789. The truth of the 788 chapter Dragon Pool Order

The truth of the 788 chapter Dragon Pool Order

“Longchi is a hot potato, and the influences of all parties are staring at it. No one can get it easily. If it is a sea home, it will become a target of public criticism.”

“Influence of all parties has long been a sight to the sea, if Longchi is in hand, it is undoubtedly a fuse! Accelerate the demise of Haijia!” The big housekeeper sighed.

This is the sad part of the small family. Longchi makes this kind of red-eyed treasure, which is taken by his own clansmen, but can’t keep it, even dare not to protect it, so as not to ignite the fire.

He said that he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Now, heaven helps me, and Hailing Master is back. He also brought back Longchi Ling quietly! Although he lost a fleshy body, he is still alive. With Longchi, you can recreate a peerless world for Haijia. Evildoer !”

The silver-haired man also smiled and said: “Yeah, in any case, the young master of the sea spirit came back, and brought the dragon pool order, all happy! Just wait for the housekeeper to decide!”

“In any case, this matter must be kept secret and cannot be disclosed. Even people who are at home cannot disclose it!” The big housekeeper said seriously.

“I know!”


The words of the two people coincided with Lin Biao’s guess.

It’s just that Lin Biao still doesn’t understand what Longchi Ling means, but I can definitely find out.

The next day, Lin Biao quietly sent a Human Race Avatar, dressed up in disguise, using invisible and invisible, the appearance turned into a sick young woman with skin sallow, slipping out of the sea.

Haichuan City is a territory of Haijia. It is a very large area. It is located on the northeastern border of Nanfengyu, next to the deserted sea. It is a wharf city.

There are quite a few restaurants in Haichuan City. Lin Biao asked casually on the road and found out that Nanfeng’s first intelligence organization, “Listening to the Wind Restaurant”, has a Branch here.

“Listen to the restaurant!”

Lin Biao’s eyes lit up, this is the first intelligence organization in Nanfeng domain, looking at the whole Continent, is also the top five intelligence organizations, he has heard of previous life.

Listening to the wind building has been established for 300,000 years. Throughout the ages, the intelligence error rate is less than one thousandth, and the reputation is called Perfect.

After asking for the road, Lin Biao immediately came to the southernmost part of Haichuan City, listening to the location of the wind and wine building.

This is the most barren place in Haichuan City.

Look outside the wind restaurant, it is a wooden inn, very simple, can be said to be unremarkable.

The guests inside are also masked by wearing a hat, and it is estimated that they do not want to be known by their own identity.

Lin Biao also put on a cloak and walked into the hall on the first floor.

“waiter, get on the wine!”

Lin Biao found a position to sit down and shouted at the counter.


The voice just fell, a shop waiter looks like a person came to Lin Biao, smiling:

“guest What kind of wine do you want? We have a grade of Jinbo wine, a second grade of Muling wine, a third grade of Qingquan wine, a fourth grade of burning wine, and a five grade of Mo Yan wine. Which grade do you want? ”

The waiter in the store is full of smiles.

Lin Biao said: “Is there a rock wine?”

When the waiter listened to this, his eyes slammed and smiled. “Guest, please come with me.”

Lin Biao stood up and followed the store waiter towards the inside of the restaurant.

In listening to the wind restaurant, any verbal communication is heavily processed. On the surface, there is no real sentence. You must pay attention to the “dark language.”

Like the previous shop waiter asked “Jinbo Liquor”, “Mu Ling Liquor”, “Qingquan Liquor”, “Cigar Liquor”, “Mu Yan Liquor”, in the name of five acts, representing the precious degree of intelligence.

Mercury is the most expensive information!

Lin Biao’s previous life grasped this whisper, otherwise, the average person could not communicate.

Lin Biao took a moment, and as the waiter came to the inner court, there was a large isolation array. After Lin Biao entered, the between Heaven and Earth was dark, and the scope of the Spiritual Sense could not be detected. Thoroughly isolate any perception.

There are no fingers here, and Lin Bian can’t see anything.

He knows that this is the top secret information of the restaurant, and it is worth the price.

After the waiter sent him in, he went out and only remained Lin Biao in the black hole of Space.

“I want to know what Longchi is.”

Lin Biao opened his mouth against the dark sky.

He knows the rules, after opening, he throws a storage ring and throws it into the darkness, which contains Treasure, which matches the value.

After a while, a voice echoed: “Longchi Ling, is a pass to Longchi.”

Lin Biao’s eyes are bright, pass? This shows that Longchi is definitely a treasure!

“Where is Longchi?”

Lin Biao asked another question and threw a storage ring again.

After a few breaths, the voice returned: “The center of Nanfengyu, the top of the dragon.”

Lin Biao nodded and threw a storage ring again: “What’s in the dragon pool?”

“I don’t know, but there are rumors that Longchi is a place where the dragons are buried. There are thousands of dragon corpse hidden there. Only Longchi is allowed to enter Longchi!”

That voice faint back.

Lin Biao shrinks and calms down.

The dragon’s bone-buried land, only Longchi, can enter Longchi!

No wonder! No wonder!

It’s no wonder that Nanfeng Domain is so popular with Longchi! It seems that there is such a big chance hidden inside!

The dragons were extinct in ancient times. The remains of the dragons are all continent. It is conceivable that this place of bones will make people crazy.

Lin Biao took a few deep breaths and gradually calmed down. In any case, he had to go to Longchi.

He thought about it and finally threw a storage ring.

These four storage rings, four problems, have exhausted all his property, which is his last question.

“Detailedly speaking, after the Longchi order, how to enter the Dragon Pool?” Lin Biao asked.

This problem may reveal that he has a dragon pool order, but Lin Biao believes in listening to the wind restaurant.

“Longchi is a different space. Three years later, the different space will officially descend on Qianlong Mountain. If you wear the Dragon Pool, you will not be rejected by the Space! As long as you hold the Dragon Pool, you can enter smoothly! ”

That voice is leisurely.

Lin Biao nodded slightly, facing the darkness in the sky.

“Thank you, my question is over.”

Lin Biao’s voice fell, and then he felt that his own space had changed, and the darkness in front of him was bright.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the outside world and listened to the first floor of the inn of the restaurant.

The waiter is still busy, giving tea to other guests.

Lin Biao smiled slightly, left listening to the restaurant, and found a no-man position self-exploding off the Avatar.

Longchi Ling, he already knows what it is.

It is a pass for the influence of all parties. Only this thing can go to Longchi after three years!

“Oh, this thing is tailor-made for me, Longchi, I must go!”

In the Hai family room, Lin Biao main body opened her eyes and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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