1001. Chapter 1000 scares the urine!

Chapter 1000 scares the urine!

The members of the family have not finished, and the owner of the Pengpeng Island will instantly fry.


The surface was cracked, the house collapsed, and a terrifying aura rose up to the sky.

The owner of the Pengpeng Island is angry at the limit, twisting his face, clenching one’s teeth said: “Lone star help, right now, I will go personally, I will not believe, he can remain me!”

The main house of Kunpeng Island opened the door and walked outside.

“Island Lord, calm! We still know nothing about the Lone Star, it may be a trap!” The Shadow Man was anxious.

The owner of the Pengpeng Island has disappeared, flying out of the island, taking a ferry, and heading straight toward the territory of the Lone Star Gang.

There is no way for the black shadow people to go to the temple to pray for something else.


At this moment, Lin Yijing sat on the seaside of Ningjia Island, and the entire island was shrouded in a layer of awkward array.

“The big master, things have been done! However, we have completely angered the Peng Peng pirate group, they may be angry and angry, ready to kill!” Hei Pengdao.

“Well, the extra things don’t matter, all the cruise ships are withdrawn, all the people go back to seclusion, don’t make any movements.” Lin Biao said.


Heipeng stepped back.

In fact, with Lin Biao’s current means, he is not sure to deal with the nine robes.

However, there is no need to deal with it!

What he has is the way to let the other party come from, where to go back!

Lin Biao sat by the sea. According to the position, the owner of the Pengpeng Island should come from this place.

“There is a burst!” Lin Biao waved, and the entire island was covered with a mist.

It can be seen that the members of the Lone Stars in the distance have rushed back and returned to their homes. There is not even a guard outside.

Lin Biao took out the convergence of the beads, after the urging, aura skyrocketed, came to the level of the nine robbers.

“Oh, look at me not scare you!” Lin Biao laughed.

On the island, all the members returned, the atmosphere was quiet and scary, the sky was dimmed, and there was a ghost of ghosts and ghosts on the island.

Just one day, the head of the Pengpeng Island rushed to speed.

“Oh? Strange, why not even have a escort boat?”

The main face of Kunpeng Island is unclear. He is also preparing to destroy several ships along the way. As a result, one ship has not seen it, just as the Lone Star has removed all the defense forces.

This is not the style of the Lone Star!

With a doubtful mood, the owner of the Pengpeng Island continued to move forward.

Gradually, there was a thick fog on the sea front, and the entire Ningjia Island was covered in a layer of fog, and the island was faintly discernible.

As he approached Ningjia Island, the owner of the Pengpeng Island could not help but think of the words of the Shadow Man.

– They are still ignorant of the Lone Stars!

“Isn’t it really a trap? Deliberately provoke me in the past?”

To be on the safe side, the owner of the Pengpeng Island took the boat up, treads on the sea, and lowered its own aura to a minimum.

“Water concealed!”

The main person of Kunpeng Island urged Secret Art, and the body was completely hidden in the sea and completely disappeared.

He treads on the sea, quickly approaching Ningjia Island, and you can see the scenery on the island at a glance.

There is no one along the way, the island is empty, like a ghost island!

I don’t know if it is an illusion. He vaguely heard the voice of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

“What is the name, this island is haunted?” The owner of the island is even more puzzled.

Suddenly, he looked to the left and saw the side of the island, sitting quietly in a white youth, sitting there and motionless, like a pine.

When he carefully examined the aura of the white youth, he was shocked to find that this is a nine-royal true.

“Nine robbers really! The strength is no less than me!” The owner of the Peng Peng Island was shocked.

Moreover, the island is full of fog, and an array can be seen in the island.

An invisible pressure that enveloped his heart made him breathe.

Without a move, one stroke and one stroke, but created a strange terrifying atmosphere, so that the heart of the island of Peng Peng accelerated.

No guards, strange nine robbers, unnamed array, ghost-like islands…

This kind of psychological tactics made the main cold and sweat of the Pengpeng Island come out.

suddenly! At this time, the white youth opened their eyes and looked over here.

The owner of the Pengpeng Island immediately stopped his body.

He is sure that with his hiding, such a long distance, the other party is absolutely impossible to find him.

“Oh, since you are here, why not sit up?”

Lin Biao smiled slightly, and suddenly there was a faint glimpse in the eyelids.

At this moment, the owner of the Pengpeng Island seemed to have seen a large group of ghosts, waving at him and tempting him to pass.

“Come on!”

“Don’t be afraid, come play!”

“It’s fun here!”

A burst of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves appeared in his ear, so that the owner of the Peng Peng Island was scared.

The main face of Kunpeng Island is pale and sweaty, and the body is involuntarily trembled.

Between the hustle and bustle, he saw a big mouth on the island, devouring his consciousness in the madness Devotion, swallowing his whole person!


Suddenly, the Space was broken, and a crack broke out in front of the sea. The cracks created a crazy Devouring force, and the sea water poured into the crack like a waterfall!

This is the Space Shipwreck!


The main scream of the Pengpeng Island screamed and ran away, instantly burning the blood, flying out of the range of Ningjia Island at the fastest speed of his life.

After leaving Ningjia Island, he took out the ferry and urging him to escape the sea.

After fleeing, the forehead of the main island of Kunpeng Island was still cold and sweaty. When I recalled the scene before, I still had a lingering fear.

“Mom, this is a monster!monster help!”

The angry martyrdom of the owner of the island.

He finally understood why the gold and silver scorpion died, and the three storms are dead!

Such a strange gang, cannibalism, people can live out to see the ghost!

He has no doubt that if he sets foot on the island, he will definitely not be able to come out!

“I will never go again in the future, never go again! I am unlucky! Mom!”

The main face of Kun Peng Island is very pale.

At the moment, on Ningjia Island.

Lin Biao waved his hand, the whole island was calm, the fog disappeared, the sun shone in, and the voice of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves disappeared.

Just now, he only used some means to scare the owner of the Pengpeng Island.

The owner of the Pengpeng Island knows nothing about the Lone Star. The unknown is terrible. Lin Biao uses this psychology and makes a little use to create a cannibal island!

Invisible, it solved a crisis.

Moreover, he did not use the true skill. Just to deepen his impression, he also specially made the magic thunder sword, cast a sword and created a small-scale Space shipwreck.

It was the Space Shipwreck that directly led to the escape of the owner of the Pengpeng Island.

“Oh, this time I was so scared that I was so impressed that I would like to try to test me three times and five times.” Lin Biao laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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