795. Chapter 794 Chapter City Lord Mansion

Chapter 794 Chapter City Lord Mansion

Everyone is in a moment of sorrow, this Yuwen princess, do not find the trouble of Lin Biao?

The fat Shopkeeper was also stunned. He stared at Yu Wenjing and was about to ask. Yu Wenjing took the lead: “Need me to repeat it?”

“No, small person, let’s arrange it!”

Fat Shopkeeper did not dare to violate the meaning of Yu Wenjing, did not dare to think too much, and quickly went to the kitchen to arrange.

The onlookers are all stunned, and they all speculate that this Lin Biao is the beginning, just shielding for a while, the attitude of Princess Yuwen is very different, is it a brother who has been lost for many years?

At this time, Lin Biao suddenly smiled.

“Princess Yuwen, you seem to have overlooked one thing.” Lin Biao laughed.

“What?” Princess Yuwen glanced.

Lin Biao stared at her and said slowly: “I can save him.”

Princess Yuwen’s pupil contracted, and suddenly remembered the words before Lin Biao, quickly stood up and stared at him: “Are you kidding?”

“Do you think that I am a joke?” Lin Biao’s eyes picked up.

Princess Yuwen looked at it for a long time, finally took a deep breath and sat back.

“I hope you don’t lie to me. If you really have a way, what are your requirements, you can mention it! You can even guarantee that you can go sideways in Dongzhou!” Princess Yuwen is a serious way.

Lin Biao just smiled calmly and didn’t talk.

When Yu Wenjing saw it, he knew what Lin Biao had made and asked: “Let’s say, what do you want?”

Lin Biao still smiles and says nothing.

Yu Wenjing was anxious when he was suddenly eager to ask. He saw Lin Biao swinging his hand and smiled. “First eat, don’t mention anything else.”

Yu Wenjing had no choice but to scream and stop talking.

In a short while, the food came up, all of which were the top grade foods of the Tianrui Restaurant. The dragon saw it, and immediately rushed up and continued to swallow.

Mushanshan and Tiexiong outside the restaurant looked at each other and sighed: “Where do we know, Lin Biao brothers are such a person, even Princess Yuwen gives him face.”

“Look at it!”

The two people left silently, only to see if they could get on this thigh.

The guards blocked the door of the Tianrui Restaurant. Although the Jinyiwei captain did not understand what Yuwenjing meant, he did not ask much, but his heart was very surprised.

Fortunately, he did not make a fire before, or else killed Lin Biao, it has to suffer.

After the meal was good, only Long You was eating constantly. After listening to Lin Biao’s words, Yu Wenjing had no idea of ​​eating.

Lin Biao just kept drinking tea, and Yu Wenjing kept staring at him, his eyes were not blind.

“You are not going to eat? Why not move?” Lin said.

“Do you think that I can still eat now?” Yu Wenjing said in a plain tone and asked a question.

Lin Biao smiled and said: “When I am a friend, I will take a walk with you.”

Yu Wenjing suddenly felt a happy heart and nodded quickly.

“it is good!”


Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye, the sun goes down and comes to the night.

Long You kept eating and eating like this. Even Yu Wenjing looked at it and it all showed amazement. She was the first time she saw this.

When the monks built the foundation, they had already set aside the valley. The Tianrui Restaurant was built purely for the sake of fullness. The dishes inside have the same benefits as the remedy.

But once you eat too much, the energy of the body will be full and you will never be able to eat it.

Looking at the look of Long You, eating a dozen times larger than his own food, there is no movement, which makes Yu Wenjing very strange.

“You friend, it’s weird.” Yu Wenjing said to himself.

“He has been like this, getting used to it.” Lin Biao leisurely said.

At this moment, Long You with the aura of the body, came to the peak of the gel! The transcend tribulation is a step away.

“Hey!” Finally, Long You was a full blow.

“Lin Lin brothers, finally full, Hahaha!” Long quiet while while loudly laughing.

Yu Wenjing stood up indifferently and said: “You should be clear, you just ate the assets of a big family, if it weren’t for looking at his face, I want to give you a living.”

Long You touched his head and smiled awkwardly.

“Let’s go!” Yu Wenjing looked at Lin Biao and walked toward the downstairs sedan chair.

Lin Biao helplessly spread his hand and looked at the dragon and said: “There is a short hand, no way.”

Next, with Lin Wenjing and his entourage, Lin Biao left the Tianrui Restaurant and came to the center of Tianhuang City.

Here is the location of City Lord Mansion ,that is Transmission Array.

The huge and spacious mansion stands in the old city, the area is bigger than the sea, and the buildings are row upon row, showing luxury.

When Lin Biao walked in, I felt that the spiritual qi of between Heaven and Earth was much thicker, and the crystal of Martial Dao Will floated in the air.

In this kind of crystal dust, cultivation Martial Dao Will can be a thousand miles away, or the best place to see the environment since Lin Biao was born again.

Entering the gate of the City Lord Mansion, there is a square at the entrance, and the Interstate Transmission Array is engraved on the square. Three old people sit next to each other.

Now when the array is closed, there is no command from the heavens, no one can get close.

“Yu Wen Princess!” When Yu Wenjing came in, the old people volunteered to say hello.

Yu Wenjing nodded his head and took Lin Biao toward the depths of the City Lord Mansion.

Not long after, she replaced Lin Biao into a luxurious building.

In the hall, Lin Biao sat in the chair of the Taishi, and Yu Wenjing sat opposite.

“What do you call you?”

“Lin Biao.” Lin Biao did not hide.

“That’s good, Lin Biao, now you can talk about business.” Yu Wenjing looked directly at him.

I saw Lin Biao took out a jade slip and quickly imprinted something.

“You have to be clear about the problem of life essence. It is impossible to cure. Even Immortal can’t defy Heaven and Earth rules. He can only live for so long!”

Lin Biao said while branding.

“But, I have a way to let him live a little more time when he is dying! If you want to cure the problem, he will only spend another time in this Time, and break through to the nine robbers. 30,000 years of life essence, otherwise there is no solution.”

At this time, Lin Biao was branded, and Yu Jian was handed over to Yu Wenjing.

“This is a prescription, which I accidentally got countless years ago. Under the whole world, only two people will refining this kind of immortality.”

“You follow the above medicine herb, first collect it for me, then talk about treating your Master.”

Yu Wenjing took over this jade, and saw that there are thousands of different kinds of medicine herbs written on it. The lowest ones are 6th Grade medicine herbs, and the highest ones are 8th Grade medicine herbs. The weight varies, the years are different, and the more dazzling. !

Such a complicated and cumbersome medicine herb, and some of the names of the medicine herb, even she has never heard of it, let her stay on the spot.

“Why, is there a problem?” Lin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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