820. 819 chapter wonderful sect, wonderful people

The 819 chapter of the wonderful sect, wonderful people

Lin Biao’s hand, holding a disciple token, was given to him by a thousand spiders, saying that there is a contribution point of 10,000, and he can go to Wanbaoge for Treasure.

“Go to the Wanbao Pavilion.”

Lin Biao walked out of the yard, squatting away from the one-month period and a few days.


Spider Hall, another luxury yard.

The area of ​​this yard is about five times that of the Lin Biao yard.

“The deputy lord, the man in the yard of Jun Xiaoya, has not gone out since the end of the month. Where can he get 10,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone?”

Next to Jiang Hu, a sharp-nosed monkey said.

“Snort! Don’t worry about him, this is just a small ant. If you can’t get the money, just do it!” Jiang Hu didn’t care.

“What makes me more concerned is that the Bai Gang recently helped us with the celestial warfare, saying that it is necessary to fight against us.” Jiang Hu was pensive.

“How do you help the lord? This white gang is probably not good to deal with!” The sharp-nosed monkeys are somewhat worried.

“How can I see it? If you want to play, what are the fears of our Sirius?” Jiang Hu sneered.


Lin Biao walked on the streets of Wan Gui Zong, and there were many sect disciples coming and going, and Lin Biao’s encounter.

These disciples are completely different from the sect disciples outside, and each face is not good, and the look is cloudy. At first glance, it is a poisonous person, and usually does not do bad things.

Some people even watched Lin Biao bullying, and quietly touched the storage ring in Lin Biao’s hands, while secretly hypnotizing Lin Biao and wanting to steal in person.

Lin Biao naturally won’t let them succeed, and they don’t want to conflict and go straight away.

“This is a what bullshit sect!” Lin Biao screamed.

It is worthy of the notorious Wan Gui Zong, there is nothing good at all.

In contrast, Lin Biao thinks that Jun Xiaoya, who lives in the same yard, is somewhat different, but he actively helps him!

Is it the same reason under the roof?

He can see that the temper of Jun Xiaoya is really easygoing, and completely different from other people in Wan Gui Zong! Lin Biao’s vision has always been accurate!

Unless the person’s disguise level reached the point where the Heaven and Earth were so horrified, even Lin Biao cheated on the past, then he was convinced!

Along the way, Lin Biao did not want to communicate with anyone, nor did he want to approach anyone. When he saw a disciple passing by, he would have gone far.

For him, the deeper he hides himself, the safer he is! Here is different from the outside. Lin Biao does not want to be famous at all. He can only temporarily endure it, lest he be known by the evil, and it will kill him.

Not long after, he arrived at the resource allocation point of Wan Guizong – Wanbaoge!

When I was close, Lin Biao felt that the spiritual qi was thicker and there were many Treasures in the window.

Sitting at the door is a sergeant, who turned out to be a young woman. Although it seems to be in her twenties, the real age is probably tens of thousands.

This female eye shadow is very thick, with a enchanting gesture, lying on the lounge chair lazily, the appearance is ordinary, but it is extra tempting, there is a kind of flattering that can’t be said.

At this time, a disciple came to her and took out the token. His eyes moved up and hurried over her chest.

What makes Lin Biao speechless is that this woman who keeps the house not only does not feel uncomfortable, but instead stands up to the chest, revealing a large piece of snow, and the corner of the mouth raises a trace of humanity.

The disciple also went out of the way, and couldn’t help but reach out and touched her chest.

Lin Biao can see that this woman has quietly used the Soul Skill!

Suddenly, the woman’s hand was lifted.


The crisp slap, hit the face of this disciple, directly smashed his face, volleyed for more than a dozen laps, and fell to the ground.

“Come on, there is a disagreement about this elder, dragged to the penalty department, held for three years.” Shouge woman faint.


After jumping up a guard, I dragged the disciples who had been beaten up.

Lin Biao suddenly covered his face with a black line.

For a long time, this woman is still a curse, specifically tempting a crime, but once someone sins, immediately turned his face and does not recognize people, throw him into the prison.

Such a wonderful elder, only the wonderful sect of Wan Gui Zong, will exist!

Such a scene, the disciples who passed by nearby, have already seen it.

This sergeant is always bored, and likes to play this kind of bad taste. It has been this habit for many years, and no one dares to say that she is not.

Who is targeted by her, can only be considered bad luck!

Lin Biao swallowed hard, took the disciple token and walked over.

Lin Biao walked to the door and took the token: “I am a new disciple, I am a new disciple. The church owner asked me to use this token to redeem…”

“Go in, see what you like, then come to me.” The woman holding the wave impatiently.

Lin Biao sighed and walked into the Wanbao Pavilion.

It seems that it should be that the thousands of spiders and the woman have been accounted for, so that it saves time and effort.

As long as the woman does not care about him, the Soul Skill, it may not be able to change him.

Inside the Wanbao Pavilion, it is magnificent, and there are a lot of Treasure everywhere!

Lin Biao thought about the Time Array Disk, so the first moment, is to look for Top Grade Spirit Stone.

Unfortunately, there is no Lingshi!

The first floor is full of Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure, medicine herb, medicinal herb, array disk, etc., Lin Biao is not interested.

However, his eyes condensed, and suddenly there was a small cloud mountain snow lotus in the corner!

This is to restore the number of times used by Sanhua Juding. In the past, he has experienced a lot of hardships and got a strain in Dongling Prefecture. I don’t think that this Wan Guizong still has a strain.

Lin Biao did not hesitate to collect this small plant Yunshan Xuelian, there is a price tag on it, showing 200,000 contribution point, thousands of spiders gave him a million, enough.

Lin Biao swept the ground on the first floor, did not find anything to let him heart movement, and then went to the second floor.

Compared with the luxury on the first floor, the second floor looks simple.

Lin Biao came to the first counter, which read “Cultivation Technique Zone” and lost interest in a hurry.

Behind the “martial arts district”, Lin Biao is also not interested, but the third counter is a rare “Soul Skill Zone”.

Soul Skill is very rare in Scorpio Continent, and only a few sects are kept in stock. This is one of them.

There are few Soul skills in Lin Biao’s previous life, and he doesn’t dare to use it at will, so as not to be found abnormal.

In case someone asks him – “How did you learn this Soul Skill?”

How does he explain?

Therefore, he can only choose the Soul Skill of Wan Gui Zong instead.

In the Wan Gui Zong, the proportion of Soul Skill and martial arts is the same. Just when Lin Biao was walking, he was hypnotized and wanted to steal his storage ring. It shows how much Soul Skill is here.

(End of this chapter)

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