Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3014: (671) Inferior position?

Of course, there are always so-called two sides to the development of things. Although this kind of game method will put Ouyang Xiasha and others at a disadvantageous disadvantage from the beginning, but on the other hand, such a disadvantage, is it not? A chance, a chance for them to win absolute victory, which is the so-called double crown? And they want to seize this so-called opportunity, or in other words, the only chance, and the only way for everyone in the Bai family to win the so-called final victory is to'kill people for treasure', which is to grab the points of others, otherwise, With their numbers, there would be no chance of winning at all.

That's right, including Xiao Bai like Baicheng Mansion, all the Bai family members and Ouyang Xia Sha have only the words "killing people and stealing treasures" that came to mind at this moment. Don’t think that when Baicheng Mansion looks gentle and elegant on weekdays, he really thinks that he is kind-hearted, soft-hearted, and indecisive. You should know that children who grew up in a family of families, no matter if it is like the Dongli family or the Ji family. Those who survived in the rain of blood in the wolf pile are still like the Bai family. They are relatively united inside. There is not so much tit-for-tat among the clansmen. They can't be a simple white, let alone a fuel-efficient lamp. Because what they usually have to face is not only the problems within the family. In other words, no matter how peaceful and peaceful their family is, from the struggles and sneak attacks outside the family, it is impossible to lack real danger. It is not an exaggeration to even say that there is a crisis of life at all times. After all, those who can fight with face regardless of face are definitely not so-called allies. Since they are not allies, those who can fight with them must be so-called enemies. Since they are enemies, how can they be merciful to enemies? Or when the heart is soft? Therefore, being too simple to exist, under such an environment, is definitely not going to survive, or in other words, it will not last long. To put it bluntly, the simplicity of Baicheng Mansion is only for the people in his own family. In fact, he doesn't say black to the end, but it is not that simple, but it is certain.

Now that you have such an idea, you need to consider whether the rules of the game allow it. But when you think about it, this doesn't seem to be a big problem. After all, this time, the end-to-end rule has been cancelled, hasn't it? In other words, so-called death is allowed.

Now that death is allowed, everything becomes not a problem. After all, whether it is this so-called ‘killing and overtaking’ plan, can it really become a reality in the end, but the result is the same, isn’t it?

To put it bluntly, those people are going to die anyway.

And if those people die one more, it means that even if it can't help them increase the so-called points, but it can reduce the opponent's manpower, it is certain. If the opponent's manpower is reduced by one, it means that their chances of winning will increase a bit.

As for the so-called double crown, of course, it is not just talking about it casually. The two first places before may not be linked together. After all, the time of the game, the players, the rules of the game, none of these points are the same, so even if there are any ideas, it is just It's just an idea.

But now, breaking the so-called restriction that there is no the same thing, not to mention anything else, at least the game time has become the same, isn't it? Therefore, it is not impossible to win one of the first prizes at the same time. After all, the team that can get the first place in the team, as long as all the points are accumulated on one person, then the first place in the other singles is not a matter of grabbing it? However, the condition for all this is that the individual players and team players will not be divided so clearly, otherwise, they will have to fight separately.

Even so, the original intention of "killing people for treasure" will not change in any way, but the whole process will increase a lot of difficulty, but it is certain. So, first inquire about these issues and figure out this matter. The degree of difficulty, it still seems very necessary.

"Little white, after they mixed this people's match with the team match, are there any teams that require this person's match and the team match to be the same as the ones previously specified? Or, it doesn't matter whether the individual match or the team match. As long as the number of participating players remains the same and the number of members remains the same, there is no problem? Even in the final statistics, the number of individual points accumulated the most, that is, the first in the so-called individual competition, is one of the players in the team competition. One, can’t that be an exception? Or, it’s still their own merits?" This time, it’s no longer the Baicheng Mansion and the others, but they have been sitting around, like a bystander who has nothing to do with them. Ouyang Shasha. Ouyang Xia Sha's question was direct and straightforward. There was no euphemism, no sloppyness, and no ambiguity. It was just a hit, hitting the center of the circle, absolutely decisive. , And absolutely decisive.

"Hehe, they were probably in the first round of the previous singles, and they were afraid of being beaten by the boss you and Xiao Chengzi. I think more people will make them feel more secure! Or, they want to occupy in terms of numbers. An absolute advantage? Maybe, they thought about it with the boss, and felt that accumulating other people's points would help you stabilize your double first position? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, this time. The rules, as you expect, are mixed quotas. To be more specific, it is no longer to specifically distinguish the quotas for individual team competitions. The final result of the game depends only on the accumulation of points, that is, as you expect In that way, even if the final accumulation statistics show that the player who won the first place in the individual competition is one of the team players, that is no exception. I don’t know if the Dongli family and the Ji family have their brains in the water. , Or worry that the boss will have something to say afterwards, but on the bulletin board, there is a special supplement in black and white. I don’t know if they are shooting themselves in the foot by lifting a rock, and then they know the truth, will they find it Root noodles, angrily hanged himself." The Patriarch Bai has been the Patriarch for so many years. He has been fighting wits and courage with the Ji and Dongli for so many years, so he is obviously not a fool. Since they are not fools, how can they not understand the little thoughts in their hearts in Baicheng Mansion? Well, it is precisely because you can see it clearly, so Patriarch Bai's answer is extremely straightforward. Without covering up at all, the worry in the hearts of Baicheng Mansion and the others could not be more clearly stated. Even the reason was speculated, and at the end of the day, I did not forget to present the so-called evidence. I have to say that such a decisive answer from the Patriarch of the Bai Family really fits the minds of the Baicheng Mansion.

"Grandpa Patriarch is right. There is indeed such a note on the bulletin board. Look, this is the audio and video record I left as a precaution." It seems to be to prove Patriarch Bai Patriarch. The answer was true. Bai Chenglan, who was sitting quietly by the side and not listening, immediately confirmed it when the Patriarch Bai's voice fell.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. Who makes Bai Chenglan think that he is the only one who has seen that bulletin board besides his own patron? Therefore, to prove it has become his unshirkable responsibility, and he can't let the owner of his own family who are obviously doing them well, but he will be misunderstood in the end, right? Perhaps it is because my own testimony alone is not shocking enough, and it is not enough to prove it! While Bai Chenglan spoke very firmly to prove it, she did not forget to show the so-called proof she had kept. I have to say that Baichenglan at this time is still very grateful, grateful for his previous move to retain evidence.

"Stealing chickens is not an eclipse, hehe, I really want to be able to see their ugly faces in the end."

"Isn't it? That face will definitely make people feel very happy."

"Really look forward to it!"

"Hehe, who makes them like to look up at themselves and look down on others? And this is the result of them underestimating us."

"Do you really think that they will be invincible if they join forces? When that happens, I will definitely let them understand, the result of arrogance."

Perhaps for so many years, being suppressed by the Dongli family and Ji family is too serious, so that the people of the Bai family have too much grievances in their hearts to vent, so that their psychology feels aggrieved and annoying, right? Maybe it is because the Bai family are too jealous and hateful, can't see the faces of the Dongli family and the Ji family's villainous people? Perhaps because of the suppression of so many years, everyone in the Bai family has already become immortal enemies with them. The enemy is uncomfortable. If they don't go to the bottom of the well, why don't they go to the snow to send charcoal? Or, is there any other reason? Who knows! Anyway, this last time had the opportunity to embarrass them, but one or two, all of them couldn't wait to ridicule, but this is an indisputable fact. This is not to say that there is something wrong with their psychology, to put it bluntly, but it's just that they are too aggrieved, that's all.

"Okay, okay, you all give me a little enough, what can I wait for the real victory, is it too early to be happy now? Or you have learned the arrogance of the Dongli family and the Ji family? ?" Smart as Ouyang Xiasha, how can you not know that the group of disciples in the Bai family will react like they are now, the result of being too aggrieved and too aggrieved before? Therefore, as the existence of super short-term protection, he is willing to tolerate them, and he is willing to let them, so that has the above paragraph, Ouyang Xia Sha let them be free, let them say whatever they want to say without restraint. But indulging them does not mean unconditionally, letting them continue without a lower limit. Therefore, after estimating that they should have vented, they should stop their behavior and alert them as a warning. Ouyang Xiasha had to do it, not good, but it represented the final decision to care about them.

Hearing Ouyang Xiasha’s warning, Baicheng Mansion and the others instantly calmed down, and the annoyance and alertness displayed in their eyes represented that they were not afraid of Ouyang Xiasha’s majesty, but truly realized it. My own question, the fact that I was indeed a little swollen just now, this is how I reacted. And being able to recognize his own problems so quickly, even Ouyang Xia Sha had to sigh, Ruzi can teach.

"Xiao Xiaobai, in the course of this competition, is it allowed to'kill people and overtake goods'? That is, to **** others' points for their own? Or, people kill and kill them. After killing, their points will be equal. Yu directly abolished?" After being gratified by their understanding in Baicheng Mansion, Ouyang Xiasha changed the topic again, and the content of this topic, or the key point, lies in the problem they have been struggling with before, that is, ability. Whether the issue of'killing and overtaking' has gone up.

"Why not? You know, the Dongli family, the Ji family's scumbags, but they have the same idea as you!" Although the first half of the sentence, the Bai family's Patriarch uses a rhetorical tone, but there is definitely one among them. , But it is very obvious. As for the second half of the sentence, it doesn't matter what Ouyang Xiasha is. In fact, to put it bluntly, the Patriarch of the Bai Family is simply satirizing the ideas of the Dongli Family and the Ji Family. If there is anything to say about this sentence, that is, the Patriarch of the Bai family once again affirmed Ouyang Xiasha's mind through this irony.

"The idea is indeed beautiful." What Ouyang Xia Sha said was an incomparable sigh, implicit irony, and a little sympathy. As for what is not said later, such an obvious answer, does he need to say more?

"Well, no matter what, when you arrive at the venue, everyone should not walk around, follow the master as much as possible, so it can be considered as a reference." For Ouyang Xiasha's irony, all including Baicheng Mansion before this time None of the disciples of the Bai family who came to have so-called opinions, the so-called'near Zhu is red, near Mo is black', and they get along with Ouyang Xiasha and have been educated by him for so long. They are temperamental and Ouyang Xiasha. Compared to that, how could it be too far behind? In other words, they thought that way in their hearts, so they wouldn't have any reaction to Ouyang Xiasha's irony. Therefore, the focus of Baicheng Mansion’s concern will ignore Ouyang Xiasha’s irony and shift to the safety of everyone, which is not incomprehensible.

"Don't worry, I will look at you well." In the end, he is the person he recognizes, how can Ouyang Xiasha see that they really have an accident? Therefore, after hearing the words of Baicheng Mansion, Ouyang Xiasha would directly open a promise, so it was nothing strange.

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