1014. 1013 chapter medicine garden master

The 1013 chapter medicine garden master

Blood, Canglong Island, snake group.

Three Great Influences, all of which are famous in the Thousand Islands, are ranked in the top five Great Influence.

At this moment, a major earthquake broke out in all three Great Influences.

Because their sovereigns are dead!

The Soul Tablet is broken and you can’t die anymore!

Time is shortly after the end of the Thousand Island Auction.

According to past practice, after the auction, Xiao Cang will each go to chase the target, grab some Treasure, and make up for the loss.

There has always been no danger, the process has gone smoothly, and it has come back safely.

But today, the situation is very different, their leader is dead!

As a result, inside and outside the blood sect, a series of actions to seize power began.

Great Elder and the two elders great war, Third Elder escaping foreign enemies into the interior, the younger master escaped with a group of treasures, how far away.

Like the Thousand Islands, unless it is a strong sect of condense, it will not appear that “the sovereign died, chasing the murderer revenge”, his own interests are biggest.

Lian Linyi’s Lone Star Gang has three traitors.

As for the snake group of the sea snake Zhenjun, it is a pirate group itself, not to mention the order.

When the sea snake Zhenjun died, he immediately became a pot of porridge, seized the power to seize power, grabbed Treasure’s Treasure, and killed people. The old enemy of Haizi Zhenjun took the opportunity to pick up the door, and set off some bloody rain.

The most stable of the three, but Xiao Cang’s Canglong Island.

The island’s condense power is not bad, but so far, it is still arguing over who will succeed the island owner. The elders left two, and the eunuchs who guarded the treasures kept themselves robbed. In addition, there was nothing too much trouble.

Three days after the end of the Thousand Islands auction, the event swept the entire Thousand Islands.

Everyone is guessing who is doing this!

Who has such a big skill, killing three experts does not leave trace?

The five Great Experts in the Thousand Islands have been changed for a hundred years, and three people have died overnight, no doubt from the same person.

They even suspected that the people of the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce took action, but they quickly got a promise, and the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce did not use one soldier.

At the same time, the death of the owner of the Pengpeng Island is irrelevant.

The Kuangpeng Pirates Group was also in a mess, and the ten islands continued to be disintegrated, leaving only three.

When the peace is over, if the Lord of the Peng Peng Island dies, it will definitely make waves. But now, the Five Great Experts have died three times. The news is even more amazing.

The outside world was so angry that Lin Biao, the initiator of this incident, rode his lonely star and sailed on the deserted sea.

Follow the map instructions and Lin Biao is heading towards the medicine garden.

Medicine garden, but the key to his breakthrough, this is the most important.

After two days and two nights of driving, as the map said, there is an island here.

To be on the safe side, Lin Biao sent Avatar to the destination.

This is a small valley, and before it is close, it smells the aura of the medicine herb.

Lin Biao looked at it and suddenly smiled.

The size of the medicine garden is larger than that exhibited by the Auction House, with a total of 300,000 different kinds of medicine herbs.

However, he vaguely felt a feeling of being snooped.

Therefore, he is sure that there is an Observing Array here, but with his current strength, it is still impossible to crack! It is estimated that the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce is not aware of it.

Lin Biao looked around and did not hesitate. He immediately moved up and down, and quickly transferred a strain of medicine herb into Items Storage.

Subsequently, Lin Biao’s main body is taken from the Items Storage, and the medicine herb is taken out and planted in the body space.

His within the body Space, there is a small mountain bag, according to the volume, it should just be able to accommodate so many medicine herbs.

After all, many medicine herbs will quickly fail if they leave the soil, and Lin Biao can only plant them.

Avatar collects the medicine herb, the income of Items Storage, and the main body is taken out in another place.

I’ve been busy with a scent of Time before and after.

The medicine herb of the entire valley was transferred to the body space by Lin Biao.

Lin Biao’s Inner Body World, there is a hillside, all of which are medicine herbs.

Next to the hillside is the Top Grade Spiritual Vein seized by Lin Biao. With the nourishment of the spicy vein, the medicine herb should not be broken.

Next to it is the 900 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

Xiao Cang’s 700 billion, and the sea snake Zhenjun and the Pengpeng Island Lord, add up to 200 billion.

However, the 900 billion Top Grade Spirit Stone is not as valuable as a Top Grade Spiritual Vein.

Because of the standard price of the Middle-earth domain, the value of a Top Grade Spiritual Vein is equivalent to one trillion Top Grade Spirit Stone.

Imagine the mood when Lin Biao confiscated the Top Grade Spiritual Vein.

The third-rate family like the Ye clan is estimated to have only two or three Top Grade Spiritual Veins.

“This place should not be left for a long time.”

Lin Biao said in a dark way, the main body quickly ignited the Lone Star and quickly left here.

However, his Avatar did not go.

Because he felt that Avatar has been locked.

He sat on the floor and looked at the sky: “Hello, since you are here, why not show up?”


There was a cold air in the sky.

Then, Lin Biao saw a pair of cold eyes, appeared in the clouds, overlooking him.

“Good boy, stole my medicine garden in a mountain, you know sin?” The eyes said.

“The map of this medicine garden was bought by me at the Thousand Island Auction. I have paid for it. Why can’t I pick it? If you don’t believe it, I can ask for it. I am absolutely telling the truth.” Lin Biao Avatar smiled.

“Hahaha! It’s courageous, Qiandao Chamber of Commerce, I will naturally go to them to settle accounts, but before that…”

Suddenly, Lin Biao appeared in front of him and showed a big hand and buckled his neck.

“Do you hand over the medicine herb yourself, or do you force me to use it?” The voice was cold and cold.

“Oh, the head is showing up, I want to see what the Master of Medicine Garden looks like, and the result is just a mouse.”

Lin Biao shook his head helplessly.

“But it, it doesn’t matter if you can’t see it, let’s say goodbye!”

Lin Biao made a slight day, and then Avatar slammed and self-exploding.

After Lin Biao’s Avatar self-exploding, his position immediately appeared an old figure.

This person is searching around and seems to want to find Lin Biao’s storage ring.

“咦?storage ring?”

Looking for a long time, nothing.

“How is it possible? It can still disappear from the air without Succeed!” The old figure was shocked.

He arranged the Observing Array and watched Lin Biao take the medicine herb away. Since it has not been transferred elsewhere, it must be hidden in the ring. It is impossible to disappear from the air.

The old figure continued to search, dig three feet, and even searched the sea around the island.

I have been looking for three days, not to mention the medicine herb, not even a hair.

“Ah! I am mad at me!”

Angry roar, echoing in thebet Heaven and Earth.

“The Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce is, let me wait!”


(End of this chapter)

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