1061. The 1060 chapter of the wild animal after ten years

The wild animal of the 1060 chapter ten years later

Eastern Profound Territory is the most barren place in the five major domains except the northern wasteland.

To what extent is poverty?

Transcend tribulation period monks, can be king over there, just come to a robbery, can be a soil Emperor.

However, a powerful monk usually does not run there, unless it is about to sit down, will come to the Eastern Profound Territory.

Lin Biao hid aura and leaned on the shore in Cape Point. Here he came several times and remembered the route.

Lin Biao went all the way and returned to Dongling Prefecture.

When the Tianfeng people were on the side of the scene, the environment has changed a lot.

The sky mark sword sect was re-established, the strength did not weaken much, but a few new sect emerged, and it competed with the chamber, and called the three major families, two big families.

It is said that these five Great Influences, each of the influences, have transcend tribulation period monks oversee.

Lin Biao casually passed a sect and looked at it, knowing that there is a real person inside, and there are two.

He too lazy to pay attention here, although the sky mark sword sect is his creation, but what troubles he has to solve, it is too too waste.

His current goal is to go straight to the Panlong domain.

Leave Dongling Prefecture, pass through the Great Desolate Province, pass the Shenzhou Sea, and follow the Yanjiang River.

Lin Biao went again after the road, but in the past, several genius could finish the journey, Lin Biao just spent a long time flying.

On the afternoon of the arrival of the Eastern Profound Territory, Lin Biao returned to Panlong.

The Panlong domain is still the same, nothing changes.

In the past, it was an extremely large place to look at the Panlong domain. It seems that the area is similar to the island.

Lin Biao thought of the wild animal, and planned to go back and see.

The wild animal beast and the sky mark sword sect are different. This is the place where he has the cultivation of grace. The ice fire king of the year, but did a lot of things for him.

Moreover, the entrance of Panlongzong is in the underwater ice of the wild beast.

Lin Biao recalled the location of the wild beast and arrived here.

The sect is still there, but it is a bit different.

The area seems to be much smaller than before. A large Mountain Range was a wild animal sect, but now it has been reduced to a small corner. Moreover, the number of Monster Beast is even smaller.

Even around the sect, there are also the Human Race monks who are hunting Monster Beast and attacking the disciples of the wild beasts.

This is what happened when Lin Biao had just joined the wild beast.

Since Lin annihilated the Star Academy, the wild animal sect has been dominated. What happened after ten years?

Lin Biao was suspicious and came to the wild beast, the huge Spiritual Sense probed in, and instantly covered the entire sect.

The Wan Snake Valley is still there, and the Golden Mile Valley is still there, and most of the Monster Beast’s habitat is there.


The Millennium Fox King is gone, the Golden King is gone, the color is gone, Xiaobai is gone, and Sun Wu, Fei Siwo and other Monster Beast are gone.

The Monster Beast, which he used to know, was all gone.

He also discovered a strange phenomenon, the entire wild animal, a Half Divine Beast is gone.

“What happened?” Lin Biao frowned.

He entered the wild beast and went straight to the wild Main Hall.

This is where the sect is on the high floor.

At this moment, an old goat with a goatee is lying inside. This goat, Lin Biao, remembers that it was the elder of the management hall of the year.


After Lin Biao entered, the elders of the sheep immediately stood up and a pair of goateees blew.

“Shepherd elder, I am Lin Biao, do you remember me?”

Lin Biao cup one fist in the other hand.

He said that he was invisible and changed to the former black snake.

鈥淟in Biao?鈥?The elders of the sheep blew their beards and their eyes were round.

He looked at Lin Biao’s eyes and immediately remembered.

“Really Lin Biao!”

At this moment, the eyes of the elders of the sheep are red in an instant, the tears in the eyes and the tears slide down.

“Shelf elders, what happened?” Lin Biao frowned.

“Lin Lin! Really you! the heaven have eyes!”

Suddenly, the elders of the sheep squatted on the ground, and their hearts were mixed, and they did not know what to say.

“Come on!” Lin Biao quickly climbed up and raised the elders of the sheep.

The elders of the sheep are red-eyed: “Lin Lin, you haven鈥檛 come back for ten years. I thought that you will not come forever.”

“I am not here? Can you tell me what happened to sect, how old acquaintances are gone.” Lin Biao asked.

The elder sheep gasped for a few breaths and sighed: “Lin Lin, this is a long story.”

“In those days, after you killed the Academy, you remained the array. We were a wild animal in the Panlong domain, and there were almost no rivals!”

He is telling the truth. When Lin Biao was a monk in the cave, he once came back once. The wild beast was a well-deserved hegemon.

“Two years ago, suddenly an influential figure came over, claiming to be a demon-minded person.”


Lin Brow’s brow wrinkles, he has not heard of this influence.

“Demonian, it seems to come from what China…”

The elder of the sheep touched his chin and meditated.

“Middle God domain!” Lin Shudao.

“Yes! That’s right! It’s the Middle-earth God!” The elders of the sheep quickly said.

This time, Lin Biao鈥檚 turn is doubtful.

People from the Middle-earth domain, what are you doing here?

“After that influential figure came, I chose a batch of Monster Beast and said that I would like to be absorbed as a demon disciple, including the King of the Golden Jubilee, the Millennium Fox, the Colorful King, the White King, etc., all of them were He took it away! A total of more than a dozen Monster Beasts, all of which are Half Divine Beast!

He said that the colorful king and the white king, no doubt, is the later Cai Yan and Xiaobai.

One is a colorful snake, and the other is a dragon.

“Since then, we have been riddled with beasts, lost the hearts of these hearts, and the strength has been greatly reduced. The batch of Human Race has begun to rise and counterattack. It is almost overnight. We are very wild, and we return to the weakest time.”

“I am an old bone, I was a sergeant, and I am very good at raising my age! As a result, I have to be elected to be the new lord!”

“My oldest qualifications can only be so… cough…”

When the elders of the sheep said this, they coughed twice and coughed up blood.

Lin Biao found that the sheep elder within the body was seriously injured.

After listening to the narrative of the elder sheep, he vaguely understood what was going on.

“The influential figure, what did you say?” Lin Biao asked.

“No, he only said that the demon leagues are looking at them, they are their blessings, and then they are captured.” Sheep elders.

Lin Biao nodded.

Lin Biao has not heard of the demon league in the Middle-earth domain, so it may be a newly established influence.

Newly established, recruiting members everywhere, capturing all Half Divine Beast and cultivating them.

Lin Biao thought about it and thought of such a rough.

Of course, he is not sure about the specific situation, because the influential figure does not retain any valuable information.

(End of this chapter)

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