not find it.

At this moment, two things are separated from the blood-colored sphere, one is a storage ring, and the other is a crystal-clear ball.

“That is a splitting pearl. After refining, you can cast a split magical power. The physical body can destroy the reorganization at will.”

“However, even if you get it, you can’t display it.” The thunder trembled and shrank his neck, fearing that Lin Biao would burn him again.

Lin Biao volleyed and sucked the storage ring and the split beads.

His consciousness After entering the splitting beads, all the information about this magical power suddenly entered the mind.

Splitting beads, small magical powers, let every cell of the physical body store real elements and move freely. Even if it is cut into pieces, you can fly independently or even martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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