1085. Chapter 1084 chapter sudden Bloodline induction

Chapter 1084’s sudden Bloodline induction

Even the fleshy body is gone, there is a soul left, and it can be cultivated for 100,000 years. The mind of this person is firm.

Feng Hao coldly said: “We are all from the Middle-earth domain, what do you want?”

“Haha, don’t be nervous, I didn’t say that I want to kill you.” Flame Soul Body smiled.

Everyone has a strange look.

“I just give you a hint, the flame temperature here is not without trace.”

“At midnight tomorrow, the temperature of the flames here will drop to a minimum. At that time, half of you will have the ability to come in.”

“However, you only have a fragrant Time, search for Flame Law!”

“After a scent, the temperature will rise rapidly and quickly reach its apex. At that time, the death volcano erupted, and all but the life of the volcano will be wiped out.”

Flame Soul Body said while loudly laughing.

Everyone looks at each other.

“Is this true?” Gongsun Yu asked.

“Do you think that my expert like this will lie to you this group of ants?” Flame Soul Body sneered.

Everyone is speechless.

“In the midst of wealthy insurance, I decided to rest, tomorrow night, killing a wave!”

“me too!”

“For the Flame Law source crystal, fight!”

Everyone, you say a word.

Lin Biao knows that the longer you live, the less profitable you are, and the things are definitely not that simple.

This group of hoes is easy to be deceived, he will not be fooled.

Lin Biao pondered for a moment, decided to restore to try, anyway, he has two Avatar, a variety of means, completely not afraid.

After sealing Zheng Jingjing, Lin Biao took out a wood carving and began to engrave Zheng Jingyang’s doll.

At this time, it is natural to rely on cursing the dolls, not asking for a fatal blow. It is enough to just ask for a mess at a critical moment.

Time goes slowly.

Later, two people came in the death volcano, and the number reached fifteen.

Time soon came to midnight the next day.

Late at night, everyone quietly felt the temperature here.

Sure enough, when Time was near midnight, the temperature plummeted.

Everyone is holding their breath and ready to rush out.

At this moment, Lin Biao’s cursed doll has just completed a head, and it is not enough to kill his head, but it is enough.

“Big Curse!”

Lin Biao’s eyes were turned into gold, and a shimmer was taken into the head of the doll.

Zheng Jingyang did not know that he had been connected with the cursed doll.

Eventually, Time came to midnight and the temperature dropped to a minimum.


For a moment, fifteen people on the scene stormed and rushed to the magma pool in front.

Lin Biao was wrapped in dragon scales, and Gongsun Yu was shrouded in a layer of Sword Qi. Everyone applied the means to firmly resist the high temperature of the place.

Among them, when seven people arrived at the magma pool, they suddenly burst into flames and screamed, and they had to retreat.

The remaining eight people jumped into the magma pool.


Lin Biao waved and took a Flame Law source into the body Space.

Gong Sun Yu also received one in a flash.

Then, everyone else has a harvest.

Zheng Jingyang also harvested two Flame Law source crystals.

At this time, everyone is paying close attention to Time to capture the source of the source, and no intention to deal with other people, anyway, the Flame Law source crystal is enough here.


Lin Biao took out the cursed doll’s head before and threw it into the magma pool.

Just a head, the reflex is tiny and can be ignored.

However, for Zheng Jingyang, it is fatal.


The doll’s head fell into the magma and burned out in an instant.


Zheng Jingyang suddenly made a scream and his head ignited a fire.

“Ah! What is going on here! Ah!”

Zheng Jingyang held his head and screamed, but in an instant, he burned the light.

Ten robbers, true, have not survived, and their heads are not dead.

However, this is a magma area, which needs to be concentrated and fully resistant to high temperatures!

Zheng Jingyang suddenly lost his head, with the body, the real yuan suddenly collapsed, where resistance!

For a moment, his cockroaches ignited a fire and was surrounded by flames.

“Ah!! Save me! Save me!”


The screams rang out, Zheng Jingyang struggled a few times, lost his center of gravity, fell into the magma pool, and burned nothing left.

Zheng Jingyang’s death, so that everyone is stare blankly, but did not pay too much attention, continue to collect the flames of the righteous source crystal.

Instead, let Zheng Jingjing on the shore sigh, like something is free.

At the moment of Zheng Jingyang’s death, Lin Biao threw out a melting pot, his furnace Avatar.

The furnace Avatar was close to Zheng Jingyang’s corpse, took its storage ring and collected it in Items Storage, and then the furnace Avatar was burnt.

This series of actions is done in a flash.

“Flying clouds, get it!” Lin Biao smiled.

Solved Zheng Jingyang, Lin Biao continued to collect Flame Law source crystal.

“Hurry up, you only have a fragrant Time, after a scent, the temperature will skyrocket, Hahaha!” Flame Soul Body said while loudly laughing.

Everyone rushed in, and it’s already half a column.

Lin Biao collected five flames of Yiyiyuanjing and came to the depths of the magma pool. The rest of the people also collected a lot.

Suddenly, Lin Biao’s gaze looked at the underside of the magma pool.

His Bloodline is getting hot.

It seems that under this magma pool, there seems to be something connected to his Bloodline.

“There is something inside!” Lin Biao secretly.

Here is Longchi, he is the only dragon here, and it is not surprising that any one connected to his Bloodline.

Now is the time when the temperature is the lowest. If you don’t try it, you may have no chance in the future.

Lin Biao just pondered for a second and decided to give it a try.

Immediately, Lin Biao smashed under the magma pool.

“You…” Gongsun Yu was shocked.

This kind of magma pool, invincible Zhenjun is touched to death, is Lin Biao crazy?

Everyone wonders if Lin Biao is crazy, he is court death.

It was the Soul Body in the distance, and the eyes flashed in surprise.

Lin Biao’s eyes turned into gray, a terrifying Power of Laws appeared.

In the moment he touched the magma pool, his within the body, the gray annihilation Law came down.

In the role of annihilating Law, the magma below disappeared from the air, and a slender open tunnel appeared. The forest rushed into the tunnel, and the magma disappeared.

The surrounding magma flows quickly to adjust the vacancies here, but the speed of the forest raft is too fast, just a blink of an eye, it rushes into the depth of the magma pool, faster than the flow rate of the magma.

“not good!”

Suddenly, the Soul Body, the flame on the shore, screamed, and rushed toward Lin Biao.

His eyes were full of anxiety, and his heart had already opened.

“Does this person discover what? He dared to harden the magma pool!”

[ps: Recently busy, it should be gone tonight. 】

(End of this chapter)

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