Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3043: (700) A group of people calculating each other!

"Well, in that case, I don't care what you do or what method you use. I only want you to distract this Dijiang." If you can, the young master of the Dongli family also He didn't want to put all the heavy burdens on him. If he could, he also hoped that he could rush to take light tasks. After all, the people of their Dongli family have always been unwilling to suffer from anything. What can I do? The facts before him told him that no matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he had to take a loss that their Dongli family had never suffered, and it was still a big loss.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple. Who would let the young master of the Dongli family be unable to believe all these allies in front of him? It is no exaggeration to say that his distrust is the kind of distrust that can't be given to them even the slightest amount of trust.

You know, in the eyes of this young master Dongli, today they can abandon the covenant between them for a little bit of benefit, and they have agreed that their Dongli family is the mainstay. It is hard to guarantee that they will not try to keep their little ones. Fate, calculate what he wants, so if he put his life in the hands of a group of people who can't even get the slightest trust in him, he is looking for death? Still looking for death? Still looking for death?

In other words, let the young master of the Dongli family put his life in the hands of such a person, just to save such a small amount of strength and take such a small advantage, then he is not as good as it is. Let your own life be held in your hands, and work hard to do a good job. Although it looks like he has suffered a big loss, but then, even if the final result is still not satisfactory, at least he I'm willing to die too, right?

Don’t doubt that Young Master Dongli’s distrust of these people around him is actually plain, even he assigned them the task of distracting the Dijiang’s attention, just in case, just in case these people have Too much energy to calculate his case, and deliberately allocated. In other words, the young master Dongli did not expect them to distract the Dijiang’s attention and relieve him a little burden, and he has already divided a strand of divine consciousness, and this strand of divine consciousness has been separated out separately. The target, the behavior of those around them, is the best proof of this statement.

Of course, if this young master Dongli is lucky, if he wins this battle, then everyone will be happy. As for those who take advantage of him, of course he won’t let it go, and he doesn’t want to think about them. How can the advantages of the Dongli family be so easy to take advantage of? Of course, all of this will have to wait until the Emperor Jiang has been destroyed. After all, with such a big threat here, I just thought about it right now. Isn't it just a vain thought? !

Well, the young master of the Dongli family is not a fool. Those around him who don't let him trust have their plans. Isn't he just a fuel-efficient lamp? No other calculations? The answer is of course no. As for the young master of the Dongli family's plan, it was actually very simple. In his opinion, if he could directly enter the deep depression, then he would enter directly, then take the fruit and flee here directly. If you can't, you can only plan for the worst, which is to fight this Emperor Jiang. Of course, the worst plan belongs to the worst plan. He guards against them is to guard against them, but he has not said that the worst plan, he has no vitality, and he has not said that he will not use them!

In other words, even if he had to prepare for the worst, he would try his best to protect the young master’s life from the Dongli family. It’s really impossible. It’s not impossible to block the people around him. Things. After all, they have betrayed their Dongli family, no matter what they betrayed for, betrayed is betrayed. They are all so-called traitors, aren't they? And what kind of soft-hearted did he treat the traitor?

What's more, aren't they calculating him yet? And he didn’t believe it, they didn’t have the idea of ​​using him as a backstop, and he split out a ray of divine consciousness, and this was what he was defending against. The act of taking the opportunity to go deep and concave is nothing more than that, so everyone is half-hearted, and it will be up to who is better at that time, and there is nothing weird about, and there is nothing to worry about.

As for if he could get the Ninth Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit, how would he escape? Will he be chased by Dijiang? That's not something that needs him to worry too much. After all, before he entered here, the family members gave him and all the disciples of the Dongli family who entered here, just in case of so-called accidents, a'seal' that can be teleported. , So he doesn't need to worry about the problem of not being able to run.

And another consequence is the question of whether the Dijiang will go after Dong Lizhen, who has obtained the Ninth Rank Gathering Spirit Fruit, then it is even more not a problem. Do you think that the clansmen of other families around this area have been killed by Dong Li What did the young master of the family keep his life for? Is he really afraid of them? I was really worried that they were too crowded and couldn't deal with it by myself, so I chose to swallow the sound and turn one eye and close the other without seeing it? The answer is of course no. To put it bluntly, the young master Dongli left these people, isn't it to make the most of them! In other words, these people's final fate was either for Dongli Jin, the young master of the Dongli family, to delay his escape; or because the young Master Dongli, Dongli Jin, was used as a shield when fighting against him. To use. Even if it is the kind with very, very good luck, that is, it did not die under these two possibilities, the final result will not be any better, either by Donglizhen himself or by Dongli. The family used it to exchange resources. Of course, the production of these two results all depended on what Donglijin, that is, the young master of the Dongli family, thought. If he wants to swallow this Nine Ranked Spirit Gathering Fruit, then killing his mouth becomes a choice he must make. On the contrary, what awaits them is to take hostages and exchange them out. However, all of this is still the old saying, after Dong Lijian has fought, let's take a look at the strength of this Dijiang.

"Okay, no problem." Don't look at the people from the other families before, they said nicely. In front of Dong Lizhen, there were no nervous or fearful expressions or emotional fluctuations, but in fact, they were very happy with Dong Li. The Li family, and even Dongli’s direct descendants, have a deep fear in their bones. The former calm and calmness was just a pretense. Therefore, at this moment, for Donglijin, that is, this Dongli. The young master of the Li family didn't mean to object to the proposal at all, and he gave such a super affirmative answer in unison. Especially this proposal, at first hearing, it didn't do any harm to them. It seemed to give them all the easy work. In this way, they would have no reason to refuse. As for what they think in their hearts, that's another matter. In other words, they agreed very decisively in performance, but in fact, they still have their own ideas, and this is why Dongli Jin guarded against them, and their one or two were smashed. , With a little flickering, unreliable gaze, is the best proof of this.

But think about it, the reason these people dared to betray the Dongli family at the beginning was not this Nine Ranked Spirit Gathering Fruit? If there is a chance to swallow this spiritual fruit in the middle, so there is no need to go through the subsequent steps of contention, why should they refuse? After all, they didn't think that they would be the opponents of the direct disciples of the Dongli family in a fair fight. You know, every Dongli family’s direct line is not a fuel-efficient lamp. That set of ancient cultivation methods that can only be practiced by the direct line is not something they can easily defeat, and this is why they stand alone against Dongli. The root cause of the family's direct line's fear.

"Master, do you really want to take action? Or do you want to be the main force that suffers the most?" This world is like this. There is betrayal, of course, loyal, and easy. You can betray for a little profit, of course. Fortunately to have that kind of indiscriminate loyalty and stupid people regardless of the cause and effect. And this Dong Lizhen is obviously a lucky one. No, after these people have determined the division of responsibilities with him, they have always been loyal to him. He has always been loyal to him. He has always refused to speak, and he will definitely not speak, that is, the one who was previously judged by Ouyang Xiasha as a disciple of the second- and third-rate family. The man finally couldn't help but speak.

"Suffers? By then, I still don’t know who is the loser? What's more, Xiaoyuyu, do you think these people who can easily betray the restrictions of the alliance for a little profit are really credible? Coupled with their betrayal, this It is for this Ninth Rank Spirit Gathering Fruit, do you think they will really give up such an opportunity when they really have a chance? So, can you really put your life in the hands of such a person with peace of mind? I might as well, it’s better to take the initiative on my own.” Probably because you know that the person asking this question is your diehard, right? Or do you understand that this person's uncharacteristic question is just caring for himself? The former or the latter, or both? Who knows? Anyway, Dong Lishi patiently explained it in detail, which is an indisputable fact.

But fortunately, Dong Lijin’s voice was not loud. Apart from being close to him, Dong Lijin’s object of statements, the man he referred to as'Xiaoyuyu', and Ouyang Xiasha, was also very talented. Outside of the monster, even the mountain boy's shoes, who have a high level of cultivation, at least higher than those of Donglijin, can't hear clearly. Otherwise, his words will inevitably accelerate the betrayal of those people.

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