1064. Chapter 1063 is a sword!

Chapter 1063 destroys a sword!

The blood ants are scattered and tearing toward the corpse.

The devil will drop the eyeballs out quickly.

I saw those blood ant kings flashing their wings, the speed of lightning, rushing toward the corpse, like a locust crossing the border!

It was only a moment when the corpse was eaten, and most of it was eaten.

“Stop! Stop your hand, don’t eat!” The devil will growl.

Hundreds of blood ant kings swept past, and in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of corpses were all eaten up.

“call out!”

The devil will quickly escape into the Panlong Main Hall.

Lin Biao ordered the blood ant king to surround the Panlong Main Hall, then blasted the door and walked into the Main Hall.

I saw the magic will be suspended in the center of the Main Hall, directly above the dragon pattern, with a threat to stare at Lin Biao.

“Kid, I admit, I am not your opponent! But I know, you are coming for this big dream dragon!” The devil will sneer.

“Is this related to you?” Lin said.

“Haha!” The devil will laugh wildly: “As long as you dare to approach Half-Step, I will immediately destroy this big dream dragon! Let you not get it!”

As soon as this statement came out, Lin Biao’s face suddenly sank.

He came to Panlong Secret Realm’s purpose, in addition to looking for the ice fire king, it really has this purpose.

Big Dream Dragon’s Third Layer dream, maybe, is the key to his comprehend annihilation of Law.

As long as comprehend annihilated Law, after the eighth robbery, Lin Biao’s strength, can produce qualitative changes, no longer just ten robbery true king peak so simple, but invincible true!

This matter is related to his potential and is sloppy?

The magic will really bring this sentence to his lifeline.

However, this magic will not be a fuel-efficient lamp. If Lin Biao is too anxious, it will be easily used by the devil.

At this moment, Lin Biao’s mind, flashed countless thoughts, thinking about how to solve this game.


Suddenly, Lin Biao’s face was white and spewed out a blood.

“Oops! Just using the Octopus Thunder Seal transition, coupled with the golden eye, is now in trouble.” Lin said secretly.

The devil will see this situation and his eyes will shine.


The golden bone dragon broke open the forest whip, and the huge tail came over and slammed into Lin Biao’s body.


Lin Biao was flying in an instant, hitting the wall of the main hall of Panlong, and the walls were smashed into the cave.


Lin Biao spurted blood and his face was paler.

This time, it was not him, but he was really hurt.

“Haha, I thought it was an expert, it turned out to be a paper tiger.” The devil will smile.

Lin Biao’sconsciousness, has always been paying attention to the magic, as long as he leaves the big dream dragon ten meters away, Lin Biao is sure to kill it instantly.

However, this demon will remain on the Big Dream Dragon, and it will not move away, nor will it take the initiative to attack Lin Biao.

It seems that he is also worried about Lin Biao’s fraud.

At this moment, the golden bone dragon that broke free from the bondage rushed into the Main Hall.

“Up, put this kid flat!” The devil will command.


The golden bone dragon rushed over, his head rushed up, and Lin Biao’s hands reached the chest, and he was hit by a head and his body was hit again.

However, the devil will not refuse to take action in person.

He only manipulated the golden bone dragon and attacked Lin Biao.

“Mom, I have been hurt like this, how can this old ghost not come?” Lin Biao secretly.

Seeing that the Golden Bone Dragon came over again, Lin Biao knew that he had to do the fake play.


Lin Biao was once again hit and flew, squirting blood, and his body was falling apart.

“Haha! Hit him! Remember corpse don’t crash, I still use it!” The magic will say while loudly laughing.

The golden bone dragon rushed up, the tail entangled the forest owl, and the cockroach flew out, squatting on the ground again and again, licking the forest to vomit blood and bone fracture.

Lin Biao has not used dragon scales to defend, so that he is seriously injured!

This kind of injury does not matter if it is heavy, as long as he can take action to take action.


Lin Biao flew out again and landed in the corner.

His eyes are blurred, and the bones of the body are completely broken.

Seeing the glimpse of the magic, from the outside into his mind, the mind gradually disappeared.

“Oh, not bad! You step back, let me control him personally.”

The devil will smile and retreat the golden bone dragon.

At this moment, the devil will finally move away from the scope of the Big Dream Dragon and come to Lin Biao.

“Kid, give in! Peace of mind as my number one konjac, I will not treat you badly!” The devil will laugh.

Suddenly, a purple-black flying sword appeared behind him.

Magic Thunder Sword!

“Destroy the Seventh Sword of the Nine Swords, destroy the soul and a sword!”


The magical thunder sword crossed the void and passed over the body of the magical.

Lin Biao is on the island of the world, creating a new style, destroying a sword, you can instantly cut off soul!

Lin Biao’s gaze, staring at the magic in front of him.

He knew nothing about the Mozu, and he didn’t know how to kill the soul. It didn’t work for the Mozu.

The magic in front of him will not have the form of Human Race at all. Although there are also five senses and four limbs, his body is essentially a black “fog”. Maybe soul does not exist.

Maybe, destroying a sword, it doesn’t work.

Under the nervous gaze of Lin Biao.

When the sword is slash down, the magic will not move for a moment.

The whole body was completely stuck there, motionless, and the expression solidified instantly.


With a slight explosion, the magic in front of him will burst out of a group of Black Qi, which will become a void.

Only a smudged black ball fell to the ground, the size of the fist, like a black stone.

“Dead?” Lin Biao surprised.

The Mozu has always been known for its vitality. What Lin Biao can’t think of is that the magical eyes that are hard to kill with golden eyes will be destroyed by a sword and instantly give seconds.

Looking at the black stone in front of him, Lin Biao even suspected that this might be the “corpse” of the devil.

Soul smashed, instant spike!

There are no opportunities to escape, even the powerful demons!

Lin Biao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Big Dream Dragon is saved.

At this moment, the change will start again!

I saw the magical golden bone dragon, vacated, like a hurricane, rushing toward the middle of the dragon pattern.

“not good!”

Lin Biao’s dark passage is not good. It seems that before the demon will die, he will give the Golden Bone Dragon an order to destroy the Big Dream Dragon!

He hurriedly summoned all the blood ant kings, and at the same time fully urged the magic thunder sword to stop.


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed into the Main Hall from the outside, with a fierce wind blowing, hitting the body of the golden bone dragon.


The golden bone dragon was hit and flew in the distance.

Lin Biao fixed his eyes and saw that the black shadow that came in was actually the Ice Fire King.

(End of this chapter)

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