817. 816 chapter trouble finding a door

The 816 chapter is troublesome to find the door

“I am a foreign disciple of the Spider Hall and live in the east house of this yard.”

The evil youth smiled and said: “Before I introduce myself, my name is Jun Xiaoya.”

“Jun Xiaoya!”

Lin Biao’s glimpse, even the surnames are the same, it’s funny.

“My name is… Lin Biao.”

Lin Biao thought about it, still did not hide it, and said the name, anyway, the same name with the same name.

“Well, this one?” Jun Xiaofang looked at the stunned dragon on the ground.

“He is my friend, named Long You.” Lin Biao faintly said.

“That’s good, from now on, we are the same side fellow disciples. There are competitors everywhere in the spider hall. Only the same yard can work together. I hope the Lin brothers don’t dislike it.” Jun Xiaoya laughed. .

“Oh, you are a real person, I can’t help you.” Lin Biao laughed.

“Haha! Lin brother can come here, I must have something extraordinary, and I can improve it slowly.” Jun Xiaoya didn’t care.

Lin Biao felt that this person was not bad at talking. He asked: “Yes, can you tell me about the strength of the members of this spider hall?”

Lin Biao came to see him at the beginning, and he didn’t know anything about the situation of the spider house.

“Good! Since you are new, I can give you a general talk.”

When Jun Xiao’s hand waved, he even took out a fan and slowly shook it.

While shaking the fan, he walked to the seat under the pavilion and sat next to Lin Biao.

“First of all, the bottom of the Spider Hall is a comrade-in-arms disciple. That is a real person or a transcend tribulation. If you have a large number and a little status, you can call them at will.”

After hearing this, Lin Biaoxin said that he killed him before, probably a confidant disciple.

“Then, it is the outside disciple, that is two robbers, such as me, is a foreign disciple! Of course, my Innate Talent is different, only to enter the spider hall for half a year to go through the second robbery, and further in the future is not not may.”

“Afterwards, it is the Inner Sect disciple, three robbers real people! The status is lofty! We meet Inner Sect disciples, we must call them brothers and sisters! And the extreme impermanence of strongest in Inner Sect disciples is Eldest Senior Brother!”

Lin Biao slowly nodded, just happened, he also met the evil impermanence.

“As for the rare core disciples and the general Deacon, they are all four real people. The elders are five real people, and then they are the famous Wan Gui Zong. One of the eight ghosts will be one, the strength is unknown.”

“Of course, repair is only an important reference. Some people in Innate Talent, especially those who are powerful in Soul Power, can become high-level disciples even if they are lower.”

Jun Xiaoxiao smiled and said: “I finished, what else is there?”

“No.” Lin Biao shook his head.

“Well, Lin Biao, Long You, today we know each other.”

Jun Xiaofang waved a fan and smiled.


Suddenly, the gate of the yard was opened by a foot. I saw a scorpion, and came in with three accomplices. The aura was powerful and the floor was cracked.

These four people are not good-looking, look at the strength, all are outside disciples.

Jun Xiao’s face sank and gave Lin Biao sound transmission: “I almost forgot, today is the day to collect help.”

“Help fee?” Lin Yiyi.

“Spider Hall almost everyone, will choose to join a gang to protect themselves, this is the Sirius help.” Jun Xiaoya gave Lin Biao sound transmission.

In a house in the south, I also rushed out of a fatty, it should be another companion in this yard.

“Jun Xiaoya, Han Fatty, is this help fee ready?” The head of the 腮 腮 Hu, eyes swept over the little teeth and the fatty, cold and cold.

“Jiang Hu, deputy lord, is ready!”

Jun Xiaoya and Han Fatty each throw out a storage ring, which was caught by the Huo Hu.

He looked at it, his eyes suddenly turned, looking at Lin Biao and the dragon lying on the ground.

“Hey, are these two newcomers?” Jiang Hu’s eyes lit up

Jun Xiaoya smiled and said: “Yes.”

Having said that, his heart has raised an ominous premonition.

“Haha! Since there are two newcomers, the five hundred is not enough, and one thousand!” Jiang Hu sneered.

“What? To a thousand Top Grade Spirit Stone, why not grab it?” Han Fatty suddenly stayed.


When the voice just fell, I went out with a kick.

“Hey!” Han Fatty squirted blood, flew out and squatted in the distance.

This blow did not cause much damage to the ground. They were all two real people. The control of power was far better than the real person. They were able to use every part of their strength. All the power was applied to Han Fatty.

This foot directly caused the Korean fatty bone to break and suffered a very serious internal injury.

“Father is robbing, what’s wrong? Since you are a member of my Sirius gang, I am protected by my gang, and I have two people, and the increase in the fee is justified.”

Jiang Hu hugged his hands on his chest, step by step, went to Han Fatty, and looked fierce.

“You can’t pay?” Jiang Hu threatened.

Han Fatty finally gave in, and took out 500 Top Grade Spirit Stone and handed it to Jiang Hu.

Jun Xiaoya also took out Lingshi and handed it over.

After receiving Top Grade Spirit Stone, Jiang Hu smiled slightly and looked at Lin Biao: “Boy, you and this coma, want to join me?”

Lin Biao stared at him and his eyes were stunned.

In his heart, there has been a killing intent, but it has not been revealed for the time being.

“Lin Lin, I will agree with him. If you don’t join, you will be beaten very badly!” Jun Xiaofang, who was next to him, hurriedly urged him.

Lin Biao knows well that there is no such thing as ignorance in this situation. It is faint: “What are the conditions for joining?”

“Reading that you are a newcomer, you only pay for the 3,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone franchise fees, and then pay a thousand gangs a month. This is the old rule, everyone is like this.”

“Right, the price of this coma is the same.”

Jiang Hu pointed to the dragon on the ground and smiled.

When I heard this, Jun Xiao’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

A newcomer, where is the 3,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone?

You know, this is almost the whole body of a normal two robbers.

“I don’t have that much.” Lin Biao spread his hand.

Before Lin Biao left the City Lord Mansion, Princess Yuwen gave him 100,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone, and the wind restaurant spent 20,000, leaving 80,000, which is more than enough.

However, he will not expose his wealth, and if he gives with no difficulty, the other party will be insured.

“Haha! Not so much, can’t you find someone to borrow?”

Jiang Hu pointed to Han Fatty who fell to the ground and vomited blood. Then look at Jun Xiaoya, said while loudly laughing.

Jun Xiaoya heard the words, his eyes flew fast, and he thought about how much he still had.

I can think of it, I can only get two thousand at most, and I can’t help but sink my mind, even if he borrows it is not enough!

(End of this chapter)

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