813. Chapter 812 is the price

Chapter 812 is the price

The curse of the doll, Lin Biao did not intend to use it, he did not know how big the rebellion of the curse.

But now, the other party is forcing him to use.

Killing a person, Lin Biao can still withstand for a while, the problem is not big.

Then, Lin Biao began to engrave the second woodcarving.

After another hour, the second woodcarving was completed. Lin Biao directly removed the limbs of the woodcarving and burned it to ashes.

“Lin Biao, are you sick? Are you carving a woodcarving, and then destroying it?” Long You looked at it and said that he didn’t understand.

“To shut up!”

The answer to him is still these two words.

Long You can only sit next to him, change back to the human form, take out a bone and start to groan.

Lin Biao began to sculpt the third woodcarving.


The ghost is crying deep in the forest, inside the black tower.

A pale-faced man was shrunk in the chain, his aura was extremely vain, faintly discernable, as if he might die at any time. There is no injury on the surface of his body, but the trauma of soul is very serious and almost collapses.

From his appearance, it is the ancient shadow that was caught.

He was holding a cane with impermanence, standing in front of the shadows and staring at him.

“The ancient shadow, Lin Biao is coming, I am being chased by me.”

The ancient shadow looked up weakly and sighed, and the weak and martyrdom said: “The forest predecessors… will kill you, and the whole million ghosts will be destroyed by…”

“Hahaha! I am a ghost, in any case is also the famous Super Sect in Nanfeng, not to mention that he is now ruined, even if he is in the peak period, he may not be able to endure what I am!” Laughing.

Within his tens of thousands of ghosts, there is no real king oversee!

Although Lei Zhenjun was in the peak period, although it can cause a great threat, it is not enough to destroy the Wan Gui Zong.

“Oh…hehe, you know nothing about the power of Lin’s predecessors…”

The ancient figure raised his head and a sneer smirked at the corner of his mouth.

The evil is cold and sorrowful: “I have searched your memory, the so-called 昊雷真君, it doesn’t seem to be like! I don’t know where your confidence in him comes from!”

“You don’t understand!” The ancient shadow shook his head silently.

The evil eyes are picked up, cold and cold: “snort! Wait for me to catch him, bring it to you, and draw his Soul Power in front of you, then you will know, the so-called 昊雷真君, but it is a lost dog who lost his family!”

The evil impermanence is saying evilly, the white-faced woman next to her suddenly appears, anxiously said: “The evil son, the situation is not good, before going out to chase Lin Biao’s disciple, inexplicably died three.”

“What do you say, why am I not aware?”

“There are no signs of their death and they don’t know where the enemy is coming from.”

Hoarfrost said, with a wave of his hand, took out a hundred Soul Tablets.

At the moment, three of the one hundred Soul Tablets have broken.

“Impossible, there are eyeliners everywhere in the ghosts and crying forests. If they are attacked, I will be the first to feel sensitive. How can I not know where the attack came from?”

Unbelievable and unbelievable, he picked up the first broken Soul Tablet, volleyed a stroke, and played a Rune.

“Death is restored!”

I saw them in front of them, and there was a mirror showing the black robe disciple running.

Suddenly, the black robes in the mirror, the head flew out of the air, without warning!

“What?!” Evil impermanence and hoarfrost, all face a big change.

They just did not see any attacks, so they flew out like this?

“Slow down! Slow down!”

The evil technique casts the secret technique, and the picture of the disciple’s death appears again in the mirror, and the speed is ten times slower!

However, it was still flying out of thin air and did not see where the attack came from.

Evil impermanence and hoarfrost are completely sluggish, and they have never seen such unimaginable means!

However, if Sword Dao Will cooperates with a special martial arts, it can be done thousands of miles away, but the level of martial arts is absolutely no less than the holy level.


The evil often took out the second broken Soul Tablet and once again cast a death to restore.

I saw the mirror of void, the disciple’s limbs were broken, and the whole body burned a big fire, so it was burned alive.

I don’t know where the attack came from!

The evil two people were all sighing and cold, only feeling the back of the spine.

How is this explained?

The evil impermanence is like a konjac, and the third fragmented Soul Tablet is found.

The result is the same, being inexplicably broken!


The hoarfrost turned white and the heart was awkward.

“Hahaha haha!!”

On the front chain, the weak shadow suddenly burst into laughter.

“Ha ha! See the means of Lin’s predecessors, you can’t see through!” The ancient shadows laughed.

Evilly gnashing his teeth, he said: “It’s just that three disciples have died. Is this a small means worthy of showing off?”

At this time, I only listened to the three sounds of “嘭”, “嘭” and “嘭”.

Three more Soul Tablets are broken.

The evil is suddenly shocked, and he hastened to display death.

Still the same, the same way to die! This time it is three consecutive deaths!

Moreover, the law of death is not the same, one is inexplicably suffocating and dying, one is cut into pieces, one is being flattened!

A strange atmosphere enveloped here.

“Hahaha!” The shadow continues to laugh.

The evil spirit stared at the shadow, and said: “Continue Soul Search, this kid must know something, be sure to figure it out!”

Next, the evil impermanence continues to the ancient shadow Soul Search, but unfortunately, like the information obtained before, there is still no valuable clue.

After the first day, Soul Tablet exploded fifteen!

The next day passed, and fifteen bursts again!

The third day, eighteen!

“Pass me to order, bring all the disciples back!” The impermanence can’t sit still, and waved quickly.

The hoarfrost went to work immediately.

In the afternoon of the same day, the evil disciples sent out to kill Lin Biao’s 100 disciples, all of them were summoned back, but now, only one half of the hundred people are left, and corpse is brought back, all of them are completely unrecognizable.

The evil impermanence is in front of the eyes of the remaining fifty.

An hour has passed.

“Ah!!!” A disciple made a scream, and the chess appeared a word mark out of thin air, and then was split in half.

The scene is dead and silent.

All the disciples have soft legs and lips, and this strange death is really scary.

The evil face is gloomy to the extreme.

Another half hour passed and another disciple was killed.

The hoarfrost and the evil are impermanent, so I stared straight into the square, and the remaining disciples shrank together and shivering.

These spiders and disciples are all illegitimate cronies, branded with special imprints, and have long since died!

However, in the face of such a strange situation, they still can’t help but fear.

(End of this chapter)

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