1021. Chapter 1020 Chapter of the Thunder, listen to my order! [5 more]

Chapter 1020 Chapter of the Thunder, listen to my order! [5 more]

It seems that the truth is not true, it is fake and not fake! It’s not a fantasy, it’s like a fantasy!

This is Lin Biao’s tactics!

With his current strength, he wants to kill a nine-role, especially if he can’t escape and kill and behead.

Therefore, Lin Biao only needs to do more, apply psychological tactics! Let the other person feel fear from the bottom of my heart!

For Wandu Zhenjun, whether it is fleshy body or spirit, it is a huge torture!

Wandu Zhenjun took a few deep breaths and quickly forced himself to calm down.

“How about the illusion, but it is fake, I really thought I didn’t believe in Succeed!”

Wandu Zhenjun tries to calm himself down.

Once in a fantasy, he loses half of it, and only by exiting the environment can he win!

He still underestimated Lin Biao, no wonder last time, can scare the Peng Peng Island main, it is a hand Illusion Array.

Wan Duo Zhenjun sat cross-legged and took out a meditation Dan, so that he was not affected by the Illusion Array.

He took out the Soul Tablets and looked at them carefully, still bursting.

This shows that he still did not withdraw from the illusion.

This is not a good news.

At this time, Lin Biao appeared again.

Wandu Zhenjun knows that in the Illusion Array, he can’t kill him, so he is not in a hurry.

“Lin Biao, let’s talk, what do you want to do?” asked Wan Duzhen.


Lin Biao smiled coldly.

“eye for eye!”

Suddenly, Lin Biao moved in an instant, like a blast of lightning, holding a magical thunder sword, and raiding him.


A sword smashed over the Wanduzhenjun sleeves, but it made a metal collision sound. It seems that this dress is also very good.

“snort! It’s all fake! I have to look at what you want to play.”

Wanduzhenjun is cold and cold, his hands are bent and he is directly hitting Lin Biao’s waist.

Lin Biao flashed in the wrong way, and then, it was a sword.

This time, his hand was covered with dragon scales, and the force exceeded the limit. Even the void swayed and there was a crack.

“Well?” Wandu Zhenjun pupil shrinks.


A sword came out, Wandu Zhenjun’s robes were instantly cut off, and the chest blood marks appeared, with severe pain.

“Is this also an illusion? How can it be so real?”

Wandu Zhenjun is somewhat indistinguishable.

At this moment, Lin Biao’s third sword came out.

Lin Biao’s entire arm was completely covered by dragon scales, and the magic and annihilation of Will swept the whole body, and even the magic thunder swords trembled.

“Destroy the Nine Swords, the sixth style!”

Lin Biao’s magic thunder sword, with infinite annihilation of Will, a sword strike.

“Split a sword!”

Lin Biao’s sword strike, Space is like a piece of cloth that has been torn apart. The “嗤啦” is cut off. The broken Space crack extends from the sword edge mouth and extends forward. It quickly extends to the body of Wan Duo Zhenjun. .

“This is fake! This is fake! This is fake!!!”

Wandu Zhenjun has panicked and snarled.

He can’t help but want to go back, but it’s too late.


With a scream, the Space that he was torn, with a sword, broke into two pieces.


In the screams, his corpse was involved in the crack of Space and disappeared, leaving only one head left.

Before dying, he still had a look of panic.

Even to death, Wandu Zhenjun is not clear, what is true and what is false! Which one is fatal, which one is not fatal!

A crack in the sword, Space is broken, unless it is the person who has passed the tenth robbery “not dead”, it is possible to solo wandering, survive in the crack of Space, Wandu Zhenjun, dead.

The sound of screaming outside, apparently the other people of Wandeng Zong went ashore.

At this moment, the Great Elder of Wan Duan Zong took a pile of broken Soul Tablet and anxiously got on the shore.

“The lord, the lord is not good, the Yan family sneak attack our old nest, we must hurry back…”

Great Elder was talking and suddenly stopped.

He saw that the head of Wan Duo Zhenjun fell to the ground, a pair of green eyes, staring at him with a straight eye, maintaining a look of panic.

“The Sovereign?” Thousands of poisonous real faces changed wildly.

Lin Biao waved his hand and the fog dispersed.

On the edge of the island, ten giant warships have been docked.

The army of Wan Duongzong saw the head of the earth at a glance, and it was the head of Wan Duo Zhenjun.

The air has solidified!

The emotion of fear spreads among the people.

“The sovereign is dead?”

All the people broke out with a burst of exclamation.

The bloody stunned and trembled, even the nine robbing true princes, all died unclear, what did Lin Biao do?

“Who are the poisonous sects, welcome to my Yinfeng Island, do not sit as above?” Lin Biao smiled.

Great Elder Qian Zhenzhen constantly shook his head and shivered: “Impossible, this is definitely an illusion! It must be an illusion!”

“Is it?”

Lin Biao smiled slightly, his hand turned over, and his palm was out of an eight-square Thunder Seal.

He does not intend to consume with this group of people. Since the poisonous lord is dead, the remaining miscellaneous fish are destroyed.

In particular, on each of the ten warships, each has an eight-royal true king, and cannot leave a living mouth!

The easiest way is the Octagon Thunder Seal!

“Eight Thunder, listen to my order!”

Lin Biao held the Thunder Seal and shouted.


Under the ground, thunder and lightning Law gathered in the palm of the hand, Lin Biao’s palm covered with dragon scales, collapsed blood, even the dragon scales collapsed.

“Sure enough, in the form of Human Race, it still can’t push the Thunder Seal.” Lin Biao said to himself.

Lin Biao took a deep breath and covered his body with dragon scales. His hands were turned into dragon claws, which was a half-human and half-dragon form.

“Not good! Rewind!”

Thousands of poisonous real screams, hurriedly withdrew, all the people who went to the Yinfeng Island, all mad back, returned to the battleship.

Unfortunately, it is already late.

I saw a cloud-like sound outside Ninth Heaven, and in the sky, I was covered by Thunder Cloud!

The black cloud is pressed against the city, and it is impenetrable! Even the light is dim and dull!

Everyone looked up and looked at the sky, all of them were terrified.

Lin Biao’s dragon scales collapsed from the blood light, and the dragon claws clasped the Thunder Seal, and thundered: “Thunder Arrival!”


Beyond Nine Heavens, there was a loud bang, and a purple-black lightning, carrying the terrifying thunder, crashed and slammed into the top of a battleship.

“Turn on Defensive Array!”

Thousands of poisonous singers screamed and tried their best to create a black mist on the top of the head to form a barrier.

Unfortunately, among the power of Nine Heavens, unable to withstand a single blow!


The Thunder fell, and the Defensive Array of the battleship was destroyed and vanished. Then, the entire battleship was hit by the Thunder and a terrible explosion occurred.


In the thunder, the first battleship was smashed, and everyone, including Qiandu Zhenjun, went to the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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