837. 836 chapter evil death

The 836 chapter of the evil death

You know, every holy grade martial arts can be name shakes a side, become the existence of any sect bottom box, let alone the holy level!

The difficulty of cultivation is also a straight climb! Lin Biao’s perception is also very simple!

“Do not practice this trick, not left seclusion!”

Lin Biao whispered and entered the cultivation state.


At the moment, the distant Middle-earth domain, in a different space.

Here, Heaven and Earth are vast, birds and flowers are fragrant, surrounded by mountains and mountains, with many tens of meters tall towering trees, full of kilometers, like a giant tribe.

On the big tree, there are countless huge nests, each of which is the size of a Human Race square, which can easily accommodate more than a thousand people.

It can be seen that in one of the tallest nests, a woman with a blue feather sitting on the plate, the ice is clear and the skin is like water, and the beautiful red and blue scorpions are cold and cold.

She walked to the edge of the nest, and in the distance, a bird with a pigeon-like appearance flew.

“Miss, I found the news of Lin Gongzi.” The pigeons said with joy.

After the beautiful woman heard the words, she immediately became full of surprises. In the scorpion without fluctuation for a long time, there was an excitement.

She looked around and lowered her voice: “Ashin, come in, the news of Lin Gongzi, don’t let outsiders know.”

“Don’t worry, Miss, I promise that only I can find Lin Gongzi!” The pigeons smiled.

A house was built in the nest, and the pigeon and the snow woman walked away and opened the closed array.

The homing pigeon began to tell the news she got.

When it was said that the snow woman was so intoxicated, she held the minibus in her hands and said: “Lin elder brother, only half a year, you are so strong!”

“Miss, Lin Biao, is your favorite person.” Axin asked with his head.

Xiaoyue bowed his head, and his face was red, and there was no answer.

Ashin just screamed and said that I understand.

At this time, Xiaoyue suddenly raised his head, a serious saying: “Ashin, you help me do something.”

“What happened, Miss told me!” Ashin laughed.

Xiaoyue takes a deep breath and whispers:

“Get rid of evil impermanence!”


Suddenly, Lin Biao was in the cultivation, and five hundred days passed.

And his 500,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone is exhausted.

This five hundred days of cultivation, he can recognize the depth of the “Wind and Thunder”, the combination of the two Martial Dao Will, the difficulty is not only as simple as one plus one, but an exponential surge.

At the beginning, he used the “True Thunder Nine Swords” as the blueprint, and created “Destroy Nine Swords”, which only used a battle. However, the cultivation of this “Wind and Thunder”, it took a full 500 days, but only touched it. Point fur.

It is said that the wind lei jun cultivation “Wind and Thunder”, used a hundred years of Time beginner, a thousand years of small accomplishment, three thousand years great accomplishment, 30,000 years before perfection!

In contrast, Lin Biao cultivation with the experience of Xianzun, it is not bad to touch the fur for five hundred days.

According to this progress, three years Time, probably beginner.

The Time Array Disk has been in the past 500 days, and it has only been 50 days in the past, nearly two months.

These two months have been safe and sound.

“It’s time to go out and take a look. By the way, I want to get another way to get Top Grade Spirit Stone, otherwise it won’t be enough.”

Lin Biao wondered, this Time Array Disk is a machine to eat Lingshi, ordinary people can not afford.

At present, although his wind and lightning are not beginner, it is enough to escape. At the very least, he can guarantee that Bai Wuji will definitely not be able to catch him!

When Lin Biao just went out and came to the yard, he saw Long You’s face rushing toward him with excitement.

“Lin Biao, great joy, great joy!”

Long You was excited while running.

Lin Biao a glimpse, I saw Long You rushed to Lin Biao, and lowered his voice: “Lin Yan, I will tell you a news!”

“There is a fart!” Lin Biao looked strange.

Long mysterious smile, depressed voice: “The last time you caught your evil, dead! Hahaha!”

“The evil is deadly?” Lin Biao stunned.

He is also worried that he will not be able to find him after the evil, and tell his news to the thousands of spiders.

If a thousand spiders know that Lin Biao is Lei Leizhen, he is determined to finish.

Who knows, the big threat of evil impermanence, actually died!

This is really good news! Thus, he does not have to worry about his own safety, just need to be on guard against the white gang.

However, Lin Biao is still very confused, this Inner Sect eldest disciple, Inner Sect first genius, how to die is dead!

“How does evil impermanence die?” Lin Biao wondered.

“I don’t know, it seems to be in the cultivation, and suddenly it is inexplicably torn into pieces. I guess there are six robbers who shuttle the void and assassinate the evil. The Wan Guizong is thoroughly investigating this matter!” No.

Lin Biao is strange, a peerless Supreme Being, to kill the evil and do nothing?

He shook his head and couldn’t figure it out for a while. He could only say that he was lucky.

In the yard, Jun Xiaoya and Han Fatty under the pavilion have also been lamenting that the evil impermanence died inexplicably.

This can be said to be the big news of the recent Spider Hall, and the gambling of the Sirius and the White Gang is still explosive! Even in the entire Wan Gui Zong, the five major halls have caused quite a stir.

“Lin brother, Long brother, this Inner Sect eldest disciple evil is dead, you seem to be very happy?” Jun Xiaofang saw the dragon and looked excited, strangely asked.

Long Youyi, quickly explained: “That is because, father sees evil clouds are not pleasing to the eye, naturally hate his brother.”

“It turns out!” Jun Xiaoxiao laughed.

“Oh! It’s a pity that our Spence Hall’s Inner Sect eldest disciple has no one to follow. After the sect annual meeting, I am afraid I will be bullied by several other branches.” Han Fatty sighed.

Lin Biao sighed and smiled and asked: “Why, what are the five major divisions of this genius, and there is competition between them?”

“Of course, every year, Wan Gui Zong will concentrate all the five disciples’ disciples and conduct an annual meeting assessment! In the previous few sessions, there are evil clouds in the outer door, and Inner Sect has two evil people, but not at the bottom. This time, the assessment, there is no evil, the evil cloud is seriously injured, the outer door Inner Sect has no advantage, we are determined to bottom, the resources are afraid can not be divided.” Han Fatty helpless.

Jun Xiaoya is a smile: “That may not be, our outside disciples can have a genius that is more evildoer than evil clouds.”

Han Fatty glanced, smiled bitterly: “You said Lin Ying and Lin Tian, ​​he is not aware of our spiders.”

Two months ago, the Bai Bang Sirius helped the gambling. He naturally went to see it. He also saw the appearance of Lin Ying and Lin Tian. The two people’s Innate Talent can definitely crush the evil clouds!

It’s just that two people are asking for foreign aid, maybe not at all.

(End of this chapter)

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