1008. Chapter 1007 Chapter Hundred Thunder Seal

Chapter 1007 Octagon Thunder Seal

When the sea snake Zhenjun got his hand, his arms were almost shaking.

The sinister eyes smashed the Pengdao main, the sea snake Zhenjun clenching one’s teeth said: “You give me a wait, it hurts me more than 200 billion, and when the matter is over, I will personally go to the door, let you 鲲 海盗 pirate group give I spit it out!”

The main body of Kunpeng Island shook and did not speak. His heart was very embarrassing.

He is also trusted by others to let the sea snakes really lose more money, and then, the sea snake Zhenjun has no financial resources to compete for the last Treasure.

“The owner of the Pengpeng Island, you can rest assured that when I buy the last Treasure, I will definitely go to the sea snake to beat and beat, he dare not treat you!”

A faint voice was introduced into the main ears of Kunpeng Island, and the owner of the Pengpeng Island was relieved.

The dragon blood is handed over.

For Lin Biao, it is not important for the dragon to return to the blood. He is sure that the sea snake Zhenjun can’t refine the dragon’s blood.

The flames in it, even the invincible true king, may not be able to control it, let alone the sea snake.

If he dares to control it, Lin Biao guarantees that the flame will turn it into ashes.

Next, it was the turn of the last Treasure.

At this time, Nie was squatting down, and there was a young man behind him. The imposing manner was honest, and it was also a ten-role!

Thousand Islands, one of the five Great Experts, Xing Qian!

“You, I am the Deputy President Xing Qian of the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce. Because the last auction is very expensive and difficult to control, I will preside over it!” Xing Qian cup one fist in the other hand.

“Haha, it turned out to be Xing President, don’t sell it, come out soon.”

Everyone is impatient and urges.

Xiao Cang and the bloody two people looked at each other and the eyes of the two people flickered.

It seems that two people are planning a great war.

“Haha! Please see!”

I saw Xing President’s knees, and the auction platform below him cracked a crack.

At this time, Lin Biao suddenly changed his face.

At the moment, that familiar feeling has reappeared, and it is very strong! It’s like having an old friend calling him!


The auction house cracked a crack, an eight-square black square that floated up from the bottom of the auction.

When floating up, the atmosphere of the Auction House suddenly became quiet.

Everyone felt numb, as if there was an invisible thunder and lightning magnetic field in the air, and the breathing felt a little sluggish.

Xing President quickly rushed the array to isolate the electromagnetic field, and everyone’s heart was better.

Now, everyone’s gaze looked toward the square black square, holding his breath and watching.

Xiao Cang and the bloody two people, staring at the black square, eyes are not jealous, it seems to see through.

Xing President is very satisfied with the performance of everyone, laughed and said: “This is a big treasure, but also a ridiculous sea!”

“But the difference is that, according to my estimation, this Treasure has only 20,000 years of history, not ancient Legacy, so Treasure still has more than 60% of the spiritual power!”

The Treasure that was taken out of the ridiculous sea, after being corroded by seawater, has mostly failed for a long time and became a waste product.

And this Treasure, with only 20,000 years of history, is brand new! Also retain more than 60% of the spiritual power!

Lin Biao looked at the black square, like a stone sculpture, motionless.

Familiar feeling, familiar with spiritual intelligence.

That’s right! that’s it!

“You, according to my own multi-faceted research, finally came to the origin of this Treasure!”

Xing President said: “This is the relic of an invincible Zhenjun 20,000 years ago, the Eight Thunder Seal!”

The words came out and the audience was shocked.

Invincible Zhenjun’s relics! That’s got it!

In the Thousand Islands, the invincible Zhenjun is the existence of the legendary, I don’t know if there is any!

They only know that the five majors on the surface, including Xiao Cang, Blood Mo, and Haizi Zhenjun, are ordinary ten robes, and they are a hundred thousand miles away from the invincible.

Anything, as long as it is invincible with the invincible Zhenjun, the value will rise infinitely!

Xing President said: “The name of this invincible Zhenjun, some people may have heard of it, called Lei Leizhenjun. When he passed the seven-star sword sect, he appreciated their young lord and renewed this one-way Thunder Seal. ”

“I thought that the seven-star sword sect was also a Super Influence of the ridiculous sea, but it was destroyed in a catastrophe! Hey!”

Xing President sighed.

The name of Lei Leijun is rarely heard, but they all know the seven-star sword sect.

Because the position of the seven-star sword sect is in the seven-star sea next to the Thousand Islands, it was destroyed a thousand years ago, and it was still raging.

That is the Super Sect with invincible Zhenjun oversee, the good end disappeared into the sea, the whole sect evaporated, and a mosquito did not fly out. All life is dead, and it is still a mystery.

“The value of the Octagon Thunder Seal, I don’t have to say it, you should know it! This is the intimate Treasure of Invincible Zhenjun. You can immediately crush other peers as long as the power of unleash Treasure is 10%. Spike!”

Xing President smiled.

The meaning of this sentence is too obvious, that is to say to Xiao Cang and blood.

After listening to the two people, the eyes of the two people flashed a decisive color.

They are determined to win, even if they are ruined.

“Bid!” Xing President smiled.

“Two hundred billion!” Xiao Cangdao.

“Two hundred billion also want to buy? I don’t want to grind with you, I am out of 500 billion, I am now all in the family, if you can exceed, I will admit defeat.” Blood smiled.

Xiao Cang heard this number and asked: “Xing President, if the money is not enough, can you mortgage with the goods?”

Xing President shook his head and said: “No, it’s too much trouble. The value of Treasure is not estimated at one and a half! Even the spiritual vein is big and small.”

“That’s good!”

Xiao Cang was happy, and smiled: “Five hundred billion is your whole body? I am out of 510 billion!”

This time, the blood pressure will be pressed immediately.

The blood was shocked. He couldn’t think of it. He raised the assets for half a year, but it was still better than Xiao Cang!

Now, he borrowed money from people around him, tossing back and forth for two minutes, and finally clenching one’s teeth said: “I am going to 530 billion!”

“Hahaha Ha!”

Xiao Cang suddenly laughed.

“But it, this time I let you despair, I am out of 700 billion! This is also my whole body, as long as you can exceed this number, I admit defeat.” Xiao Cang smiled.

When the blood was mad, his face changed greatly and it was as white as paper.

Fully pressed him by 170 billion, such a short Time, where did he raise so much money?

Moreover, these people may not lend him, borrowing his money is tantamount to offending Xiao Cang! Hard to please!

(End of this chapter)

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