835. Chapter 834 rounds up Lin Biao!

The 834 chapter rounds up Lin Biao!

“Kid, you give me waiting!”

Bai Wuji screamed, and picked up the unconscious white wind, and left the place.

“White Wuji, what is your promise?” The distant Sirius is while while loudly laughing.

“Snort! territory I have already given it to the cold elders, let her give you.”

Bai Wuji didn’t want to stop for a moment. Before leaving, he squinted at Avatar, and quickly left.

The people of the Bai Bang also left in succession, but their faces were more ugly than one.

Lin Biao Avatar just sneered, walked in the direction of no one, and his body flickered several times and disappeared.

He knows that Bai Wuji must stare at him as an Avatar, and it is necessary to remove him.

In this case, he will count and give him a big gift.

Lin Biao, who is you, can you yin? If you want to yell at him, you have to pay the price!

Sirius helped everyone, and after the handover of the territory with the cold, they left.


Sirius help, inside the Main Hall.

Everyone triumphantly returned, and the gang was happy.

Everyone is grateful to see Lin Biao, they all know that this victory is entirely relying on Lin Biao’s own power to reverse the Qiankun!

“You go ahead first, about the identity of the Lin Ying brothers, and then disclose it to everyone.” Duan Sirius smiled.


Everyone has quit.

Within the Main Hall, there are a few core members left, Duan Sirius, Lonely Wild Goose and the Four Protectors.

Lonely geese smiled and said: “Lin Ying, I remember you, your Innate Talent is placed in the entire Wan Gui Zong, and it is enough to rank in the top two, and Little Poison King can compete with you.”

“Actually, Lin Ying is just a pseudonym. My name is Lin Biao.”

Lin Biao lifted the invisible and invisible, and the appearance changed back to the original appearance.

“Haha! It doesn’t matter. If you have time to go to Zhongzhou’s ancestral hall, you can come to me at any time. I am going to give you this brother.” Lonely geese said while loudly laughing.

“If there is a chance to pass, you must call you!”

“Haha! Leave a message!”

The lone geese arched their hands and jumped out of the Main Hall.

Duan Sirius smiled and said: “The lonely geese are still bright and upright, and they can make friends with my section of the wolf. It is not a matter of heart, Lin brother is relieved.”

Lin Biao smiled, his vision, naturally can be seen.

It happens that if he has the chance, he will go to Zhongzhou to find Lin Canghai, and it is not bad to go to a temple.

“Segment Sirius, this reward…” Lin Biao laughed.

“Good to say!”

Duan Sirius was in a good mood and won this gambling. The territory of the outside door Bai Bang was all taken away by him, and the interest in collecting the help fee would have to rise a lot.

He took out a storage ring and threw it at Lin Biao.

Lin Biao took a look and there was a full 200,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone! 200,000 is also a huge sum for the Sirius gang, and I did not hesitate to take it out!

Plus the 100,000 he received before, the 200,000 of the Bai Bang, that is said that he has 500,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone!

Conversion, he can cultivate five days in the Time Array Disk, that is more than a year! The outside world is only fifty days away!

It’s more than a year’s time, which is too precious for him!

It’s just a white gang, I lost my wife and I’m a soldier, and then I’m going to be put together by Lin Biao, I’m afraid I’m going to die.

“Lin brother, in my opinion, it is better to join the Sirius help, to be the first big law, how?” Duan Sirius laughed.

“No, I personally like freedom, can cooperate, but join is still free.” Lin Biao laughed.

“Also, in the future, the Sirius help is your home, I want to come over at any time. Hahaha!” Duan Sirius smiled heartily.


After receiving the Top Grade Spirit Stone, Lin Biao did not intend to stay for a long time and left the Sirius.

Duan Sirius was very excited. He said: “This Lin Biao is a personal talent! There must be a great accomplishment in the future!”


After Lin Biao left, he went straight back to his own yard.

“Dragon, I may have to go out for a few days, you are honest, don’t get into trouble!” Lin said.

The dragon squinted his eyes: “I like people who like to get into trouble?”

Lin Biao didn’t say much. He said to Jun Xiaodao: “Jun brother, look at him more trouble.”

“Good!” Jun Xiaoxiao smiled.

Lin Biao disappeared into the yard.

He left the outer door and went straight out of the Spider Church of Wan Guizong and went to the endless ghost crying forest in the distance.

Going out to the north side of the Spider Hall is the ghost crying forest.

When the first thousand spiders caught him in, they also flew for three hours. If he wanted to fly out, at least three days and three nights.

Lin Biao did not intend to fly out, but went deep into the depths of the ghosts and cried, looking for a place where no one was.

“Oh, build an array here, make you cool!”

Lin Biao sneered, and immediately began to sway the Top Grade Spirit Stone, where a blasting great array was placed.

Three days Time has passed.

Lin Biao spent three days on Time, and the blast array was built.

This blasting array has reached the level of three robberies and, more importantly, the area is extremely wide! It’s enough to drink a pot!

Wan Gui Zong’s people are good at it. In order to be safe, Lin Biao has some Concealing Arrays to avoid being blinded.

“Sliding away!” Lin Biao quickly evacuated and disappeared here.


On the other hand, when Lin Biao set up array was completed, Lin Biao was marked Avatar, leaving Wan Guizong all the way, and shuttled through the ghost forest.

White gang, inside the Main Hall.

“Lin Biao went out, went to the ghost crying forest!” His men respectfully said.

White Wuji eyes cold, faint said: “snort! If he is in Wan Gui Zong, I am not good to start, since he dare to go out, that’s good! send the order down, send ten whites Inner Sect disciples, capture forest Hey!”


Next, Bai Wuji led ten white gangs of Inner Sect elites, leaving Wan Guizong, following the direction of Lin Biao’s departure, going directly to the ghost forest to chase Lin Biao.

At the same time, Lin Biao’s Avatar turned around and went to the place where the blasting array was arranged.

The outside of this place looked calm, and after Lin Biao’s Avatar arrived, he sat down and put his hands on a posture, which seemed to be cultivation.

Bai Wuji sensed the position of Lin Biao and waved: “Give me, surround him! Show the locks, don’t make a surprise!”

For Lin Biao’s ability to escape, Bai Wuji is still not at ease. He has always been doing things without leaking water. He intends to seal his Space with a lock array first!


Ten inner Sect elite disciples quietly encircled, centered on Lin Biao, a hundred-mile away from the shape of a circle.

Ten hands pressed on the ground and cast an array.


Everyone shouted, I saw the Space here, and it solidified instantly.

In this state, unless you are through the void robbery of the six robbers, you can tear the Space, like what hollow space, move the array, completely does not play any role!

In order to prevent Lin Biao from escaping, Bai Wuji can be described as a painstaking effort, not to be lost!

(End of this chapter)

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