Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3038: (695) The reactions on the venue were worried and excited one by one!

At this time, as Ouyang Xiasha and Shantong Children's Shoes lurked, waiting to enjoy the benefits of the fisherman, through the display of the light board, the Patriarch Bai, who was observing the actions of his team members, was full of questions. , There are deep concerns.

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Bai family is not only worried about his boss Ouyang Xiasha, but also worried about his group of little bunnies. Worried about why there is no news from the boss for so long? Was there any danger to those little bunnies in my family, or was it calculated by the group of Dongli and Ji? If there is no news about his boss, after all, with the strength of the boss, there shouldn't be any major problems. But there is no news of a little **** in his family, this is a big problem. But the Dongli family, the group of Ji family, really dare to be so upright? To do it, not to do it early, why wait until this time? But the facts are in front of my eyes. What the light board shows is indeed not a piece of news from their Bai family. Could it be that the group of Dongli family have received some new support recently? But it's not right! If there is any movement in this underworld, it is impossible for them to have no news at all! Even if their current status is a bit embarrassing, they still cannot be changed. They are still the fact that they are first-class families, aren't they? What's more, even if they don't know, is it possible that the palace of the Hades does not know? But how is that possible? Even if the Dongli family and the Ji family don’t know anything, the people in the Palace of the Hades cannot know it. After all, the underworld nowadays looks like the Dongli family, and the Ji family is very arrogant. , But in fact, it is the Palace of the Underworld that really controls the power and important land of the underworld. But now that you know, based on your bad relationship between them, how can there be any wind and no movement in the Palace of the Hades? Is it really because he thinks too much? It's just a coincidence that I didn't see the news from the Bai family, but it was not their turn yet? But in this case, don't fools believe it? Everyone in each family has revealed their news at the moment, and some have even appeared in the second round. How could it be that it hasn't been their turn yet? If it were not for the reason of the Patriarch of the Bai family, who had not left home, he knew clearly that at this moment, no matter how unwilling he was, there would be no way to enter the artifact, and he would not want the Dongli family and the Ji family. When people look at his jokes, I'm afraid he could not help but explode long ago.

The so-called "caring is chaos" is precisely because the Patriarch Bai family cares too much about Ouyang Xiasha and the others. Therefore, when facing this only panel to get their news, the Patriarch Bai family can't see their news. , And feel uneasy, so I can't help thinking about it.

Well, the thoughts of the Patriarch of the Bai family, really to say it, are not really random thoughts. After all, the group of people from the Dongli family and the Ji family, although they did not have any new thighs, they are still like In the past, I didn’t want to toss Ouyang Xiasha and the others too much. I just wanted to encircle and suppress them secretly according to the original plan. But I couldn’t stand the villain at Donglixuan. Because of his personal desires, he made arrangements for Ouyang Xiasha and the others It's not a smooth road! Although they have been trained by Ouyang Xia Sha, they will not have any safety in their lives, but it is inevitable to delay some time and suffer such a small injury. Therefore, the Bai family Patriarch did not think much. The group of little bunnies in his family and his boss Ouyang Xiasha were really calculated by the Dongli family. This is an indisputable fact. It’s just that this Dongli is not Bi Dongli, he is just the personal wishes of the Dongli family, not the meaning of the entire Dongli family, but there is no difference, at least in the eyes of the Patriarch Bai family and Ouyang Xiasha. , It is true. As for the reason, it is also very simple. Who is the Dongli family, and the group of people from the Ji family handed over the arrangements of Dabi to Donglixuan? So, what is wrong with saying that Donglixuan represents the alliance formed by the Dongli family, Ji family and others?

"Patriarch, why has there been no news about our disciples and the boss of Ouyang on this light board?" An old man sitting next to the Patriarch of the Bai family, while quietly asking the Patriarch of the Bai family a question, With a curious look on his face, the Patriarch of the Bai family was furious.

In other words, in a big competition, you can't just come to the Patriarch and disciples! Waiting for all the disciples to participate in the competition like that, leaving behind a unique Patriarch, didn't he become a polished commander? A polished commander, if it is normal, the Patriarch Bai does not care about this. After all, where he is usually, no one dares to underestimate him or make trouble for him because he is only one person, but who is where he is today? Isn't it an ordinary place? So, of course you can’t treat it normally!

You must know that today the Patriarch of the Bai family will encounter not only those neutral forces who are unwilling to participate in disputes, but also many of his enemies. If he is the only one, even if he can say no matter how much he can say, he can't stand it. There are so many people! The so-called losers do not lose, he can't be in terms of numbers, let those **** from the Dongli family and the Ji family find loopholes and criticize him! In addition, he could not have said so many mouths by himself. Therefore, before coming, the Patriarch Bai will arrange some foreign affairs elders who are responsible for communication, handling affairs, and speaking, so that he will be less troublesome. The inevitable. But at this moment, the Patriarch of the Bai family regrets his choice a bit. As for the reason, who made one of the foreign affairs elders, when he was most upset, bother him to clean up, which pot should he open or not?

"You ask me, who do I ask? I still want to know!" It is precisely because the elder of the foreign affairs elder is not to open which pot or not to lift which pot to stimulate the Bai family Patriarch, so the irritated Bai Patriarch glanced at the foreign affairs elder. It was a matter of course that he fought back in an angry manner.

"There is a family head, what shall we do?" This elder is not stupid. If he is stupid, how can he sit in the position of a family elder. Although he is only a foreign affairs elder, he is also an elder, isn't he? So, how can he not see that his words are stepping on the sensitive part of the Patriarch! Continuing with the previous topic, it is definitely not possible, unless he thinks he has a long life; not answering anything is obviously not a wise choice; after thinking for a long time, the elder had to be weak and asked another question , I want to use this to divert the attention of my family. But the fear in my heart for my own Patriarch still made his questions tremble and stammered. It can be seen that the deterrence of the Patriarch of the Bai family in the Bai family is still very, very powerful. It can be described as two extremes compared with the funny image in front of Ouyang Xiasha.

This is not to say that the Patriarch of the Bai Family is hypocritical. In front of the boss, he pretends to be amusing to please the other party. After all, when the Patriarch of the Bai Family gets along with Ouyang Xiasha, the sincere and sentimental emotions can't be deceived. Human. It can only be said that the Patriarch of the Bai Family really relies on Ouyang Xiasha, and sincerely regards Ouyang Xiasha, or, in other words, the Underworld Emperor who once had the kindness of knowing, promoting and supporting him, as himself. The real boss sees it, and in front of your boss, what emotions need to be concealed, and what image needs to be taken into consideration? ! that is it.

"What should I do? Of course wait and see! Otherwise, what else can I do?" I think the question asked by this elder is particularly stupid? Or is it that the lingering energy from before has not been fully vented? Was this elder stepping on the sensitive point of the Bai Family Patriarch's entanglement again? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, the Patriarch of the Bai family angered him again and went back. That was an undeniable fact before his eyes."Don’t ask one by one, don’t you ask one by one?" I don’t know what the foreign affairs elder thinks, he is really puzzled and feels uncomfortable. ? Or did you think about it before, and it's just a reflexive move at this time? He actually dared to be bold, and then asked again. As for deliberately squeezing the Patriarch of the Bai family, that can be directly denied immediately. As for the reason, as mentioned before, the deterrence of the Patriarch of the Bai family is still there, and this deterrence can always be It has been retained so far, and after he let go of a lot of rights, there is still no change. It is conceivable how well-behaved these so-called elders have been trained by him. In other words, it was these elders who had long been taught by the Patriarch of the Bai Family to choose to surrender, and how could those who surrender have such a rebellious idea? !

"What are you asking? Do you want the old man from the Dongli family to watch the jokes of the owner?" Well, I don't know if the Patriarch Bai is in a really bad mood right now? Or is this just a way to vent, the outer elder just accidentally arrived at this time? Or, is there any inside story that no one else knows? Who knows? Anyway, the Patriarch of the Bai family reprimanded the peripheral elder again, that is an indisputable fact.

"Family owner, I don't mean that one by one! Really, family owner, you believe me!" At this moment, the peripheral elder really feels wronged, because the consequences of the words of the family owner are not what he can do. Bearable. You know, calculating betrayal of the Patriarch, he knows how to deal with other families, but in their Bai Family, it is equivalent to a traitor. With such a big hat, this peripheral elder admits that he cannot afford the consequences, so , It is inevitable that there will be tension and fear in my heart, so it is no wonder that this peripheral elder has become more stumbling when explaining.

"Huh! If you really mean that, do you think you can still sit here?" It's probably the anger in your heart that has finished venting? Or is it a little guilty for the outer elders because of his actions because he knows the reasons why he is so and such? Who knows? Anyway, the Patriarch of the Bai family did not hesitate to show his trust in this peripheral elder, but that was beyond dispute.

"Patriarch is wise!" Regardless of the reason for this incident before, Patriarch can give himself innocence, this peripheral elder is grateful in his heart. And this sounded like a suspicion of flattering, but in fact, it was a heartfelt sigh.

"Huh! The main reason why the Patriarch wants to wait any longer is because the Patriarch has gone now, and there is no way to open the exit of this artifact to enter it. To put it bluntly, it is the Patriarch. If you ask, it’s like asking for nothing. So, it’s better to wait! What's more, the owner of my family also believes in them. Believing that the man in my Bai family is definitely not that easy to knock down!" Well, it turns out that no matter what Other reasons do not exist, but the fact that the Patriarch of the Bai family feels guilty towards the peripheral elders is absolutely certain. Otherwise, as the head of the family, why should he explain it? !

"Patriarch is wise!" If the peripheral elder's sentence of'Patriarch is wise' is a gratitude to the Patriarch of the Bai family, then this sentence means that after he understands the explanation of the Patriarch of the Bai family, he is genuinely speaking to the Patriarch of the Bai family. I admired it from the bottom of my heart.

Didn’t know that this exaggeration made Patriarch Bai’s embarrassment? Or are the questions that should be resolved are all resolved, and there is nothing left to say? Do you think that the light board is more important, and you don't want to delay the content on the light board because of their conversation? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, the two of them didn't say much afterwards, that was the fact before them.

At the same time, Donglixuan, who was entrusted with important tasks by the Dongli family and the Ji family, was also paying attention to every piece of information on the light board.

When seeing some family members whose names have appeared in the second round, but Ouyang Xiasha and their names still did not appear, Donglixuan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, presumably to make his mind think. , Become more certain! Donglixuan faintly asked the young man next to him: "You said, the group of people in the Bai family will make this young master's plan become a reality as the young master thought it?" Dong Although Li Xuan was asking, but in his words, there was an urgent need for affirmation, and it shouldn't be too obvious.

"The young master is wise, isn't the message displayed by the light board hanging on the wall the best answer to the success of the young master's plan?" The young master who can follow the young master's patron, again How can he be a dumb? Therefore, this young man named by name can see at a glance what his master really wants to hear. Of course, as a clever entourage, one must understand the charm of language. Although I know what my master means, I can't express it so directly. It sounds fake at first, isn't it? Therefore, using all the conveniences to express that meaning indirectly is the truly correct choice.

"Hahaha, your kid is good at talking, so this young master will take your good words!" Sure enough, Donglixuan was extremely satisfied with the answer of his young man, and his laughter could not hide. This is the best proof of this.

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