200. Chapter 200 Zhang Lin wakes up!

Chapter 200 Zhang Lin wakes up!

“You are not my master, I have already been with him.”

“Continent since ancient times is Law of the jungle, why bother to learn from him, to fool a beggar to please a group of beast? Treat Monster Beast, do not kill, how to ask them to yield!”

Xuanyuan wars staring at the Snake Monster who are smashing at the moment, gnashing their teeth: “The Tao is different, I will prove that the theory of Xianyunzi is a complete joke!”

“Even if I become a butcher and a hangman, I can still make it!”

Xuanyuan’s war madness is like a thunder, and his eyes are extremely firm.

As Time went on, more and more Snake Monsters were caught, and some were killed and beheaded on the spot.

In the face of the Yuan Ying monk of the Imperial Beast, and the siege of the Monster Beast, the snakes have no resistance at all, and the battle is one-sided.

Blood is full of snakes, and the air is filled with bleeding and smell.

It was only five minutes after all the Snake Monsters were caught and more killed.

Xuanyuan war anger reveals a cruel smile.

“Let us go!”

“You guys!”

“When the king returns, it will kill you!”

“The king will avenge us!”

The snakes were tied in a big net and screamed in anger.

Xuanyuan war mad brow wrinkles: “Let them be quiet and quiet!”


A core elder walked up and took out a 4th Grade Thunder charm.

The electric light of the Thunder spirits swept out. The Snake Monsters all suffered terrifying electric shocks and made a miserable humming sound. It didn’t take long for them to fall into a coma.

At this moment, a huge five-thousand feet (333 m) of the giant catching nets gathered together, like the fishing nets, which caught at least thousands of snakes, all of which are elites of the snakes.

As for the insignificant, the little snake without cultivation Lightning Forging Body Art was directly cruelly killed and fed to the Monster Beast after the tame.

Xuanyuan war swayed and waved, and four big eagle fell on the sky.

“Bring this group of beast back.” Xuanyuan warfare ordered.


The four eagle owls caught the four horns of the trapping net and vacated them. They took the stunned snakes in the net with Heaven and flew to the west.

Xuanyuan war madness went in the other direction.

“Next goal, Wolf Race!”

“Yes!” The crowd followed.

“Hey!” The flying wolf made a deep sob.


Ten minutes later, Wolf Race was not spared and was taken back.

Under the ravages of the sacred beasts, the Monster Race of the Monster Beast Mountain Range was taken back one by one, and all the members were spared.

Those who developed Lightning Forging Body Art were treated as tame targets, and those who did not have cultivation were killed by cruelty.

The Monster Beast Mountain Range is shrouded in sorrow.


the other side.

One day passed, Mo Xingtian had searched the Monster Beast Mountain Range for every horn, and did not find the trace of Lin Biao.

He arrived at the border of the Nanban ancient land in the south, looking at the endless rainforest in front, and fell into meditation.

At the moment, in addition to Mo Xingtian, there are three men wearing different costumes in their robes and different looks. They are the elders of the Academy of Stars.

“According to the news I got, Lin Ritian is likely to hide in the ancient Nanban, give me an inch-inch search, and find the ground three feet!” Mo Xingtian ordered.

“Yes!” The three people split up and took out a different search class, Spirit Treasure, to explore in nearby.

Mo Xingtian took out the tracking compass and searched the trail of Lin Biao.


It’s three days to go.

Among the snake god tribes, outside the house where Lin Biao is located, the elders of the Eight Great Temples have been stunned for a week. No one has risen, and no one has dissatisfaction.

Even if they let them die, they willingly.

This is faith!

Lin Biao’s coma also touched the hearts of the tens of thousands of native gods of the zombie tribe. They constantly searched the tropical herbs, the treasured medicines, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure, all donated to the temple.

Some women even ran to offer sacrifices, but they were rejected by the elders because, as far as he knows, Lin Biao did not like to sacrifice people.

As for the high priest and Poison King, they did not act rashly. They left the temple and went to the place where the corpse was in the snake. I didn’t know what to do.


In the pool, Lin Shuan lay quietly inside, motionless, if it weren’t for aura still stable, will be mistaken for death.

At this moment, Lin Biao’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, the severely created Soul Power has already recovered almost, the snake body main body is hidden in Avatar and hidden in the sleeves, there is no sign of awake.

Xiaoyue is hidden in the water, quietly guarding.

Time I don’t know how long it has passed.

At this time, a bubble popped up in the pool.

After a long while, more and more bubbles, you can see that the medicine liquid in the pool seems to have attracted some kind of attraction, and it is slowly sucked into the sleeve and into the crack of the snake scale of Lin Biao.

The medicine liquid is moving faster and faster, forming almost a small vortex.

“Lin elder brother?” Xiaoyue was shocked.

She can feel that all the medicine liquids have been absorbed into the body by Lin Biao, since they can absorb the medicine liquid, indicating that there is a consciousnessness.

As the rate of absorption accelerated, it was not long before the medicine liquid in the pool was absorbed and turned into clear, transparent water.

At this time, an invisible Spiritual Sense, which radiated from Lin Biao’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, spread out of the house and locked in the eight crouching elders.

On the ground, there are diverse sorts and varieties of rich medicine herbs and Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure, all of which are contributed by the native residents these days.

Then, the fuzzy Spiritual Sense swept through the temple, crossed the wall, swept to the outside street, and saw countless native praying.

The generalized monk’s Spiritual Sense can only be diverged to three miles away. Today, Lin Biao’s Spiritual Sense can also spread to five miles, which is stronger than ordinary monks.

Lin Biao’s Spiritual Sense continues to wander around the Zombie tribe, through the streets and alleys, looking at the believers, he can feel the Will of everyone.

The center of these Will is his Will!

After a long time, Lin Biao’s magnificent Spiritual Sense power shrank back from the outside and retracted his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Hey!” A squeaking sound in the mind, Sea of ​​Consciousness swayed and everything went to calm.

His main body and Avatar opened their eyes at the same time.


“hua la !”

Lin Biao climbed out of the water and shocked the water.

Xiaoyue also got out of his sleeve and landed on his shoulder.

“Unconscious in the seventh day of Time, I was blessed in disguise, Soul Power has improved, this python god tribe, it is right.” Lin Biao’s own words.

“Congratulations to Lin Elder Brother!” Xiaoyue laughed.

“It’s still the merit of those native!” Lin Biao exclaimed.

At this time, his head turned, looking to the north of the void, a hint of deep sneer at the corner of his mouth.

According to his speculation, the Star Academy should find Nanban ancient land at this time, that is, I don’t know if there are a few people, who are the gods, or the Half-Step.

He took out the beginner student token, his eyes flashing, a plan, quietly emerging in his heart.

[ps: I have recently recommended fewer tickets. I don’t know if it’s the reason for starting school. 】

(End of this chapter)

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