1057. Chapter 1056 Changes in the Thousand Islands

Chapter 1056 Changes in the Thousand Islands

Lin Biao’s voice came out from inside: “Mu Qing, a thousand miles below the temple, buried a Top Grade Spiritual Vein, which can produce a large number of Top Grade Spirit Stone every year. If necessary, you can take it.”

“This is the flag of my remaining. After you refine it, you can control the array in the temple through the flag and defend against the enemy. Of course, I don’t want that day!”

“Remember, my rules can’t be messed up!”

“In the future, the island will be handed over to you.”

Lin Biao’s voice gradually disappeared.

Mu Qing suddenly changed his face and quickly stood up, pushed open the door and broke into the temple.

However, she only saw that there was a Space tunnel in front of her, which was rapidly shrinking, and there was a vaguely visible figure of Lin Biao.

“Lin Island Lord!” shouted Mu Qing.

“Fated will come again.”

The last sound fell, and the shadow of Lin Biao disappeared completely.

Mu Qing looked at the empty hall in front of her eyes, and she finally consciously arrived, Lin Biao left.

Really gone, will not come back!

“Don’t he really be a god? Changed the island and left silently.”

Mu Qing looked up and looked at the dragon turtle statue in front of him. He said, “Will he come back?”

I don’t know if it is an illusion. There seems to be a smile on the corner of the dragon turtle statue.


After Lin Biao entered the Space Tunnel, the tunnel entrance contracted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, the sound of the dragon tortoise Immortal came from inside.

“Lin Lin, maybe there is a way to create a annihilation Law.”

Lin Biao heard the words and quickly shouted: “What? Quickly!”

Creating annihilation Law, it’s about his future!

“Before I was sealed, I heard that your dragons seem to have a big dream dragon, but the number is very small, it seems to have become extinct! If you can find the magical power of the big dream dragon, enter his dream, maybe you can suddenly enter enlightenment !”

Dragon Turtle Immortal said, but also regrets: “Unfortunately, I have only heard of Big Dream Dragon, I have never seen it.”

Dragon Turtle Immortal said from his own, who knows, when Lin Biao heard the words “Da Menglong”, the pupils contracted instantly.

“Yeah, why didn’t I think of it? There is a big dream dragon in Panlongzong!” Lin Biao was shocked.

Big Dream Dragon can make people enter the dream, accelerate various kinds of Insight, can break through the cultivation, create the Cultural Technique, and reach the limit.

At the beginning, Lin Biao just entered the Second Layer dream and had not yet entered the Third Layer.

Lin Biao thinks more and more surprised.

“Dragon Turtle Immortal, thank you, have a chance to see you again in the future.” Lin Biao laughed.

“Ha ha! Welcome to!” Dragon Turtle Immortal said while loudly laughing.

As the sound fell, the Space tunnel was completely closed.

Lin Biao fell into the sea of ​​ridiculous seas.

Looking at the tunnel that disappeared in front of me, Lin Biao was suffering and suffering, and I didn’t know what it was.

Lin Biao sighed and went straight to Heaven and came to the sea.

There is a small island. According to the outline of the island, Lin Biao looked at the chart and found the island at the end of the dragon turtle pattern.

Now that you know the location, it will be easier.

“Now, there is only one year left before the dragon pool begins. Go to Eastern Profound Territory, go back to the Dragon Secret Realm, and go to Nanfeng!”

Lin Biao made up his mind.

As long as he can comprehend to annihilate Law, all the costs are worth it.

Lin Biao took out the Lone Star, which has not been used for several years.

Lin Biao took the Lone Star, looked for the direction and headed for the east.

“Thousand islands, two months from the Eastern Profound Territory, or else, go back to Lone Star to help?”

When Lin Biao thought about it, he dismissed the idea.

The Lone Star Gang has been disbanded by him. There is no need to go back and ask. If you are not lucky, you will encounter the group of mix feathered birds and you will not be able to take it.

Lin Biao drove the Lone Star and took a trip to Nakajima. He planned to stay in Nakajima for a day.

He casually found a restaurant to sit down and listened to it a little, and he knew the situation in the current Thousand Islands.

Since the great change eight years ago, today’s Thousand Islands is a big change. The Yan family has revived and became the top 3’s influence. Two new sects have emerged, replacing the bloodstains and Canglong Island. .

Lin Biao is just passing by, just inquiring about it, no purpose.

“This brother, I don’t know if you still remember Lin Biao.” Lin Xiaoxiao asked.

“Lin Biao? It’s a bit of an impression. It seems to be the helper of the Lone Star Gang eight years ago. Later it disappeared.”

“The lonely star of the year was really a spurt, but it’s coming fast, and it’s going fast. It’s been less than half a year. It’s a pity!”

“Yes! The lonely star of the year helped Lin Biao, and even the three ten robbing the true king, the limelight is always there.”

The entire restaurant is full of lively discussions.

Lin Biao smiled calmly, but he still thinks so famous.

“snort! You said Lin Biao? It’s just a funeral dog. It was rewarded by an expert with a sky-high price of one trillion Top Grade Spirit Stone. It is estimated that it ran early!”

Suddenly, a harsh sound was heard in the restaurant.

Lin Biao couldn’t help but look at it. It was a large blade man with a knife on his face. He looked like a Jiangyang thief.

As soon as this statement came out, there was a discussion in the restaurant.

“Snort! If Lin Biao is in, don’t know if you dare to say this!” Someone retorted.

“Hahaha! He has been running for eight years, dare to come out and die?” Knife sneered.

Lin Brow’s brow wrinkled. He looked at a young monk in nearby, and asked: “Can this brother say that the one trillion Top Grade Spirit Stone was rewarded?”

“Hey! That was all eight years ago. It seemed that there was an expert killing Lin Biao in the past. He also issued a price-saving reward order and offered a reward of one trillion Top Grade Spirit Stone, which made the Thousand Islands seas rise.”

“At the time, but the entire Thousand Islands, are searching for the trail of Lin Biao.”

The young monk spread his hand and smiled. “The result is that even a fart has not been found.”

Lin Biao touched his chin and nodded slightly.

Undoubtedly, only the so-called nine Your Highness of the Tianfeng people, the Eagle Nine.

Only he couldn’t think of it, Eagle 9 could find it here, if it weren’t for he entered the island, maybe he would get caught.

Now eight years have passed, the risk is not eliminated.

“Now, is the person who rewards Lin Biao still there?” Lin Biao asked.

“How do I know this? But he must have arranged eyeliners everywhere, as long as there is news of Lin Biao, he will immediately pass to his ear.” Young monks said.

Lin Biao suddenly smiled.

It’s really a ghost!

In the memory that Dragon Turtle Immortal gave him, the Tianfeng people are an ancient family. They have exerted a lot of power in the battle with the Mozu. Who knows, there is such a small person.

One day, one day, he will kill the Heaven Phoenix and take off the bird head of the Eagle Nine!

“waiter, checkout!”

Lin Biao remained the Top Grade Spirit Stone and quietly left the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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