1033. Chapter 1032 Savior!

Chapter 1032 Savior!

If it is outside, just a transcend tribulation period monk, seeing Lin Biao exposed wealth, not colluding with other people to grab is good, how can I remind Lin Biao to be careful?

It seems that the people on this island are very kind!

After leaving the town, Lin Biao two people vacated and went straight to the depths of the island.

On the way, Fang Xun held a Top Grade Spirit Stone in his hand, desperately absorbing the spiritual qi, a look of satisfaction.

After flying for about half a day, there was a huge plateau Mountain Range in front of it, traversing thousands of miles.

Looking around, they are all white and white, and they look innocent.

In the Mountain Range, there are two Low Grade Spirit Stone veins that are being mined.

Until then, Lin Biao felt the normal spiritual qi concentration. However, it is similar to the remote areas of Eastern Profound Territory, and even the Panlong domain can not match.

In such a place, it is strange to be able to feed the transcend tribulation period, and it will be barely viable.

“Former Lin, jumped over the mountain, arrived at the basin in front, and the temple arrived.” Fang Xun smiled.

Needless to say, Lin Biao’s Spiritual Sense has discovered the temple in front, in the middle of a basin, turned out to be a turtle-shaped building.

When Lin Biao casually probed, he discovered two eight robbers, three monks, and more than fifty transcend tribulation monks.

There is also a powerful aura hidden in the depths of the temple, reaching the level of ten robes, and it must be one of the three major island owners.

However, the island’s aura is very vain, presumably due to foundation instability, long-term lack of cultivation resources.

Moreover, Lin Biao’s Spiritual Sense was swaying on his body. The person was not aware of it at all, and he was still holding a piece of Top Grade Spirit Stone for greedy absorption.

“This kind of barren place, where can the ten robes really be strong?” Lin Biao smirked.

When Lin Biao secretly probed it again, the two people had arrived at the gate of the temple.

“Predecessors, here is the temple.” Fang Xundao.

In front of it is a huge turtle-shaped building with two dragon turtle statues at the door, which is more majestic than the one seen in the town, and with a hint of charm.

The guards at the entrance to the temple are two robbing true monarchs. Seeing the two people of Fangxun, said: “Fangxun, what is the result of the investigation?”

“For the time being, I don’t know, the messenger disappeared inexplicably.” Fang Xun arched.

“Who is this person?” The guard looked at Lin Biao and asked with vigilance.

“This is the recommender I recommend.” Fang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand.

“There is still one month from the next assessment, wait slowly.” Guardian.


Fang Xun turned to look at Lin Biao: “Predecessors, there is still a month, why not wait?”


Lin Biao smiled, and suddenly there was a wonderful note in the mind.

He looked at the two guards in front of him, his hands spread, and a large Top Grade Spirit Stone appeared.

As soon as the Top Grade Spirit Stone appeared, the eyes of the two guards went straight and stared at the Lingshi.

“In the future, as long as you two people listen to me, these Top Grade Spirit Stones are for you! Every month, I will give you so much.”

Lin Biao waved his hand and threw Lingshi into the hands of two guards.

Two people played a few spirits, quickly took over the Top Grade Spirit Stone, and the body constantly trembled, and was shocked by this scene.

Feel the rich spiritual qi, they feel like they are dreaming.

“Five hundred Top Grade Spirit Stone! My God! I have never seen so much in my life!”

“This is not a dream!”

The two guards exclaimed.

Fang Xun was also embarrassed, but his reaction was also very fast, and quickly said: “I am not too happy to thank the predecessors?”

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

The two guards squatted without saying anything.

If it is outside, it is a situation that is absolutely impossible.

But in the human island, Lingshi is life! It is their life root!

“The temple is for you, I am ten times as many as you, as long as you listen to my orders, how much is the Top Grade Spirit Stone.” Lin Biao laughed.

“Yes! Listen to the predecessors’ orders in the future!”

“What the seniors told us to do, we never wrinkled half a brow!” two people cried again and again.

At this time, there were a group of people inside who came to the wind.

They were all attracted by the former spiritual qi, all of whom were transcend tribulation monks.

Most of these transcend tribulation monks are old and declining, failing to pass the assessment and being eliminated.

Many of them have been unable to survive for a few years. In the future, they will be exhausted and can only go out to sit down and regret it.

At the moment, all of them stared at the Top Grade Spirit Stone in the hands of the two guards, and their eyes were straight.


Lin Biao laughed and grabbed a Top Grade Spirit Stone and placed it on the outside.

“You are the same, as long as you listen to my orders in the future, I will give you five hundred Top Grade Spirit Stone every month to ensure that you are not dead!” Lin Biao loudly.

At this moment, everyone is crazy.

Five hundred Top Grade Spirit Stones, enough for them to fill up the depleted real yuan, and give five hundred a month, is this true?

“is this real?”

“I am dreaming?”

Everyone can’t believe it.

The fact that the world is barren has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they have rebranded in their minds. Seeing so many rich resources, they can’t believe it is true!

Lin Biao waved, and each person automatically flew 500 pieces of Top Grade Spirit Stone, one more than one.

When so many Top Grade Spirit Stones were in their hands, everyone felt the spiritual qi in them, and they realized that it was not a dream!

“So many Top Grade Spirit Stones, this is not a dream! It is true!”

“Mom, really! Really!”

“Ah!! I don’t have to die!”

“Great! Great!”

Everyone burst into tears in a moment, where there was a little transcend tribulation period of the monks, all crying into tears, kneeling on the ground and crying.

Lin Biao Comprehension Their feelings, in this barren land, every day on the brink of death, this chronic death has forced their spirit to the brink of collapse.

At this moment, the emergence of Lin Biao gave them hope of survival.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Biao is the savior!

Fang Xun has underestimated the temptation of Top Grade Spirit Stone. He has not reached the age of life and death, and there is no Comprehension for the time being, the feeling that he may die at any time.

All of them were facing Lin Shutou, thanking Lin Biao for his help.

“Give me a hand!”

Suddenly, there was a violent drink in the temple.

I saw four people suddenly appearing, among them, the first person, is a sturdy Hu Zhuanghan, holding a large metal blade, and his body is wide and mountainous, giving a huge suppression force. It is one of the three major island owners, Wang Shan. .

He is a ten-role!

In addition, the three people, all of them are the nine robes of the true king, the temple of the temple and the two deputy lords, all strengths should not be underestimated.

Lin Biao smiled a little and it really came out.

(End of this chapter)

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