Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3048: (705) Shocked! Retreat!

"Furthermore, it is said that the kunfish can be turned into a kunpeng with full fighting capacity, but now, this kunfish is still in the form of a big fish, that is to say, the cannibalism of this kunfish just now is not his real behavior. Combat power, so it is even more necessary to wait and see the changes. As for the Nine Ranks Spirit Fruit, we are not in a hurry. Instead of passively becoming the target of public targets, we might as well wait. Anyway, we don’t wait for the Ninth Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit to be used as medicine. The big deal, we don’t want this fruit. We will take this Nine Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit Tree and let it live in the'Wrist Bi', just a few more years." I don’t know if I didn’t explain it clearly enough before? Or is there a plan to say this, the previous pause was just to give the mountain boy some time to accept it? Did you think of this suddenly? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, Ouyang Xiasha did not wait for Shantong Children's Shoes to answer, and immediately added the previous words. This is an indisputable fact.

"That's true!" In the same way, the answer at the moment, or the explanation of the reason for the reaction, is also the same for Shantong Children's Shoes. Maybe the mountain boy's shoes are just coincidentally the same as Ouyang Xiasha's idea? Maybe Shantong Children's Shoes simply think that Ouyang Xiasha's idea is no problem? Maybe this is just the performance of Shantong children's shoes protection short? Maybe there are other reasons? Who knows? Anyway, after hearing Ouyang Xiasha’s explanation, Shantong Children’s Shoes didn’t have any other reactions or answers except for a nod of affirmation and the four words of agreement. This is irrefutable. .

"But as far as I can see, the treasure below is definitely not just a simplistic Nine-Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit, even if it is a golden grade, it is no exception, because it is a golden grade. It’s impossible to attract Kunyu and Dijiang to protect the Nine-Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit. Even if the golden grade Nine-Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit is very rare, it’s not rare. Let the two legendary existences be How is it guarding? So, I'm afraid there is still something in it." After waiting for her satisfactory answer, Ouyang Xia Sha led the topic to some guesses in her heart. Although this is just a guess by Ouyang Xiasha, in fact, Ouyang Xiasha's certainty of this has reached 90%. Such a high degree of confidence is affirmative, and it is not an exaggeration. ?

"The girl is reasonable. But now that we know that there is something underneath, do we still insist on watching the changes?" Hearing Ouyang Xiasha's guess, although Shantong Children's Shoes expressed his agreement with this, he still had to do it again Ask once, whether Ouyang Xiasha's decision has changed. After all, the topic of Ouyang Xia Sha came up suddenly, and it was only after he had made a decision before, that he did not know this question, he suddenly remembered it? Or did you think about it early, but you said it later? Therefore, just in case, and to prevent the possibility of himself wanting to make a difference, he really has to ask such a question on the unnecessary basis of this question.

"Of course! Again, if you don’t know the details of the opponent, let’s not rush forward. It is our ultimate goal to enjoy the benefits of the fisherman. What’s more, our goal is the fruit trees, after all. With those fruit trees, do you want as many fruits as you want? As for those fruits, accept them if you can get them. If you can’t, don’t care too much!” No matter what Ouyang Xiasha said before, whether there was something suddenly added in the middle, he finally The answer is the same without any change.

"Understand!" I said before. The mountain boy's shoes are just in case, to prevent the possibility of thinking about it. This is the reason for this question. In fact, he had already decided on the answer to this question, so after hearing Ouyang Xiasha’s answer, Shantong Children’s Shoes didn’t have any unexpected expressions, and he even answered with an unexpected look. The tone is that kind of extremely calm feeling, which is not so strange.

Okay, I'm going a little bit further, but then again, no matter what the reason or reason, and no matter what direct or indirect purpose they have, Ouyang Xiasha and Shantong Children's Shoes have reached an agreement on the final decision. It is a fact that no one can deny.

But Ouyang Xia Sha can solve it well here, but it doesn't mean that Dong Lijin can also solve it over there! But think about it, it's actually no wonder. After all, they do not belong to the same family, and they can be selfish and selfish. They have such a temperament, let alone a mere alliance, a mere oath, that is, they come from the same family and have the same blood. Restrained them! Especially when there is a conflict of interest between each other, or when it is a matter of personal life and death, and there is a danger, their selfish temperament is even more difficult to suppress. At that time, let alone a simple, unfounded alliance of allies, even true tribesmen, they can easily abandon it without pressure, and even let them stabbed them in the back for their lives. It is not impossible. Things.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. In their eyes, there is nothing more important than being alive! Only if they are alive can they have a future. Otherwise, what good is their reputation? ! So, in order to live, there is nothing they can't do.

Besides, when there are common interests and cooperation is needed, the so-called alliance is necessary, or it has the value that they maintain, but once their interests, because of the existence of this alliance, they may be affected. When it hurts, what reason do they have to maintain the existence of that alliance? Knowing that this thing will make them suffer, they still do it, they are not fools! As for oaths or something, what is it? Do you know that there are so-called loopholes in the oath? Therefore, betraying the alliance, betraying the oath, they did not have the slightest amount of pressure. is like this right now. In the beginning, these individuals agreed to Dong Lijin’s proposal and promised to help him distract Dijiang. Let’s not talk about other careful thoughts, but one thing that occupies the most is the reason everyone has, that is They are all playing the idea of ​​gathering spirit fruit of Rank Nine. But the premise is that there is only Dijiang, a legendary beast that only exists in Shanhaijing.

In other words, since the appearance of this kunfish, these people have already given up the possibility of fighting with it, and even the idea of ​​the Nine Ranks Gathering Spirit Fruit has not been fought again, and they just want to run away. Among them, although there are also reasons for their instigation, but more, it is the coercion on the kunyu, which makes it difficult for them to resist even the idea of ​​resistance. Under such a premise, their morale has long since disappeared. What are you going to do to fight the kunyu? What's more, they have also read Zhuangzi and know the relationship between Kunyu and Kunpeng, but they just know that they want to escape here even more. After all, even the non-combat type of Kunyu form, they can't stand it, let alone mention it. The Kunpeng in the fighting state is now a polite way of saying that it is killing them in seconds.

Well, they will have such thoughts. The main reason is that they are afraid of death, not how terrible the kangyu itself is. After all, this is still the underworld, not the heaven with a very high level limit, and it is not that there is no level limit. Chaos of limits. In other words, no matter how high the level of this kunfish is, where can it go? Even if this kind of monster that only exists in the legend, Tiandao treats it preferentially, it is no exception.

After all, preferential treatment is just preferential treatment, isn't it unlimited? And in this world, you can enjoy the kind of specifications that are not restricted by levels, I am afraid that there is only Ouyang Xia Sha! As for the reason, it is also very simple. Who will let the whole vastness, and only he and the heavenly path, be in chaos? ! This is similar to the relationship of a female compatriot. Since you are the brothers and sisters of a female compatriot, how can you not take care of your own sisters? !

Well, a female compatriot is just a metaphor. The reason why Tiandao does not limit Ouyang Xiasha’s level, many times, he will also take care of Ouyang Xiasha. Fundamentally speaking, it is actually related to Chaos, but it is not the kind of blood relationship of a mother , But the breath, and the chaos of them, the breath is too close, which makes it easy for Tiandao to assimilate his existence, treat him as himself, and treat himself, how can he be too harsh? Can't let Tiandao abuse himself? Therefore, it is not surprising that Ouyang Xiasha will be lucky in places where there is heaven.

It's a bit farther away, but then again, at this moment, it's not as quiet as Ouyang Xiasha's side. On Dong Lizhen's side, except for Dong Lizhen, they are still sensible, knowing that they have no retreat now. Others have long been confused and confused.

But no matter what they are thinking in their hearts at the moment, and no matter what they have been calculating before, anyway, at this moment, almost all of them are retiring, and they have the meaning of wanting to escape, it is undeniable. fact. If you don’t believe it, you can just listen to their conversation.

"Damn, isn't this the kunyu mentioned in Zhuangzi? Fortunately, I always thought he was just a legend. I thought it would be nice if I could be lucky enough to meet him in my lifetime, but I didn't want to see him at this time. what!"

"Kunyu, it's actually a kunyu! How does this make people live? A Dijiang, plus a kunyu, such a combination, what do we fight?"

"I don't care, I don't want the Ninth Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit anymore. If you say goodbye, I will not accompany you!

"Brother Xiao, wait for me, I'll go with you! You will give you the Ninth Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit!"

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