1080. Chapter 1079 Eater’s House

Chapter 1079 Eating a House

Then, Lin Biao sensed the intensity of the space here and found that it was much stronger than the outside world.

Nearby There is no one. When everyone comes in, they will randomly appear in different places and the location will be disrupted.

Of course, the exit is fixed and it is always flying towards the center of the spiritual qi.

After a month, everyone will gather at the center because it is when they leave the Dragon Pool.

“hua la !”

Suddenly, a flying fish opened its mouth and rushed toward Lin Biao.

Lin Biao turned to look at it, it turned out to be a Monster Beast who would eat people.

The backhand slaps and shoots the fish into a meat sauce.


Lin Biao grabbed the fish and examined it carefully. He found that the fish within the body contained a thin Dragonline.

“Interesting, this casually encountered a fish, there are Dragon Bloodline, Longchi is really a good place!” Lin Biao laughed.

If you don’t say anything else, this fish can be sold and sold for a lot of money.

“hua la !”

Suddenly, flying fish flew up from the swamp and bit the past toward Lin Biao.

Lin Biao came to him, and all the fish that appeared appeared to be killed, with income fromin the body Space.

These fish have no ingenuity, but they all have the strength of being around the real person, and they don’t have the Dragon Bloodline.

After Lin Biao successively shot more than a hundred fish, no fish appeared anymore.

“The queens, these fish have also become ants.” Lin Biao told.

“Yes! Master!” within the body Space, the queen came back to respond.

Lin Biao went out of the swamp and flew away.

The area of ​​this swamp is quite large. If it is outside, Lin Biao can fly out with a few breaths, but the gravity of Longchi is too high, and Lin Biao flies for half an hour before flying out of this swamp.

Midway, I did not meet the Monster Beast attack.

“Hey, dragon’s blood grass!” Lin Biao flew, picked up a bloody grass.

Grass containing dragon blood, there is no price! It will only grow in the place where the dragons died!

Direct swallowing can also improve the strength of fleshy body in a short time, and the effect is remarkable.

“This dragon pool is really a treasure.”

Lin Biao smiled slightly, and there was a flame in his palm, and the dragon’s blood grass was placed in the palm of his hand.

Later, he sat down and took out some auxiliary medicine herbs, just a minute of Time, a dragon Lidan formed.

After receiving Longlidan, Lin Biao continued to move forward.

Beyond the marshes, there is an endless grassland.

Lin Biao’s Spiritual Sense spread out and continued to walk.

Suddenly, Lin Biao found a distant city at the end of the grassland and there was a city.

The size of the city in the distance is not large, much smaller than that of the deserted city, and it looks like a small town.

Lin Biao saw it and flew over there.

After an hour, Lin Biao came to the city gate, the city was quiet, and no one could see it. Moreover, the Concealing Array was added here, and Spiritual Sense was completely isolated.

Intuitively, there must be someone here.

Lin Biao entered the city and walked on the street.

The buildings on the street are well organized, with restaurants, inns, pharmacies and much more.

However, Lin Biao always feels that the building here is a bit strange, and the distance is strange, he can’t say it.

“Someone?” Lin Biao shouted.

No one answered.

Inside the medicinal shop, the jade bottle is placed on the table, and the table is brand new, but it is left unattended.

In the restaurant, every table and bench is neatly arranged, and some tables also have jugs and chopsticks.

At the end of the street of the bluestone slab, there is no one.

Lin Biao stopped in front of a tailor shop.

In the tailor shop, there are many clothing fabrics and scissors, which seem to be ordinary, but no one.

The whole city is like this, the shop is normal, there is no decay of the trace, but it is impossible to see people.

It’s like the people in the city are evaporating.

Lin Brow’s brow is slightly wrinkled.


The cloth in the tailor shop suddenly violently flew up and flew toward Lin Biao.

Flying out of nowhere, no warning!

“Hmmm?” Lin Brow’s brow wrinkled.

He has no resistance for the time being and wants to see what is famous.

I saw this piece of cloth flying over, entangled him, wrapped it in death, and tied it into a mummy.

Then, the pair of scissors also flew over and cut it towards Lin Biao’s neck.

Lin Biao did not move, and there was a dragon scale on his neck.


The scissors were cut and only heard a crisp sound. Lin Biao was unscathed and the scissors were broken.

At this moment, all the clothes in the tailor shop flew over and flew towards Lin Biao.

Lin Biao doesn’t know what it is, but he won’t let the other person come.

He fired a fire and burned all the cloth.

Looking at the tailor shop in front of him, Lin Biao felt that something was wrong and left quickly.

On the bluestone street, he walked.

Suddenly, the slate under his feet also flew up and quickly squatted on Lin Biao’s head.


Nothing happens.

Lin Biao punched out and shattered the slate, but then the stones on the road all flew up, like the rain, rushing to Lin Biao.

Lin Biao punched out with a punch and broke all the stones.

The power of these stones is not small, under the gravity of Longchi, you can kill the eight lords.

Lin Brow’s brow wrinkled deeper. After breaking all the slate, he turned around and left quickly.

“What is going on in this city?” Lin said secretly.

The things in the city took the initiative to attack him without any warning or who was secretly manipulated.

When Lin Biao passed the restaurant, the jug and chopsticks inside also flew out. The wine in the jug splashed to Lin Biao, and the chopsticks directly stabbed Lin Biao’s eyes.

Lin Biao was a little bit bored.

If other people are likely to be injured by sneak attack, or even die directly, for him, these are all pediatrics, and there is no difference between tickle and tickle.

Even if Lin Biao stood still, let them play, it was unscathed.


Lin Biao was wrapped in dragon scales. When the chopsticks and the jug came over, his body did not sway.

“Come out, I can’t stand still, you can’t bear me!” Lin Biao loudly.

At this time, the building next to Lin Biao suddenly tilted and slammed toward him.

The door opened, like a big mouth, swallowing Lin Biao into the house.

The house will still eat people.


Lin’s huge force broke out and collapsed the entire restaurant.

The sawdust fluttered down.

Lin Biao hangs up and looks at the infinite pavilion below.

I saw the house below, like alive, all flew up and rushed toward Lin Biao.

“Give me out!”

Lin Biao holds the thunder.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

A few Heavenly Thunder smashed all the houses, and the wood burnt black and landed on the ground.

Until then, those houses did not continue to work.

Lin Biao landed again and said indifferently: “Come out, do it, it doesn’t make any sense.”

(End of this chapter)

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