1016. The arrival of the 1015 chapter Wan Zongzong

The arrival of the 1015 chapter

Originally, Wan Duongzong and the blood sect had some enemies, and the former lord of Wan Duong Zong was killed by blood.

They couldn’t think of it, the bloody son of the bloody, personally returning to the door, and the people with the poisonous sects used to copy the blood sects in the past, but it is really unpredictable.

In this way, the bloody sacred nest was occupied by Wan Duozong, and the blood was still the Lord.

In the southern part of the Thousand Islands, the hegemonic translocation was replaced by the Wan Duan.

However, this Southern District hegemony is not a million poisons who want to be able to do it. The southern region’s top ten factors can be enough.

In addition to the Wandu Zongzong, there are also the Yan family and the Lone Star Gang. The paper strength of the three is difficult to distinguish between cowardly and weak.

The work of Wan Duongzong still has a lot to do.

At the moment, the site of the blood sect.

There are thirty islands in the blood sect, and the core island is called the blood island. Now it has been renamed as Wanduo and changed to Wanduo Island.

In the Assembly Hall of Wan Duo Island, the lord Wan Duo Zhenjun, the blood sect of the lord, and the high-ranking sect of the sect of the poison, sit together and discuss what.

“Blood, according to your meaning, there are two factors that we need to pay attention to, the Yan family and the lone star, right.”

“Yes, the Yan family is an old family, and the foundation is profound. It needs to be considered for a long time. The Lone Star Gang is also a Lin Biao, except for him, the Lone Star helps to withstand a single blow.” Blood is indifferent.

“Well, with the resources of the blood sect, we can catch up with the Yan family in a short time.”

Wan Dingzong Great Elder said: “I would suggest that you first beat the Lone Star to beat and pick a soft persimmon, which is a deterrent to the Yan family.”

Everyone looked at each other.

The Yan family has a profound foundation, and it is not intended to move. The Lone Star Gang has only emerged for less than a year and can be used as a stepping stone.

“I agree.” Bloody agrees.

“Lone Stars help Lin Biao, in addition to scaring the owner of the Peng Peng Island, it seems that there is no other achievement. Moreover, the owner of the Peng Peng Island still swears at the auction, apparently not afraid of Lin Biao.” Bloody slow Road.

“Oh, Lin Biao’s goods, it is said that he also sent a blood three hundred billion Top Grade Spirit Stone on the Auction House, and wanted to seek blood and shelter.”

“This kind of waste is not worth fearing at all.”

Everyone, you look at me and snicker.

“Well, let’s take the Lone Star to help the knife.” Wandu Zhenjun nodded.


“I agree!”


The senior members of Assembly Hall agreed.

“Okay! Just set it!”

“As the new overlord of the Southern District of the Thousand Islands, we must do something big to let the world know about our existence!”

“Just do the bloody things of the year, and do it again.”

After some discussions, they made plans.

Wan Duo Island, far away from the Lone Star Gang, three days Time can arrive.

They did not intend to kill the door directly, but first “visited” other influences, and the door-to-door shock, collecting fees, was considered to be the name of the spread of the poisonous sect.

At that time, the blood and blood broke through the ten robes of the true king, and the blood sect became the overlord. Therefore, blood and a group of people, all the influences in the Southern District have been patronized, collecting protection fees, this is a means of Li Wei.

In this way, it can be impressive and daunting!

The first one is the lonely Yunzhai village nearest to them. At the beginning, Gu Yunzhai also resisted. The bloody person took the action himself, killing one of their three masters and collecting 50 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

The second is a small family that also killed an elder and charged 30 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

Every time an influence is reached, one person is killed and charged.

In this way, Wan Duan Zong has swept all the way.


Lone Star Gang, Yinfeng Island.

At this moment, it is almost a month since Lin Biao returned.

On the island of Yinfeng, people are worried.

“I heard that there is no, Wan Duan Zong is bringing people to this side, sweeping all the way, it is estimated that we will come to us soon.”

“According to this speed, it is estimated that it will be two or three days.”

The entire island is eager to talk about it, everyone is in danger.

Heipeng also panicked and rushed to hold an emergency meeting.

Lin Biao in the transcend tribulation, certainly not interrupted, can only think of other ways.

Heipeng asked: “How much is there on the island now?”

“That is also the 80 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone, or the newly dig a mineral vein earned.” Ning Jia main road.

“I heard that this kind of poisonous sect, only charge a fee along the way, killing a person, not to destroy the sect, it is better for us to first plead for the whole, and for some money?” Heipeng.

Everyone looks at each other.

“It can only be like this.”

After some discussion, only one conclusion was reached.

If the money can be solved, it would be better, and other things, such as Lin Biao left seclusion.


At this moment, Lin Biao’s transcend tribulation has come to an end.

His cockroaches were covered with black-black dragon scales. Those thunder and lightning squatted on the body. They were all absorbed by the dragon scales, and they were tickle-like. There was no harm at all.

As a dragon, the higher the repair, the stronger the fleshy body, the more obvious the advantages of fleshy body, without the need to cultivate the Cultural Technique, the dragon itself is the best Cultivation Technique.


As the last Thunder fell, Lin Biao was completely blasted into the ground.

The Thunder Cloud on the top of the head gradually dissipated, and his flesh and blood, with a hint of soul power, whether it is fleshy body, meridians or real yuan, has produced a qualitative change.

The vastness of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was inhaled by Lin Biao with the body for a full day.

When everything is calming down.

The seventh robbery, bloody robbery, finished Succeed!

Lin Biao opened his eyes and gave a sigh of gas.

He stood up and tried to wave a punch and found that the strength was greatly improved than before. If you use the power of the dragon, you must break the void with no difficulty.

Lin Biao looked at the surrounding environment, and Thunder Tribulation had already blasted him into the depths of the ground, and there were tight ash stones everywhere.

“Exactly, there is a group of medicinal refining, just open a cave dwelling here.”

Lin Biao did not intend to go out, opened a small cave dwelling here, set up Concealing Array.

He then took out the furnace Avatar and started the next round of Pill Refining.

Deer Dan has run out of light and needs to be supplemented. Losing the glory, Lin Biao lost the means to control thunder and lightning Law, this is a matter of urgency!

Secondly, due to the excessive amount of messy medicine herb, he intends to refining a batch of medicinal herbs for cultivation and bring them to the helpers of Lone Star.

After all, Hei Peng and Ning Jiazhu and others have done a lot of things for him, and have not received any rewards so far.

On the contrary, the three new monarchs who came from the new army got the immortality of Lin Biao, but they betrayed him.

Anyway, it is not troublesome, Lin Biao can refining a large number.

For the outside world, Lin Biao did not know, and devoted himself to Pill Refining.

Two days passed.

Outside the Yinfeng Island, a giant warship, riding the wind and waves, slowly rushed to come.

The cruise ship of Yinfeng Island saw that a behemoth, and even the barrier did not dare to stop, and quickly withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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