1036. Chapter 1035 Chapter Dragon Turtle God

Chapter 1035 Chapter Dragon Turtle God

After the death of Wang Shan, the following temples of the temple were finished, and were besieged by countless blood ants, and they ate clean.

Seeing that the two people died, the audience fell into silence.

The most expert of the three major islands, Wang Shan, ended in such an end, which everyone did not expect.

Moreover, the speed at which Lin Biao broke out at the last moment, and the last sword, caused the remaining two island owners to raise their chill from the bottom of their hearts. If they faced this sword, they would be embarrassed.

This is Lin Biao’s intentional, not enough strength, more money is just fat sheep.

The speed and strength he showed was to give everyone peace of mind and don’t think too much about their ideas.

“Lin’s predecessors are too strong! This is only seven real people, the strength and me are almost the same.” Zhou channel.

“He still has so many ant army groups, it is court death to be against him!” Mu Qing also agreed.

When Wang Shan died, many blood ants Wang stopped.

Then, the blood ant kings lined up in a row and walked toward Lin Biao. When they were close to Lin Biao, they disappeared one by one, as if they were included in the storage ring.

It is common sense that a living object cannot be harvested from a storage ring.

However, it is not surprising that Lin Biao has shown too many shocking things.

If it is outside, Lin Biao can’t dare to be so unscrupulously exposed, and only in the human island, dare to play like this.

Just a moment later, Lin Biao cleaned up the mess.

He looked at the temples below and the two island owners and shouted: “You, from now on, my Lin Biao is the only island owner, the island of the world, respected by me! At the same time, I am also the lord of the temple, against me. Kill innocent!”

Lin Biao’s voice rushed out.

“See Forest Island Lord!”

Fang Xun was the first to kneel on the ground.

“See Forest Island Lord!”

“See Forest Island Lord!”

Then, as if a chain reaction occurred, many transcend tribulation monks went one after another and bowed to Lin Biao.

“Good, get up!” Lin Biao laughed.


Everyone stood up.

In this place, the human heart is far less complicated than the outside, and it is all for survival. As long as there is the guarantee of life, everyone will not have a heart, and Lin Biao is very clear.

Lin Biao waved his hand and a large number of Top Grade Spirit Stone flew to everyone.

“Today, it is a good day for my Lin Biao to become the island owner. Each person will receive an extra 10,000 Top Grade Spirit Stone. If you perform well in the future, you will have a great reward!”

Everyone was excited to take it, and once again squatted.

“Thank you for the island owner!”

The respectful voice sounded through the mountains.

Next, after Lin Biao distributed the Top Grade Spirit Stone, the people were dismissed. These transcend tribulation monks could not wait to go to seclusion, so they left.

Only two deputy masters, two former island owners, were remained.

The five returned to the Temple Hall and sat down around the table.

The eyes of the four people all stared at Lin Biao.

Lin Biao knocked on the table, indulged for a moment, and said: “I know, you are very curious about where I came from, right?”

“Yes!” The four men said in unison.

Lin Biao smiled slightly: “I don’t care, I am an outsider, coming from outside the sky.”

“External?” Everyone looked at each other and couldn’t understand.

Here is the world, there are people outside?

They have long had a speculation that outside the island is a sea of ​​ridiculousness, so there will be other people in the ridiculous overseas, but for countless years, this is an unsolved mystery.

“Hahaha! Tell you that the world is far more than just a human island. The outside world is called Continent, there are billions of individual islands, and even the Continent, there is world! Infinity, beyond your imagination.” Lin He laughed.

“Really?” Mu Qing wondered: “There are not many Lingshi outside?”

“More!” Lin Biao said: “In addition to Lingshi, there are many things you have not seen, such as … Dan medicine!”

Lin Biao took out a jade bottle, which contained four of the most basic Huidan, used by the transcend tribulation monk, and can be back to the real yuan of combat loss in one hour.

“Dan medicine!” The eyes of a deputy master were stunned.

They have heard that there is a profession called Pill Refining Master in the world. It’s just the Pill Refining Master of the entire island, only so few people, and all of them are of good luck and no teacher.

Due to the lack of orthodox inheritance, they can only refining the most junk 1st Grade medicinal herbs, and the foundation-based monks use them. They have no value, and they have not paid attention to them.

“Show it to you.”

Lin Biao took the medicinal herbs and gave them one person.

They took over Yuandan and felt the abundant spiritual qi. The more they looked, the more joyful they took, and they carefully took it.

“The original remedy can be so magical!”

“It’s a long experience!”

Everyone, you look at me.

Mu Qing curiously asked: “Lin Island Lord, can you show Pill Refining Technique, I want to see how the drug is refining.”

“No!” Lin Biao shook his head. “The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi here is too scarce to support my Pill Refining.”

Wen Yan, Mu Qing can only be disappointed and sighed.

In fact, if Lin Biao is using a large number of Top Grade Spirit Stone stacks and arranging the Spirit Gathering Array, it may be able to refining out, just too lazy to experiment, no need.

“Lin Island Lord, can you talk more about the outside world?” Luo Tong asked curiously.

“No need!” Lin Biao said: “I only tell you that once you get to the island, you want to go out, it’s hard to go to heaven. But I have enough Top Grade Spirit Stone, but I can’t use it. You can do things with me with peace of mind, I can keep you safe.”

“Yes!” everyone sang.

“So, let me talk about this blessing first.” Lin Biao beat the table and said indifferently.

Upon hearing this, a deputy lord said: “Sir, only through the assessment, can you get blessings, and thus improve the cultivation! Only this assessment is God.”

“God out?” Lin Biao said strangely.

“Yes! God is under the ground of this temple. After entering, God will provide tests of various difficulties according to the situation of the examiner.” The deputy master explained.

Lin Biao fell into thoughts.

After thinking for a long time, he simply said: “Now take me.”

“Yes!” The deputy head nodded.

Under the leadership of the people, Lin Biao went out from the back door of the temple, and in front was a tunnel deep into the mountains, as if it was under the ground.

Lin Biao walked into the tunnel.

The deputy master took Lin Biao and walked. He dive for about a thousand miles and came to an empty black square.

The square is wide and wide, and there are long lanterns in the four corners. In the middle of the square, there is a huge dragon turtle statue, which is black in color.

Looking at the statue, Lin Biao knows that this is a real god, with a charm, not the stone that has its own appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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