1075. Chapter 1074 is getting out of the way!

Chapter 1074 is getting out of the way!

The purple condensed child who was suppressed was completely dumbfounded.

“Impossible, he is just a native of Nanfeng, how can I beat me!!” Zi Ninger looked awkward.

Lin Biao, as if immunizing all toxins, she played the first emperor venom, and was broken by a strange move.

Hidden Poison Sect, it will be here, eat so much loss! Dead dozens of elders!

If it is known to the lord, she must punish her!

At this time, Lin Biao looked up and looked at the last person who was only the rest.

Gong Sun Yu!

It’s just that Gong Sun Yu at this time, the interest in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and it’s not the first contempt.

“Good! Great! I went through the horns in Nanfeng, and finally found my opponent!”

Gong Sun Yu squeezed the sword in his hand and excited: “Tell me your name, you are qualified to let me pay attention!”

“But you are not qualified to let me pay attention.” Lin Biao was cold and indifferent.

Gong Sun Yu suddenly became a bit stiff, and it seemed a bit ugly.

Even Zi Ninger also took a breath of air, Gongsun Yu, this is a group of genius from Nanfeng domain, which is surrounded between the best, except Ye Ye’s Ye Fei can make a few moves with him, almost none adversary.

This Lin Biaogang and their Hidden Poison Sect great war, dare to despise Gongsun Yu, too crazy!


Gong Sunyu took a deep breath and solemnly said: “Now, my grandson is throwing a war to you. I am not at risk. I will give you a week to rest. After a week, I will come to Dancheng and challenge the door! ”

“No need!”

Lin Biao said indifferently: “Now, I will solve it together, too lazy to trouble.”

Gong Sunyu’s face is more distorted, Lin Biao Innate Talent is good, even more crazy than him, he has never seen such arrogance.

“The arrogant boy, I will let you pay the price today!”

Gongsun Yu out of the sword, a sword pulled out, sharp sword edge is like a round of menis, sweeping Heaven and Earth, sword broken void.

Lin Biao has no extra movements, with the true element of the body at this moment, exhausted, the gray Qi Flow reappears!

Simple, a sword to sweep, gray sword light skyrocketing, direct attack on Gong Sunyu face.

“It’s just right!” Gongsun Yu was overjoyed.

At that time, he saw Lin Biao’s sword breaking the venomous ghost claws, and his heart tickles. He wanted to pick up the gray sword from Lin Biao.

Now, it’s just here!

Gongsun Yu is out of the sword, sharp Sword Qi goes straight into the sky, Heaven and Earth sing, just like Heaven and Earth, everything trembles with this sword.

This is his strongest sword, as a sword repair, the most exciting is this moment!

In comparison, Lin Biao’s gray Sword Qi is very inconspicuous. No one thinks that he will be the opponent of Gongsun Yu.

But then, two Sword Qi crashed into a collision.

The sound disappeared at this moment.

The sword sound is lost, and the place where the gray Sword Qi passes, everything disappears out of thin air, as if it is a big mouth of Devouring Heaven and Earth, wherever it flies, it is swallowed clean.

Gray Sword Qi came too fast, Gongsun Yu hurriedly pulled out the sudden retreat, but the gray Sword Qi still rushed to the front, came to the front.

In a hurry, he lifted a sword.

Fei Yujian is his Life-Source flying sword. It is extremely sturdy and is built by his Master. No one can break it!

“hua la !”

It’s like the wind is blowing.

The sword in the hands of Gongsun Yu was completely turned into nothingness, and only one hilt was left and he was held in his hand.

Until now, the gray Sword Qi finally dissipated.

He was stupid, looking at the hollowed-out hilt, as if he was stunned by Heavenly Thunder, his heart was shocked.

“My… my flying feather sword, no more!” Gongsun Yu lost.

As if he had lost his soul, he stood in the same place, his eyes straight and he could not believe it.

Fei Yujian is his Life-Source flying sword, connected with his heart, once the sword is broken, it means that he is completely defeated!

Lost in the body!

In the Middle-earth domain, Gongsun Yu challenged countless talents, he did not lose.

But he lost the game, the sword in his hand is still intact, never broken like this!


He was kneeling on the ground, soulless eyes, and the heart completely collapsed.

Lin Biao did not take the opportunity to chase and kill. He had just smashed Law twice and completely exhausted his with the body.

If it wasn’t for the sword of Gongsun Yu that was broken, his heart was broken, and Lin Biao was still in trouble.

This person is purely a martial art. In order to compete with genius, nothing can be ignored. Lin Biao is somewhat appreciative of this kind of person.

“Snort! Swordsman, when you are not willing to fold, unyielding, but it is a broken sword, let you lose your heart?” Lin Biao cold and cold.

Gong Sun Yu trembled and clasped the hilt in his hand.

“It’s just an invincible Zhenjun. It’s no one in the eyes. In the small place of Nanfengyu, it is called the king and he is arrogant. He believes that the sword is the ultimate Sword Dao, not the martial arts!”

“You, not qualified to be a sword repair!”

Lin Biao’s voice slowly spread out.

After Gong Sunyu listened, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, his hand was released, and the hilt fell to the ground.

At this moment, he is like Empowerment, and suddenly enlightenment, and the light in the eyes of the godless.

Suddenly, he looked up and bowed his head against Lin Biao.

“Master, please be prayed by your disciples!”

Gongsun Yu slammed his head and even smashed three.

Lin Biao looked at Gong Sun Yu and thought in his heart. This person is a martial artist. When he comes over, he only challenges him. He has no harm, but he can let go.

“I don’t have the habit of collecting my disciples, let’s go.” Lin said.

“Master said, wins me painstaking cultivation for thousands of years, even if I am confiscated as a disciple, I should respect you as a teacher!”

Gong Sun Yu once again gimmicks.

Immediately, he stood up and walked to Lin Biao not far away.

“What are you doing here?” Lin Biao frowned.

“Master is a bit of a good thing, I don’t know how to repay, can only be a slave for three years, as long as it is useful to my place, my Gongsun Yu will never wrinkle half a brow! Otherwise, my heart is difficult!” Gongsun Yu Gong.

Lin Biao was not stare blankly, and immediately said: “I really have one thing, let you do it.”

“What’s the matter!” Gongsun Yu’s eyes lit up.

Lin Biao smiled coldly and slowly said: “Hold your hands in your hands, kneel on the floor, and get out of the way!”

Gongsun Yu suddenly froze.

He looked at Lin Biao, and took a deep breath, his hands clasped his head.

Then, like the ball, rolling toward the distance, the faster and faster, and then quickly disappeared.

He was really as good as Lin Biao said.

Zi Ninger looked completely silly, his mouth was slightly open, and he didn’t know what to say.

Under the sun, there is such a funny thing! Simply subverting cognition!

Gong Sunyu’s move, even Lin Biao was stunned.

This human heart is strong, the world is rare, stand by one’s word, is a plastic talent, maybe it can help.

Lin Biao collected the magical monument, tied the seriously injured purple condensate, tied it into a ball with a rope, and brought it into the black tower.

(End of this chapter)

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