830. 829 chapter insidious white gang

Chapter 829 insidious white gang

“Lin Biao, to introduce you to some, this is evil cloud, Inner Sect eldest disciple evil spirits cousin, the first door outside!” Bai Rufeng laughed.

The evil cloud looked at Lin Biao, just picked up an ugly smile.

“The evil spirited brother, evil cloud!” Lin Shukong shrinks, there is such a clever thing!

However, he still smiled on the surface.

It is estimated that this evil cloud is not familiar with evil impermanence, and that evil is not always revealing his affairs.

“So, we are winning the prize!” Lin said with a smile.

“Haha! This nature, you and the evil cloud two people, you can get six victories in total, I don’t care if I lose all three times!” Bai Rufeng laughed.

“Don’t care, the tens of thousands of Sirius from other branches to dig expert, may not be worse than us.” Bai Wuji cold and cold.

Wan Gui Zong has five branches, one in the southeast and northwest, and one in the five major states of Nanfeng.

Nanzhou’s Spider Hall is just one of them. Their foreign disciples are just outside disciples of Spider Hall.

The other four major states, as well as ancestral halls, ancestral halls, poisonous snakes, and scorpion halls! Each strength is not weak!

“Do not talk nonsense, start, this gambling we only win, can not lose!” Bai Wuji seriously.

At this time, Lin Biao suddenly took a take action: “Remuneration can give me.”

White unscrupulously glanced at him, faintly said: “When the gambling is over, it will naturally be for you.”

“Oh, white Wuji, but at the beginning, but I said, as long as I participate, you will give, I will now, you will not go back!” Lin Biao sneered.

When the gambling is over, he can reveal the stuffing. Then he still has a fart?

Bai Wuji’s face sank, he looked at the evil clouds.

I saw the evil cloud stand up and sneered: “Kids! Advise you not to get in the inch, there is me, the help of the Sirius will be undoubted, you do not need to take action today, or know the time is good! It is not not for you!”

Lin Biao stared at the evil cloud and smiled. “Where did you come out? I agreed with Bai Wuji, which round got you interrupted?”

“You court death!?”

The evil cloud immediately became gloomy, and a black mang flashed in the eyelids. There was a vague ghost that flew toward Lin Biao.

In the Lin Shuzhong Soul Power whistling, turned into an illusory flame knife, and destroyed the ghost.

Evil cloud eyes narrowed, is planning to continue to take action.


Bai Wuji shouted.

When the evil cloud sees it, this will stop.

White unscrupulously glared at Lin Biao, or no words, throwing a storage ring.

Lin Biao took over the storage ring and opened it, which is exactly 200,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone.

“White, I told you that you should give me 200,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone and give me a garbage.” Evil cloud gloomily smiled.

Bai Wuji looked at him and quietly transmitted the sound: “Do you think I will give it to him? After the event, I will let him spit out!”

Evil cloud yin smiled and nodded: “Oh, you are as sinister as before!”

Lin Biao didn’t know what the two people had secretly communicated, but he found that the ring was branded with a Soul Mark, which could inadvertently erode into the body, and the irremaining mark of the remaining.

At this moment, there is a brand in his body that clearly appears in his chest position.

Lin Biao is not surprised at this. The people of Wan Gui Zong are not good things, especially those who are good at Soul Skill. In comparison, the Sirius help the Sirius, it is still bright and upright!

Although I saw it, Lin Biao did not dismantle it. Anyway, an Avatar, self-exploding, is that 200,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone is stored in Items Storage, which can be taken out from the main body.

“Happy cooperation!” Lin Biao laughed.

“Happy cooperation!”

Bai Wuji smiled and everyone started.

The location of the gambling was agreed at the inner battlefield of Inner Sect.

Here, it was occupied by the two gangs early, and the idlers were only allowed to watch the outside.

At this moment, the location of the Wudouchang is crowded with people, and the disciples of the Spider Hall have heard about the gambling of the Bai Bang and Sirius, and come over.

“I heard that the two gangs will choose three outside gangs of the gang and carry out nine battles. The winner will win.”

“This gang? I guess 80% will ask some foreign aid expert to come and pretend to be a disciple.”

“Who knows, wait and see the show!”

Around the Wudouchang, it was filled up by the crowd early. The gambling also invited an elder to be a notary.

Coincidentally, the elder of this notary is exactly the elder of the sergeant, cold and frosty.

“Cold elders!”

“Cold elders!”

After the arrival of the Sirius and the White Gang, all of them were respectful to the cold.

“Excuse me! I am also bored and bored before I come to be a notary.”

Cold as a frosty lazy lying on the chair, inadvertently, there is a fascination to send out, hooked the soul.

I was shocked that everyone quickly turned too far and did not dare to go see her again.

“This fairy!” Lin Biao secretly whispered.

Long You and Jun Xiaoya also stood in the stands, looking far away from this side.

About ten minutes later, the Bai Bang and Sirius helped the two sides of the team to be in place, and each side of the ring was sitting in a row.

The forefront of the two sides is the three people who are preparing to fight.

Sirius helps one party, Lin Biao main body, Jiang Hu, and a strange and proud young man.

Bai Bang party, Lin Biao Avatar, evil cloud, white as the wind.

There is no doubt that the three people who can participate in the war are definitely the best among the two real people. Among the transcend tribulation monks, each of the robberies can be subdivided into three grades. The three people are definitely the highest level.

The white eyes swept over the three people of Sirius, one was Jiang Hu, he knew, not enough, and two people he had never seen.

One of them is a youth with skin sallow, and a young man with temperament and arrogance.

As cold as the road: “Draw lots, decide who to send in the first round.”

After all, she threw a box and threw it on the ring.


Bai Wuji and Duan Sirius sent three people to the battle, and went to the middle of the ring, taking turns to draw lots.

The first round came out, and Jiang Hu was against evil clouds.

“Oh, I will beat this person first, so that the two rounds behind him can’t play!” Evil cloud sneer.

On the platform, Jiang Hu and the evil cloud stood on both sides. The evil cloud also carries a cloak, and no one can see his appearance.

“pretending to be mysterious, die for me!”

Jiang Hu took the lead in storming, and the long gun in his hand turned into a vortex, and the violent spurt went out and went straight to the evil cloud face.


I saw that the evil cloud suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it actually came to the back of Jiang Hu.

“Division of the soul! Dead!”

The illusory light of the evil cloud palm circulated, and the palm of the hand was shot, hitting the back of Jiang Hu.

I saw Jiang Hu’s body shock, squirting a large mouthful of blood, and vaguely saw that an illusory Soul Body was beaten out.

(End of this chapter)

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