Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 3007: (664) The first round of the preliminary round is over!

What can I do? Who makes the opponent strong? In today's world of ‘the strong respects and the strength is supreme’, strength is the best backing, and it is also the foundation of whether a person has the so-called right to speak. Therefore, after hearing the current order of the Great Elder Dongli, the second-rate, third-rate, and incompetent disciples present, no matter how reluctant or even aggrieved in their hearts, eventually had to make a compromise choice. Exuding the slightest bit of emotion, making an expression of joy, as if it took a big advantage, after all, since the result cannot be changed, then the compensation now available is better than what they have been suppressed after resisting, but in the end what You can't get it, okay? The so-called "there are advantages and not the big idiots", this is what it means. Who makes them inferior to others?

In fact, there is no need to think about it. All members of the family present, except the Bai family, can immediately give the elder Dongli an answer that satisfies him, but who does the elder of the Dongli family want to be that? What, what do you want to set up? Therefore, there is this hypocritical, so-called way of showing his Dongli family's democracy, so that they have enough time to think and make voluntarily choices without urging them for a while.

But think about it, why bother? Who doesn’t know, the so-called choice is to let them take the initiative, not to let them really think about something, and once they deny it, the result can be described not only by the word "miserable", but the entire underworld knows it. What's the point of putting on a fig leaf to cover your ears? What's the point? Okay, Ouyang Xiasha really doesn’t understand, how the Dongli family considers face so important, the important thing is that they don’t even care about self-deception. I really don’t know. They are deceiving like this. I'm still lying to others!

On the stage, while the group of contestants who had been warned by the great elder Dongli, who were still very safe, thought about it, Ouyang Xiasha did not forget to take care of some of the contestants from the Dongli family and the Ji family. Seeing such a scene, although Elder Dongli wanted to stop him, he also understood that Ouyang Xiasha would never sell his face, so no matter how anxious he was, it was useless. It was useless. Instead of urging people to discover something, it's better to just wait quietly.

As for taking action to prevent such a thing, he is not tired of life and crooked, otherwise, why should he challenge the rules recognized by the gods that can make him undoubtedly dead? Therefore, waiting quietly became the only choice for Elder Dongli, and he had to choose.

The audience, belonging to the second-rate and third-rate areas, as well as the areas that do not enter the competition family, seemed unusually lively.

"His Dongli family is really too much, isn't this forcing us to take the initiative to abstain?"

"But what's the way to do this? Why don't we be inferior to others in terms of status or strength, and we have to live by them? If we don't follow them, is it possible to fight against them? It's not enough to live. , Why do you trouble yourself like this?"

"We should be grateful. Fortunately, this Dongli family is so good-looking, otherwise, do you think that with their greedy temperament, we will leave each of us with a number of quotas in proportion to their respective ranks?"

"Isn't it! Even though they are aggrieved, but for whatever reason, they didn't rush to kill them, did they? So and so, if we lose the game because we are inferior to others, we have a long time anyway. Who knows what the situation is like!"

"Although I am very depressed, I have to say that this is indeed our only choice now."

"But where did that Bai family guy come from? How could he be so powerful?"

"It is said that he joined the Bai family temporarily. Last time your grandson told us that there was a conflict on Yunxiaocheng Street and the child who had a bet with Young Master Dongli. As for the purpose, it is said to be done. That bet." "It's really cheap for the Bai family. No matter whether the last child will stay in the Bai family, the Bai family will make a lot of money. If you stay, the Bai family will add one more warrior In future battles with the Dongli family and the Ji family, you will be more confident. If you leave, the Bai family can also win this competition and strive for more possibilities for yourself."

"It seems that you are very fancy about this child?"

"Of course, just look at the situation where this kid is pressing Dongli's family and Ji's family hitting him, forcing the elder Dongli to get involved. I really like him, don't you think he would still be like this? If you lose?"

"There was some doubt at the beginning. I felt that this kid was able to win because the Dongli family and the Ji family had reservations and wanted to keep the hole cards for the end. But looking at the current situation, it's obviously not! It's a matter of life and death, who will pay? Will keep? Without reservation, they have been tossed so miserably, and one is destroyed by one move. Such a powerful existence, unless it is blind, otherwise no one will think that the Bai family will lose, even if they are now in small numbers. It’s pathetic, and that’s no exception."

"Yes, it's the essence, not too much. The two little guys from the Bai family this year are really good."

"Indeed, this year's Bai family, with the addition of this powerful kid, is really not good luck. What's more, the young master of the Bai family is not bad! It's just that the young master of the Bai family has changed too much now. I saw him last month. One month has passed and he has risen so many levels. Even his combat experience is nothing short of empty. Such progress and span are really jealous and worrying!"

"Don't even think about it. Such a change must be a big opportunity; you know, we are not opponents of the Bai family, or joining hands, there is no hope, let alone now, there are opportunities and strengths. The greatly increased Bai family? You can chop us in minutes, okay! Do you think that only the young master of the Bai family has become stronger? Don’t you find that the Bai family disciples who were eliminated before are much stronger than before. Is it a little bit? One person’s progress can be said to be a small opportunity, so many people progress at the same time, then it can only be called a super adventure. Don’t forget, we used to dare to provoke the Bai family, That’s also because there are the Dongli family and the Ji family agitating behind them, and we just provoke them, we don’t dare to die with them, and your so-called jealousy, but you want to die, so everything But to be clear, don’t rush to death for the sake of a little bit of interest in front of you. Let’s live so protractedly and try our best to please the Dongli family and the Ji family. Let’s just look at it. What is the purpose of his family? Isn't it to be able to live well? To be able to live well for yourself, but also to allow the family to live well without being destroyed. So, don't waste all the efforts of the past for a momentary impulse. "

"I understand, the devil is impaired, fortunately there is a reminder from you!"

Well, the excitement here is only relative to the silence near the ring. After all, the topics they talked about, other places, other people don’t know what they will think, but they must not be heard by the Dongli family. But it is certain. Who makes this statement be suspected of being behind the scenes?

In other words, even if such a sensitive topic is only discussed in private, there is no conspiracy involved in it. It cannot be heard by the Dongli family. So, one can imagine how much the voice is. Small.

What's more, the leading elders of these families are not fools. Since they are not fools, of course they know the truth of ‘there are ears on the wall’. Therefore, the so-called soundproof enclosure is definitely needed. With the existence of the soundproof enclosure, the elder representatives of these families discuss with each other, it can only be regarded as relatively lively! You know, this soundproof cover is a good thing, he can ignore any level and play an absolute defense. To put it more bluntly, if they say they are, there is no need to worry about the possibility of being heard by the Dongli family or the elder Dongli.

"The first round of the preliminary round of the competition is over. Congratulations to the 99 contestants on the stage for successfully entering the next round of competition." No matter what the family of the disciples on the stage grew up and said, it was just a breath away anyway. At the time, the family’s disciples immediately began to make a choice, and slowly walked down the stage. After only 99 people were standing on the stage as calculated by the elder Dongli, the game ended. , Finally rang from the mouth of a referee.

Hearing this voice, Ouyang Xiasha and Baicheng Mansion, no matter how dissatisfied they were, they had to stop their attacks instantly, and the disciples of the first-class family who had escaped fortunately were full of faces. Fortunately and the joy of the rest of their lives, of course, there is also a fear that even they themselves have not discovered at this moment. For Baicheng Mansion and Ouyang Xiasha, it is like instinctive fear. And he has lost control, and his trembling palms are the best proof of this.

But think about it, in fact, it's no wonder they are so trembling. Although they are usually called by the family as the best of all kinds of geniuses and talents, they have no experience in actual combat. Of course, their birth does determine that their hands cannot be really clean, but they do not need them to complete them by themselves. Therefore, before this, they did not know that it was It's not surprising that the preliminary round will be so **** and brutal. Well, to be precise, the group of people headed by the Dongli family never thought that they would be abused and abolished by others or the existence they had always looked down on. This is the reason they lose their confidence and fear. The source of.

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