826. Chapter 825 shocked

Chapter 825 shocked

Jiang Hu’s face was flattened, and his eyes were stunned by the dragon, full of the color of grievances, and he wanted to kill the dragon and the whole family.

“Hey! You dare to marry me, try another one!”

Long You suddenly stunned his eyes, grabbed Jiang Hu’s collar and lifted it up. Zhang’s hand was a slap, and “啪” slammed on Jiang Hu’s face.

This is not over yet, Long You’s arm flutters, slaps and then slaps down, and dances around.


Just a few breaths, Jiang Hu’s face was beaten beyond recognition.

Jiang Hu really wants to cry without tears, but only in the heart of the big person.

Finally, my head stunned and passed out.

Long You sees that he is faint, and this will throw Jiang Hu in front, scaring the Sirius to help everyone to shrink back, for fear of Longyou to find them trouble.

Lin Biao looked at the terrified Sirius to help everyone, faintly said: “Hand over your storage ring.”

The Sirius helped the public to think about it, but when they saw the dark face of Long You, they didn’t dare to scream, so they had to hand over the storage ring.

“Mom! Wait for the help of the Lord to come back, let you look good!” Sirius help members think about it.


Long You lifted a flying foot and kicked the group out one by one.

The Sirius helped the people to lift up the unconscious Jiang Hu. They ran away as soon as they smoked. They only remained their stunned Jun Xiaoya and Han Fatty.

Lin Biao did not kill Jiang Hu, just did not want to cause too much trouble.

Although the rules of Wan Guizong are loose, they are not allowed to kill the same side disciple in the sect. If you want to kill, you can only do it outside.

At this time, Han Fatty suddenly screamed: “Lin Lin, you are in a big disaster!”

“You made Jiang Hu look like this, wait for the helper of Sirius to come with three big guards, and you will die!”

Lin Biao did not care: “The Sirius helped the white gang fight now, and he didn’t have the heart to deal with me.”

These are Lin Biao who said on the road to listen to passers-by.

The Sirius and the White Gang are the gangs of Inner Sect. The two gangs are all Inner Sect disciples. Now there is a fierce conflict, no one is taking action.

Lin Biao still does not believe that the Sirius helper will give up the battle with the Bai Bang for a foreign door, and come here to deal with him personally.

Hearing this statement, Han Fatty is still not at ease, but now it is useless to say anything.

“In any case, peace of mind cultivation, seeing that Lin’s progress is so fast, I should work hard!”

Jun Xiaofang has pinched his fist, a sturdy look.

Han Fatty nodded deeply and said: “I went to the battlefield, I feel that I have to be beaten to improve!”

After he finished, he left the yard. The battlefield was the place where the tens of thousands of sects gambled each other, and it was suitable to test the battle.

Lin Biao swept his eyes and narrowed his teeth. Suddenly eyes narrowed and seemed to find something.

“Jun Xiaoya, you are so Innate Talent, the achievement should not stop there.” Lin said.

Jun Xiaoya is a strange expression.

His eyes were on Lin Biao, and Lin Biao also stared at him, looking at him.

After a long time, Jun Xiaoya suddenly bent down: “Please also ask Lin brother to keep me secret.”

“Reassured, a little thing.” Lin Biao laughed.

“Yeah!” Jun Xiaoxiao smiled.

Long You took a big step and walked over to his house: “I went to seclusion. If the thief went to the door again, it called me in the past, I will beat him to find his teeth!”

Lin Biao also returned to the room.

He opened the collection of the storage ring, which is full of 100,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone! It is estimated that all of them are the help of the help of the Sirius.

In this way, he can use the ten-day Time Array Disk again.


Lin Biao took the Time Array Disk non-stop and embedded the Top Grade Spirit Stone into the array disk and entered the cultivation state.

He intends to use this Time to annihilate Will cultivation to large perfection, not perfection without left seclusion! Otherwise, in the face of the Inner Sect disciple, he really does not have much confidence.


That night –

Wan Guizong, Spider Hall, Inner Sect.

In a luxurious Main Hall, the half-dead Jiang Hu was thrown to the ground.

Next to him, a group of stunned scorpions and scorpions help the crowd, it is the group that collects the help.

On the seat headed by Main Hall, there was a young man with a solemn look and a silvery eyebrow. The eyes were like a wolf, and there was an indescribable colding imposing manner.

The helper of Sirius, Inner Sect disciple, Duan Sirius!

Even on the list of Wan Gui Zong’s ghosts, he is also a famous expert on the list, although it is only ninety-eight, but enough for name shakes a side!

You must know that Wan Gui Zong’s ghost list, condense all the genius disciples of the five ghosts of the Wan Gui Zong, and the Spence Hall’s Inner Sect disciples, the total number of the list is only ten.

“You go to collect the help fee, it is collected like this?” Duan Sirius looked down at the shivering gang below, his eyes lit up, cold and glamorous.

“Help … help the lord, the thief is really terrible, even practicing the confusion clock of perfection, there will be a strange Martial Dao Will, Jiang deputy helper is not an opponent!” A wounded helper shivered.

Duan Sirius stared at him, his face could not see the joys and sorrows, but the eyes of the eyes, but revealed a look of interest.

Next to Duan Sirius, a white man guards the law: “Help the Lord, let me go and take the thief to death, come over?”

Duan Sirius has waved his hand: “No need!”

“Now the white gang people are always staring at us. If you find that you have gone to the outer door, they will definitely take the opportunity to kill them. Our people can’t be lacking.”

“Yes!” The white clothes are covered.

Duan Sirius looked at the crowds underneath, holding the chin and revealing contemplation.

“Lin Biao? Interesting, wait a few days, I will go there for a while.”


In such a day, two months have passed.

At ten times the acceleration of the Time Array Disk, the outside world has only passed six days.

Lin Biao opened his eyes, the black light of the body surface continued to flow, hidden in the body.

“Destroy Will, finally big perfection!” Lin Biao smiled.

It took two months Time, he finally annihilated Will cultivation to the big perfection, so you can transcend tribulation!

Transcend tribulation period monks, a total of ten robberies, a robbery First Layer days!

The first robbery, Will robbery, the great perfection Martial Dao Will combined with fleshy body, without any effort will release Martial Dao Will, the power surged tenfold! Only big perfection can only be spent!

Lin Biao put away the array disk and came to the middle of the yard.


Lin Biao whispered a word, sprinkled Lingshi, and built a Defensive Array.

When he was about to start transcend tribulation, he suddenly looked up and saw the clouds in the sky, and a thick Thunder Cloud appeared on the top of his head.

This is the Thunder Tribulation cloud, the monk transcend tribulation, the heavens and the thunder, as long as the support can be soaring, the life essence increases by 30,000!

Just to surprise Lin Biao is that he has not started transcend tribulation!

Lin Biao’s gaze could not help but turn to the house where Long You was.

(End of this chapter)

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