1050. Chapter 1049 chapter rebel, completely extinguish!

Chapter 1049 chapter rebel, completely extinguish!

Seeing such a terrifying death, everyone is sweating up.

“quickly escape !”

They didn’t even have the courage to resist, they all fled outside.

Unfortunately, it is too late!

After the first death, then, the second, the third…

One after another, the figure was sucked into the center of the thunder and lightning ball of light. At the moment of touch, the body disintegrated, and from the outside to the inside, it was broken down.

Thunder Star Thunder, Devouring Stars! Disintegrate a star into nothingness, let alone the Human Race!


“Don’t! Don’t kill me!”

The screams came one by one.

It’s just less than a minute, and half of the people who died, like the water, are gone.

The people are finally not calm.

In the human island, the number is the advantage, this concept has been ingrained, but in the hands of Lin Biao, there seems to be no concept of the number advantage!

More than two hundred experts, half cut in less than a minute, everyone finally collapsed.

“spare the life! Don’t kill me!”

“Lin Island Lord don’t kill me! I surrender!”

“It’s all Luo Tao’s temptation, don’t kill me! Ah!!”

After the death of the seven real people, it was the Eight Robbers. Under the decomposition of the thunder and lightning ball of light, the Eight Robbers died even worse.

The first eight robbers, from the outside to the inside, broke down for a minute before slowly dying.

The screams made people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

“Lin Biao, have something to say! We can talk, don’t force me!” Luo Tao angered.

“I said, you are not qualified to negotiate with me!” Lin Biao said.

Seeing Lin Biao’s expression, Luo Tao knows that he has no choice.

Fortunately, he learned a trick to attack the move, absorb the power of others for his own use, and can compete at the level of fighting.

“Lin Lin, this is what you forced me!”

At this moment, Luo Tao snarled, his skin became red and hot, and Bloodline gathered to the chest.

Under such burning, he broke through the obstacle of gravity and flew to a position of five meters high.

“You, help me!”

Luo Tao shouted.

Everyone has been sensing, and the true element of the body has been rushing toward Luo Tao.

After contributing their own strength, those people were inhaled into the thunder and lightning ball of light and died clean.

When Lin Biao saw it, he knew that it would be impossible to take out some of the skills.

The magical thunder sword appeared in his hand, his arm covered with a black dragon scale, and a glimpse of the magical air in his palm.

“Mu Qing, help me!” Luo Tao continued to drink.

“it is good!”

Muqing nodded.

Suddenly, the sword in her hand stabbed the back of Luo Tao, like a flying fairy outside the sky, and a sword broke the soul.

Luo Tao’s attention is all in Lin Biao’s body. Where will he care about the back?


On the spot, a sword pierces the heart and pierced Luo Tao’s body.

“Ah!! You dare to betray me! Get away!”

At this moment, Luo Tao’s with the the body absorbed the true element of everyone, with the body already as a bomb, and it was blown up at the touch.

It was stabbed by Muqing, and True Qi leaked out. Luo Tao used Yu Li, and his hand was shot in the abdomen of Muqing.


Mu Qing was hit hard, squirting blood, flying backwards and squatting on the side of the array.

Lin Biao couldn’t help but see, this Muqing, turned out to be an undercover?

He is also prepared to do a big job, it seems that it is unnecessary.

Luo Tao was interrupted by sneak attack, and he did not need to take action.

“Mu Qing, you dare to hurt me, today I want you to die!”

Luo Tao angered the heart, no matter what Lin Biao, all the power gathered in the palm of his hand, toward the front of Mu Qing, a punch out.

Behind him, there was a huge lion head phantom, roar towards the sky, falling from the sky.

The combination of moves, direct attack!

Under this shot down, Mu Qing will die!

Lin Biao can shake his wrist as he wishes, volley, and see a sword light that tears open the sky, falling from the sky, across the center of Luo Tao and Muqing two people.

Cracked a sword!

This sword can have torn Space, but it can’t be done in the small space of the dragon turtle seal, but it blocks this trick with no difficulty.


With a loud bang, the lion’s head disappeared and was smashed into nothingness by a sword.


Luo Tao was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Biao’s fist was completely turned into a dragon claw, and the wind was under his feet. The wind and thunder came to the top of Luo Tao’s head, and the dragon claws caught it.

Just listen to the “嘭” sound, like a burst of a watermelon, Luo Tao’s skull was caught by Lin Biao, red splash, soul was also strangled by Lin Biao.

The whole game was in a quiet state.

Luo Tao’s headless corpse fell.

In the swallow starry thunder, everyone was twisted into nothingness by the thunder and lightning ball of light.

The swallow star thunderbolt disappeared.

Luo Tao two hundred troops defeated, Lin Biao wins!

This is what everyone has not thought of. The ending will be a one-sided crushing. Even if Luo Tao does not even make a move, he will lose it.

The defeat is too fast, and there is not even a fragrant incense before and after, so that at the beginning, it is over!

“Too terrifying!”

“No, who would dare to offend him in the future?”

“I thought there was a great war, and the result was more than two hundred experts, so it was gone!”

The onlookers stupefied.

Lin Biao’s face appeared pale, and he landed and looked up at the sky.

Those who are far away from the sky will immediately know what they are going to do.

They are all men and women in the evening.

“See Forest Island Lord!”

“See Forest Island Lord!”

Everyone was kneeling on the ground and respectfully said.

They finally understood why Lin Biao had not seen them before, because Lin Biao could turn things around with his own strength, and he was not afraid of Luo Tao.

Mu Qing wiped off the blood on his lips and forced him to walk over and squatted on the ground.

“Below the wood, see the island owner!”

Cup one fist in the other hand road.

Lin Biao looked at Mu Qing, the cold face of the ice, a rare smile appeared.

“Don’t hold on, sleep if you want to sleep.” Lin Biao laughed.


Mu Qing slacked down, and on the spot was a slap in the head, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Ten robbers, only in the case of extremely serious injuries, hurting soul, hurting the roots, will be coma.

Lin Biao can see that she was seriously injured. Luo Tao took a shot and broke her whole body meridians. She played the real yuan and leaked it. After three days, she would be repaired as a fall. Can she wake up? Unknown.

Of course, this is in the absence of Lin Biao.

Lin Biao came here, there is nothing missing, and even brought a medicine garden to come over. Although it is a little troublesome, it is not a big problem to save a dozen robes.

“Snort! Self-assertion, I am losing a batch of medicine herb in vain, it is cheaper.” Lin Biao laughed.

Even if Mu Qing does not take action, he can solve Luo Tao, but it consumes a big point.

Of course, Lin Biao did not blame her, after all, the starting point is good, for him, but also for the island.

Such a woman, temperament kind, courageous and conscientious, is a good management candidate, can cultivate.

Lin Biao’s gaze turned to the front, looking at the people under his arm, waved: “Go back, rest for a month, one month later, come to the temple door to gather.”


Everyone has stepped back and dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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