803. Chapter 802 that Sir

Chapter 802 that Sir

It is imperative to get the three medicine herbs, and it is wise to save the gods, or else it will be enough to crush everything! What does he take to fight with others!

“Princess Yuwen, these three medicine herbs will be used as a face-to-face ceremony! Must be offered after the dowry! Hahaha!”

The thunder was in a good mood, and three medical herbs were remained on the counter. Yang Tian laughed and went out, and the rest of the crowd looked dull.

The people in the hall were all shocked by the sudden and huge news.

Only a few of the accomplices who were bought by the criminals were still laughing at Yu Wenjing: “Congratulations to Princess Yuwen, who married the criminal son, and made a good match!”

“Give me a roll! Give me all!”

Yu Wenjing snarled: “I announced that the Xianpin exchange meeting will end, give me a roll!”

Yu Wenjing took the order of the passengers. After everyone looked at each other, they all left. They all know that Yu Wenjing is in a bad mood, no one is not interested in the rest, anyway, the exchange will soon be over.

Soon, all the people in the hall were gone.

It was Hailingtian of Haijia, who looked at Lin Biao deeply before leaving and made a movement to wipe the neck.

Lin Biao smiled and erected a middle finger.

In an instant, Yu Wenjing and Lin Biao two people are left in the Main Hall.

“Three medicine herbs are on the table, just after the refining!”

Yu Wenjing didn’t like Lin Biao any more, and said coldly, and then walked out of the door.

Lin Biao smiled and shook his head. This kind of woman is really not a long-term mind, and she has a good time to sit back and feel that she can protect her for a lifetime.

Of course, he doesn’t account for too much. When he volleys, he sucks three medicine herbs into his hands and earns Income.

“Oh, barely enough, it should be able to help the old fellow to continue a period of time.”

Lin Biao said to himself, leaving this place.


Outside the city, there is a barren hill.

The criminal Tianzheng Jun and the two people of the thunder, standing in the foothills, looking at the distant city, talking and laughing.

“Little Lei, this time is still smooth?”

“Of course, what the girls have to deal with us, only agree, Hahaha!”

“The same is true, they have no other way!”

In fact, the criminal Tianzhenjun has long suspected that the life essence has been exhausted, this time collecting the medicine herb, only confirmed his guess.

The criminal thunder thought about it and hesitated: “For the father, the three medicine herbs are handed over, will it…”

What he said is naturally a matter of worrying about the renewal of the real life. If the life is really renewed, it may be planned to make a bath.

“Despite your reassurance, you can let a true king continue lifespan, let alone Dongzhou, and look at the entire Nanfeng domain. No one except Sir is able to do it! Just rely on Lin Biao, it is a joke! ”

The criminal innocence did not care, they had already inquired, it was Lin Biao who wanted Pill Refining to collect the medicine herb, but it was very disdainful.

“Ha ha! It is also said, I still do not believe, a small Lin Biao, can refining the immortal medicine to let the real king continue! Maybe it is a rivers and lakes liar, Yu Wenjing to play!”

“Hahaha! Stupid!” The punishment of the innocent Jun also laughed.

But when it comes to the “Sir,” the two people’s eyes are full of awe.

That is the influential figure that can make the whole Nanfeng field tremble!

Even if he is a criminal innocent, he has only seen one side, and he has no qualifications to speak.


Inside the City Lord Mansion, where Lin Biao is located.

When he first came back, he saw the sky in the mansion, covered with black and white Thunder Cloud, and there was a Thunder Tribulation strike from time to time, falling in the backyard.

“Transcend tribulation so soon!” Lin Biao’s face was shocked, naturally, it was the dragon secluded in transcend tribulation.

Lin Biao went to the backyard and saw the dragon lap sitting in the yard. The thunder fell in the sky, and his fleshy body was smashed.

Unlike other transcend tribulations, Dragon is not relying on array and Spirit Treasure, relying entirely on fleshy body firm resist.

It’s not how hard his fleshy body is, it’s pure that he doesn’t die.

The corpse corpse is a snake, and the head is cut off and it is not dead. It can be seen how hard it is.


Another thunder fell, the dragon’s body was broken into pieces, and then slowly healed. At the same time, a Martial Dao Will containing Devouring force was incorporated into his fleshy body.

“Devouring Will, it’s amazing.”

Lin Biao nodded slightly, did not stay, went back to a secret room in the mansion, and planned to start refining the drug.

In order to save the gods, he is going to fight out, and intends to refining a “Tianyuan fortification Dan”, which can force the transcend tribulation period to last ten years! During this period, no matter how you fight, you will not lose your vitality. Even if it is a true level, it will have an effect!

Although the ten years are true for the real king, it is a good deal, but it is enough to arrange for the future. It is worth the price.

Lin Biao took out a lot of dense medical herbs and took out the Kowloon Ding on the ground.

In order to refining this medicinal herb, Lin Biao directly opened the top of the three flowers, otherwise he would not refining.

“let’s start.”

Lin Biao flicks with the finger, throwing the medicine herb into the Kowloon Ding and starting refining.


During the time of Lin Biao Pill Refining, a big thing, like a storm, swept the entire Dongzhou!

The Princess of Heaven, the treasure of the priest, is the son of Yu Tianjun, who is about to marry Nanzhou.

The marriage of the Peak experts in the two major states is simply a matter of course. The series of influences brought about by them are far-reaching and no one is shocked.

There are also some rumors that it is impossible to do it, and it is necessary to make plans for the future of the apprentice before marrying it out.

There is also a Treasure that says that Tianzheng Jun intends to annex the eternal truth, only to let Yu Wenjing marry.

All in all, this marriage, the punishment of the innocent and steady income does not lose!

However, immediately after another news came out – the wedding ceremony of Princess Yuwen and the torture will be held in a month!

This is simply too fast, and people are not going back to God!

For the outside situation, Lin Biao in the secret room did not know.

This time, Pill Refining must go all out. Even in the state of the top of the three flowers, it took a week to spend a week before and after, and a transparent color of the drug was out of the furnace.

This is the longest time Pill Refining has been since he was born again.

“Oh, 8th Grade medicinal herbs, the source of life, Dan, succeeded!”

Lin Biao looked at the transparent remedy of the palm of his hand and smiled.

With this medicinal herb, the eternal life is enough to last for ten years.

He collected the medicinal herbs and went out of the secret room.

In the hall, Long is lying on the floor, and keeps taking things out of the storage ring. What kind of exotic fruits are there, and there are 8th Grade spirits.

“Where did this come from?” Lin Biao asked.

“Stolen in the kitchen.” Long quietly snorted.

Lin Biao: “…”

“To Lin Biao, during this period, the Yu Wen Niang had a trip, saying that you refining the medicinal medicine to the old man outside the door, and then you can go.” Long quiet smile.

Lin Biao knew that Yu Wenjing began to doubt him, even without hope.

(End of this chapter)

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