1044. 1043 chapter changes in the island

Chapter 1043 Changes in the Human Island

“Hey! It’s not a rare thing. A blessing can make people break through. It’s easier than eating and drinking. Besides the supernatural powers, what else can you have? Guess guessed it.” Lin Biao laughed.

At the end, Lin Biao added: “You can rest assured that this thing, I am sure to keep my mouth shut, I won’t say it.”

In fact, shaking the secrets of the other party is a very risky thing, and it may cause resentment.

However, since Lin Biao wants to be honest, it is a bit more thorough, and he will manifest himself as a big, unintentional person who wants to say something.

This is Lin Biao’s way of treating others. In the face of different people, the performance is different.

Dragon Turtle Immortal can’t help but be speechless.

Such a big thing was said by Lin Biao’s understatement. If you change it to other experts, you have to make a big mistake.

At this moment, his attention was concentrated on Lin Biao, and Lin Biao’s expression changes were all seen by him.

After watching for a while, the dragon turtle was secretly relaxed and shouted:

“snort! It doesn’t matter if you say it out, because I was killed because of this! The seal is here.”

Lin Biao stayed at the time.

“The supreme magic, the great blessing of one of the three thousand avenues, this kind of thing, even this between Heaven and Earth, the existence of countless Plane’s most Peak, is also eager to get! The world is unique, this one, who does not want? ”

Dragon Turtle Immortal said that the words are full of arrogance.

Lin Shuxin said that’s true.

In this way, his great curse will be smashed!

It seems that the trick of cursing the dolls in the future cannot be easily used. If it is passed out, the old dragon turtles will come to deal with him, and they can kill him with a sigh of relief.

“You want to know, why do you dragons disappear in the Continent?” Dragon Turtle Immortal Road.

“Why?” Lin Biao could not help but ask.

“It is also because of the supernatural powers! The dragons have great causality. Because of improper use, this has led to the disaster of killing. They have to leave here and look for life force.” Dragon Turtle Immortal cold road.

“Great cause and effect…” Lin Biao’s eyes picked up.

It is also a supernatural power!

“Old turtle, you are really loyal, this kind of secret tells me.” Lin Biao smiled.


Dragon Turtle Immortal suddenly smiled: “To tell the truth, at first I was really worried, you will pass my secret to the dragon, so I will be finished, but I think carefully, if you really want to deal with me, It will definitely be hidden.”

“Look at your frankness, I told you this. If you change to other people, I will not bother to say a word to him.” Dragon Turtle Immortal smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

Lin Biao is not happy, but he is gambling.

This old turtle likes his current temper.

So, Lin Biao simply said: “Can this big blessing technique be passed to me?”

“Get out of the way! Don’t even think about it!” Dragon Turtle Immortal shouted.

“I will help you build the island, will you give it to me?” Lin said with a smile.

“Give you another chance, this is my life, I will not give you.” Dragon Turtle Immortal Road.

“That…” Lin Biao’s eyes turned and smiled. “If I save you later, you will send me, how?”


Dragon Turtle Immortal just wanted to say “no,” but when he said it, he thought about it and said, “Let’s say, if you can really save me, I will consider it.”

“Hahaha! A word is fixed!” Lin Biao laughed.

Dragon Turtle Immortal saw the situation and said: “Don’t be too happy, your strength, cultivation for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, may not be able to save me.”

“In any case, is there a hope?” Lin said with a smile.

Then, Lin Biao was busy and buried a piece of Top Grade Spirit Stone under the ground.

In the depths of the underground, the dragon turtle Immortal eyes turned and smiled: “This little devil, dare to say anything, very interesting!”


In the days that followed, Lin Biao wandered around the island, disguised as an ordinary person, and secretly supervised the task of the top.

Occasionally, Avatar will be sent out and Top Grade Spirit Stone will be buried everywhere.

Unconsciously, one year has arrived.

On this day, Lin Biao brought together all the top leaders.

At the entrance to the temple, everyone was kneeling on the ground. The last time the fish were removed, the remaining one was 150. This time it was also one hundred and five, and no one escaped!

It seems that Lin Biao hangs people in Zhongtu City, and the deterrence is not small, they have all been stunned.

“Lin Island Lord, the task you have explained has been completed, please check!” Muqing cup one fist in the other hand.

“No, I have secretly checked, you have done a good job.” Lin Biao said.

Last time, he eliminated more than one hundred miscellaneous fish, and the mains were all elites. Naturally, there would be no problems in management.

Then, Lin Biao naturally did not hesitate, each person rewarded two million Top Grade Spirit Stone for their use.

“Thank you for the island of Lin.” The crowd squatted on the ground.

“Lin Island Lord, I have one thing to report.” Suddenly, a white-shouldered man cup one fist in the other hand.

“What is it?” Lin Biao looked at him.

“The old man was originally responsible for managing the veins. There is a Middle Grade Spirit Stone vein. Recently, many Middle Grade Spirit Stones have become High Grade Spirit Stone.” The white-headed man has cup one fist in the other hand.

“What? The middle grade vein has become a high grade?”

The rest of the people gave an exclamation.

They only heard that the veins were digging more and less, and I have not heard that the veins will be upgraded.

Lin Biao smiled a little, not surprised, then said: “Is there a similar problem?”

Mu Qing stood up, cup one fist in the other hand Road: “Right! Forest Island Lord, I also found a natural medicine garden in the mountains, it suddenly popped out, did not exist before, I have arranged for people to guard Ok, there.”

Lin Biao nodded and said: “Is there still?”

“Lin Island Lord, there is one more thing, the fish I have raised, the recent fierceness, seems to be a Monster Beast, and bite people.” A monk who is responsible for raising fish.

“My God, the fish will bite? Have you made a mistake!” The rest were surprised.

Lin Biao suddenly smiled. He thought that these changes would only appear in three or five years. I couldn’t think of it so fast!

This is the right direction of development!

There must be someone, there is Monster Beast, there is medicine garden, spiritual qi oversupply, will give birth to a normal little world!

“I understand the general problem you said! Those fish that become Monster Beast are all ignored, let them free Evolution, medicine garden does not have to manage, understand?” Lin said.

“Understand!” The fisherman’s monk and Muqing cup one fist in the other hand.

Lin Biao did not waste Time, he took a deep breath and his expression became serious.

He solemnly said: “This time, I will give you a new task with a deadline of five years, and the investment will exceed your imagination.”

Hearing this statement, everyone was holding their breath and listening quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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