Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3010: (667) What else is there?

Isn’t that the right choice? I believe that if they dare to laugh at their paternal master blatantly, what awaits them, there will be no good fruits. And the Patriarch Bai’s squint, with warning-like ferocious eyes, the tightly clenched fists of the blue veins, and the eagerness to try, if there is a big difference, it is the best proof of this. .

Of course, the disciples of the Bai family are not not curious about the relationship between Ouyang Xiasha and their Patriarch. After all, Ouyang Xiasha’s bone age is placed there, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like it can be intersected with their Patriarch. Not to mention, I still used the gaze of the elders to see the younger generation. You know, the younger generation here is their head of the family, and Ouyang Xiasha is the elder full of tolerance and spoiling emotions. Such an unreliable thing, that’s it. It really happened in front of them. As the parties involved, there is still no problem at all. Facing such a fact, it is strange to say that you are not curious. But who calls the deterrent power of the patriarch too strong? With just a glance, they had to carefully put away their curiosity, and then they had the previous answer, wanting to stay out of the way. As for whether they still want to know, or whether they still want to figure out the inside story, the answer is definitely yes, but nowadays, whether it is time or place, it is obviously not a good time to ask questions. These are only It can be regarded as something to come, so I can leave it alone.

"Well, this is not a good place to say, what can we say when we return to the Bai family residence!" Whether it is to prevent the Patriarch of the Bai family from continuing to tease, or from the bottom of the heart, the idea of ​​seeking truth from facts; whether it is for Interrupt what is about to happen next, there may be endless rebuttals, or for other reasons, who knows? Anyway, Ouyang Xia Sha directly spoke, suggesting that everyone go back home, that is an indisputable fact.

"Well, go back, go back, this is really not a place to talk." Patriarch Bai has always had no opinion on Ouyang Xiasha's suggestion. What's more, Ouyang Xiasha's suggestion is reasonable and reasonable. There is no reason to refute, so decisively expressing his affirmation, and then taking the lead in supporting Ouyang Xia Sha without hesitation, is also a matter of course.

Returning to the discussion hall of the Bai family resident, although the Patriarch of the Bai family knew that his younger generation was very curious about Ouyang Xiasha’s identity, he did not intend to introduce them. This is not to say that he does not believe in their credit. After all, even the Bai family The Patriarch doesn’t know about the pledge of loyalty, and he also knows in his heart that everyone in his family understands the principle of “everything is prosperous, and nothing is damaged”. Once the Bai family is over, or something happens, it will be of no benefit to them. They are not fools for such a detrimental thing to themselves, and of course they know how to choose, do they? Therefore, the Patriarch of the Bai family did not choose to disclose and explain it. It is not a question of trust or distrust, but simply feels that they are not suitable to bear too much psychological pressure and too heavy psychological burden for them who are about to play. That's it. As for whether to say or not to explain after the game, that is another matter, but the chances of opening an explanation and answering will be very high.

And the disciples of the Bai family are obviously very curious in their hearts. If they don't believe it, just look at their curious and gossip-filled eyes, and you should know it. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? But they were curious and curious, but none of them had the intention of asking questions or questioning, and there was not even a trace of so-called hints. It has to be said that the Bai family did a good job of educating the disciples.

"How are you preparing for tomorrow's game?" The Bai Family Patriarch's first question is for Baicheng Mansion. But think about it, it is not unbelievable or unexpected that as the only player who enters the singles competition after entering the competition, he will receive special care and attention from his family owner. Among the two, Ouyang Xia Sha is the one who can completely relieve the Patriarch of the Bai Family. Or, in the words of the Patriarch of the Bai Family, it is good for others not to be tortured to death by Ouyang Xia Sha. She also hopes that the other party can count on Ouyang Xia. What about Sha? Therefore, this goal will only be Baicheng Mansion, and it is not surprising.

"I have prepared everything that should be prepared before, so there should be no problem." After the first **** fight, and then broke through the successful Baicheng Mansion, the self-confidence at this moment is called a burst, plus The determination to avenge the people of the tribe, that kind of self-confidence, is even stronger. But no matter how strong the self-confidence is, what about it? Anyway, Baicheng Mansion didn't fully express the meaning. As for the reason, it is actually very simple. Who is the character of Baicheng Mansion? He always likes to keep a few points and leave himself some room for concession? Coupled with the self-humility cultivated by being born in a family, or in other words, the ‘hypocritical’ temperament that had to be cultivated to cause trouble, as a result, Baicheng Mansion has no reason to fully reveal it.

"That's good, that's good! But just in case, Xiaochengzi, you'd better be more careful!" I don't know why, remembering the look in the eyes of Elder Dongli looking at himself and the Bai family when he left, Patriarch Bai family Suddenly, there was such an unpleasant feeling in my heart. Although that feeling was nothing like fear, it made people have an extremely disgusting reaction, which was beyond doubt. Therefore, the Patriarch of the Bai Family will once again tell Baicheng Mansion. It is not how long-winded the Patriarch of the Bai Family is. To put it bluntly, it is just the feeling of the sixth sense that is causing trouble in her heart.

"Is there any problem? Little white!" Before Baicheng Mansion could answer or respond, Ouyang Xiasha noticed something was wrong with the Patriarch of the Bai family. Therefore, there would be something like this. Ouyang Xiasha interrupted Baicheng Mansion. It is not unacceptable to respond to the rhythm of the response and suddenly raise questions. As for why Ouyang Xiasha did not feel that sense of disgust, it was completely caused by his level. In other words, Ouyang Xiasha's current level is far higher than the upper limit of this interface, because it is far If you exceed the upper limit of the level limit, then you want to match it, or if you only have a hunch to react to this interface level, it will be boundless to Ouyang Xia Sha, and it is not something worth fussing about." I don’t know if it’s because I’m so worried. When Elder Dongli left, the last look at us gave me a hunch that they were going to make a big move, so , I was a little worried about the people of our Bai family who entered the finals-you and Baicheng Mansion. But because of your strength, I couldn't worry about it at all, so I could only take Baicheng Mansion They are regarded as the so-called key protection objects." If someone else asks this question, because of the super-high status of the Patriarch of the Bai family, let alone whether they can get an answer, they just want to face up to this question. These are all impossible things. What's more, the Patriarch of the Bai family is not a good talker. Asking him to answer your questions is simply impossible. But who asked that question was Ouyang Xiasha, Ouyang Xiasha who asked the Patriarch of the Bai family to obey? Therefore, the Patriarch of the Bai Family will answer without concealment, which is also an expected answer.

"Whether it's true or false, you don't have a so-called reference target, or a trend direction, so no matter how thorough you think, so what? Don't you know, plan is not as fast as change? Instead of thinking about it here, like a headless fly, smashing in no direction and wasting so much energy for no reason, it is better to use it on the spot and adapt to the situation. The ancients said: soldiers will stop, the water will cover. It's not unreasonable, is it?" The Patriarch of the Bai family knew everything and answered endlessly. There is no reason for Ouyang Xia Sha not to answer seriously? Therefore, this explanation plus decision answer will explain it in such a detailed and thorough way, and there is nothing to fuss about. The so-called'replace the true heart for the true heart' is probably what it means.

"All right one by one! What are we doing today? Long time no see, will Bingzhuye talk about it?" I also said earlier that Patriarch Bai has never refused to Ouyang Xiasha's decision, and of course, he is also unwilling. Rejected, so in the first half of the sentence, there will be such a positive answer, which is also an expected fact. But the style of the second half of the sentence has become too fast! There was a very worried posture in the front, and suddenly became excited in the back, and even strongly requested to have a good talk with Ouyang Xia Sha. The gap between this is really not that big. Although Ouyang Xiasha knew exactly why the Patriarch of the Bai family suddenly changed his painting style, but she never thought it would be so intense.

"Forget it today, whether it is us who fought for a day or you who came here on the run, in order to have a good result tomorrow and a fresh brain, I think we should have a good rest tonight!" Knowing the reason for the sudden change in the style of the Patriarch of the Bai family, we can also understand the existence of this reason, but Ouyang Xia Sha finally chose to refuse. As for the reason, as he said, what they need is a good rest, not for nothing. Add some unnecessary pressure. Even if Ouyang Xia Sha doesn't care about the existence of these pressures at all, he can completely ignore the existence of these pressures, but he still has to think about the Baicheng Mansion and his half-hearted apprentices, right? Therefore, I will make this choice decisively without any objections or problems.

"Well, it's up to you." Because of Ouyang Xiasha's special status-even if the half of the master of Baicheng Mansion is also respected by the Patriarch of the Bai family, everyone is responsible for Ouyang Xiasha's decision. I have chosen to agree, and no one will object to it, which is not surprising.

"In this case, the injured, all go to heal their injuries, and those who are not injured, especially if there is a game tomorrow, all go to give me a good rest. As for other issues, wait until tomorrow!" To everyone's agreeable attitude, Ouyang Xia Sha is still very satisfied. Even though someone really objected, he still has the so-called corresponding method, which may save some trouble, of course, it is better to save some trouble. Then, Ouyang Xia Sha, who strikes while the iron is hot, took advantage of this. At a favorable time, he opened his mouth and issued his own order. Immediately afterwards, I don't know if it was affected by the previous effect? Or is it just their re-selection at this moment? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, everyone has chosen to evacuate according to Ouyang Xiasha’s orders, but that’s an indisputable fact. Even the Patriarch Bai, who has always wanted to talk to Ouyang Xiasha, and Ouyang Xiasha, the publisher’s order The people themselves, there are no exceptions.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Bai family residence regained its calm.

In the morning of the second day, all the disciples of the Bai family who were eligible to participate in the competition except those who were injured in the single preliminaries yesterday, including those who chose to stay at the Bai family because of the wrong quota calculation yesterday, did not come. Including the disciples of, all rushed to the venue of the game early in the morning. As for the reasons, there are reasons why you don't want to be late. Of course, more importantly, you want to avoid unnecessary troubles, just like yesterday's scourge of blocking the road.

This is not to say that Ouyang Xiasha or the Bai family are afraid of them. To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xiasha and the others just feel that when they meet this kind of person, there is actually no, a little bit of benefit, other than a waste of time and energy What's the point of this kind of waste of time and energy, which can neither take their lives straight away, nor can they beat their brothers happily? So, it's better to avoid it altogether. If there are any grievances, it is better to see the resolution directly in the ring. At least that way, you can save yourself a lot of time and energy, right? Therefore, avoidance has become what they think is the most energy-saving and the most suitable way.

Fortunately, Ouyang Xia Sha and the others had good luck today. They did not encounter any annoying obstacles along the way, and they came to the competition venue smoothly. It's just that when you come to the venue, what you see is not the open door or the number of people at this moment, but a bulletin board covered with traces of time placed in front of the door, and at this moment, In front of this bulletin board, there are three floors inside and three floors outside are crowded with people.

"Xiao Lanlan, go and see, what are they looking at?" You know, Ouyang Xia Sha, curiosity is not really important, so if it is not occupied by the old notice board The onlookers are all participants in this competition. Ouyang Xiasha is a little worried. If there is another moth, Ouyang Xiasha can absolutely ignore these and this card, and just be so careless. Walked past.

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