Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2989: (646) Individual match! (1)

In fact, as early as when these people were talking and acting, Ouyang Xiasha knew that this was a big dogfight, a big dogfight specifically for their Bai family players, but did not expect that it would be such a mess. Around three hundred and sixty degrees, every direction has malicious attacks from other families.

Ouyang Xiasha no matter what the purpose of these people is, or what they are for, anyway, seeing the unkind look in these people's eyes, he will no longer have any mercy or the meaning of being open. Even if these people are counted as his people, even if some of these people are really deceived by others, it is not really abandoning him, that is no exception.

If placed in the past, when he was still the Underworld Emperor, he might still have the so-called tolerance. In other words, these people may still have the opportunity to escape or be forgiven, but now, they are experiencing that. After the disaster that left him helpless, Ouyang Xia Sha's heart was left with only flaws that must be reported. Tolerance, what is that? Anyway, he doesn't have one. That is to say, these accomplices who help the abuser, whether they are willing, willing to fall, or deceived, will only choose to compromise when they are deceived, even if they are threatened by others, they have to do so. It is impossible for all to escape Ouyang Xiasha's revenge. At most, it is only affected by the surrounding environment at this moment, so the time of revenge is somewhat different.

But even now, because of the next plan, because of the surrounding environment, Ouyang Xiasha is unable to completely kill them as she wishes, but she can teach them a little lesson, that is not a problem, after all. He didn't set the rules of the game, so he, who has no scruples, will make a few more people who lack arms and legs in order to save his life. How can he blame him?

Well, in fact, it is indeed the case. No, I saw Ouyang Xia Sha move her feet and dashed out immediately.

‘Bump bang one by one! ’

Ouyang Xiasha’s first target was the second-rate forces that took the lead in besieging them with malicious eyes. With just one glance, Ouyang Xiasha could be sure that he was not well-intentioned, and that he had brought people to block them before. Disciple.

With Ouyang Xiasha's sudden step forward, I don't know if Ouyang Xiasha moved too fast? Or were those people too arrogant and didn't take Ouyang Xiasha's attack seriously or even glanced at it? The former or the latter, or both? Who knows? Anyway, when the men with malicious eyes hadn't reacted yet, Ouyang Xiasha's small fists, which seemed to carry a thousand pounds, just like that, easily met the chests of those people, but it was indisputable. fact.

"Ah one by one!"

Although I can’t understand why Ouyang Xia Sha can hit several people with both fists in such a short time, but those men flew upside down at the same time with a scream, and they were very lucky to fly. When he arrived in front of Baicheng Mansion, this was a fact before his eyes.

As for Baicheng Mansion, who didn’t know what to do before, just avoided it, or chose to fight in a fair manner. That is to say, it would not take advantage of others at risk. It is not impossible. Who calls Bai family one or two? Is it okay to be honest? But today's Baicheng Mansion, under the leadership and influence of Ouyang Xiasha, will obviously no longer be a pure fellow. The so-called "close to Zhu is red, near ink is black", which probably means this. So, being able to get along with Ouyang Xiasha, who is full of bad water, is so beautiful, and it also produces the existence of the so-called worship mood. What good fruit can it be?

Well, the facts have proved that the Baicheng Mansion has really changed today, and it is still a big change. Not to mention how evil and vicious it has become, but some practices that can save effort, he accepts very well. Yes, that's not it. Facing the leaping body, Baicheng Mansion dodged the target lightly, and then with a smooth wave, an invisible hurricane threw the person off the stage. The disgusting and evasive appearance was as if what he threw out was not a human body, but some disgusting and disgusting garbage.

I have to say that I wanted to target Ouyang Xiasha and the others, but they didn't even touch the corners of their clothes, so they were so disgusted that they were thrown off the ring. These people really died before leaving the school. !

Faced with this situation, they have already been besieged, holding the same purpose as those who flew out, and wanting to cheer up with the Dongli family and the Ji family, they were a little dumbfounded, they did not think of their strength in their eyes. It’s a pretty good existence, so the disadvantaged party they consider to be easily thrown out of the ring just with their own power, they can’t help asking themselves, this kind of white family is really what they know Bai family? Even for this reason, some timid people have faintly retreated and stopped participating in the muddy water.

Well, this group of people was indeed shocked by Ouyang Xiasha's toughness. They can say that they understand the Bai family, and they can even say that they understand every move and every style of the Bai family, but they have no confidence in the existence of Ouyang Xiasha who joined the Bai family halfway.

Not knowing that you are an enemy is a tactical taboo. What's more, it is like Ouyang Xiasha, who is so strong that there are no friends, is so strong that it shocks them, and is so strong that it can overthrow a group of enemies with one's own power, so, Think about it, in fact, it's also to blame that so many of them will have retired.

But at this moment, when more and more people have the so-called retreat, everyone present does not know if it is too tacit? Or are there unwilling people, the brain circuits are the same? Or is there any other reason? Who knows! Anyway, everyone present suddenly thought of what Young Master Dongli had told them before, that the opponent was practicing some melee spells, and the so-called "two fists are hard to beat four hands" principle, and then they also let go of their hearts. While looking at each other, intending to cooperate and try to consume the other's spiritual power, while tacitly unanimous began to use the so-called long-range magic.

I have to say that the courage and greed of mankind are really amazing. It is clear that many people have been cowardly before, and they have begun to retreat to the so-called retreat, and they keep comforting themselves in their hearts. They have nothing themselves. His life is important, and this kind of self-comfort has really played a big role. At least many people have really decided to quit. This is an indisputable fact, but what is the back foot, what is the retreat, what is the cowardice, It can completely disappear without a trace, completely replaced by the so-called greed and desire that is inevitable. If it weren't for Ouyang Xiasha's own eyes, I'm afraid I wouldn't put the group of people with ugly and greedy expressions in front of them together with the previous group, and the so-called rational existence.

But no matter what they think, and no matter how their psychology changes, their wishful thinking is no longer effective. This is an indisputable fact. As for the reason, it is actually very simple. Who is Ouyang Xia? Sha's speed is simply not comparable to that of ordinary people? No, just when the people around them made up their minds to besiege them again, and started to raise their hands for luck, Ouyang Xia Sha was already like a ghost, bullying her body.

‘Bump bang one by one! ’

However, in the blink of an eye, Ouyang Xia Sha struck into the crowd, fists and fists together, and taught a few people around him a little lesson, so that they can keep their memory long. Don't let yourself forget about it because of a little bit of petty gain. Fate is gone. After that, he grabbed the arms of the two people closest to him on the left and right, raised their feet, and slammed their chests towards their chests. Then, they were once again just like what Baicheng Mansion did before. , Kicked the two directly off the stage.

I don’t know if this group of disciples from other families who were also beaten by Ouyang Xia Sha, and were beaten horribly, but have not had time to be thrown down, are the disciples of other families rejoicing that Ouyang Xia Sha has only two hands, it’s impossible. All at once all his so-called enemies who were beaten by him were thrown off the stage at the same time? Anyway, this group of disciples from other families who had just been beaten by him but had not had time to be thrown down were really afraid of Ouyang Xiasha, but that was beyond doubt.

But think about it, one time can be said to be a coincidence. It was Ouyang Xiasha and the others who took advantage of the surprise attack, but both times were the same result, and the second time, they obviously had the intention to do it first, but the result was the same. People treat it like this in turn, and it's strange to say that there is no problem with such a result. However, in just a few minutes, they didn't even have a chance to shoot, and they were thrown out by Ouyang Xiasha so easily several allies. Even though they didn't want to admit it, they had to admit it. , They are not his opponents, staying, apart from being beaten by him, there will never be a second result. Therefore, instead of being beaten, they might as well just run away, and choose to abstain, so as not to suffer from the flesh and blood of the rascal.

As for why they don’t just choose to abstain, instead of thinking about how to escape, the reason is actually very simple. Who makes their current position too obvious and too sensitive? If they are not careful, they will even have the opportunity to speak. If you don't have any, you will be beaten up again? Therefore, in order to avoid the result of such a sad reminder, even those who have just been beaten, but have not been thrown off the ring, the whole body is already painful, but they still gritted their teeth and crawled slowly. Get up, then hold his stomach, wanting to escape. Not to mention how far they can escape, but in their opinion, at least they have to get out of this dangerous area, right? As for what will happen afterwards, it is never too late to say after they have escaped from this dangerous area, otherwise, it would be useless to say it.

It is conceivable to be beautiful, but the final result is always disappointing. After all, Ouyang Xiasha is not stupid, he is obviously his enemy, and he is not blind. How could he let them escape easily? What's more, he didn't have no goal in beating people. He would just hit someone when he found it. In other words, the reason why Ouyang Xia Sha would target this group of people, as soon as he stepped forward, he went straight to where these people stood. It is because the eyes of these people from the very beginning and the eyes of Baicheng Mansion were not very beautiful or normal. Apart from the greed and coveting that everyone else had, there was a killing intent that he couldn't understand. .

This killing intent is not like normal. It is just a killing intent to let people die. It is destruction, but destruction, but a twisted target in the heart. The look and the look in the eyes are like the existence of Baicheng Mansion. It shouldn't, it's just a mistake.

If this killing intent is only aimed at Baicheng Mansion and the others, Ouyang Xiasha can still understand that it is the result of their various envy, jealousy and hatred influences on Baicheng Mansion, their qualifications or background, but this is one of the targets. There is still him in it, so it's a bit unclear.

To put it bluntly, this kind of inexplicable malicious existence, just in case, only extermination is the safest. Although Ouyang Xiasha didn't understand where this killing intent came from, of course, he didn't need to know this, but the decision to ensure it was necessary.

Well, it turns out that Ouyang Xiasha not only thought this way in her heart, but also acted like this in actual actions. No, I saw his feet leaped, one hard, and the hands and feet were used together. It was a series of side kicks towards the back of the people who had been beaten before. The huge impact caught them off guard, just taking care of the few people who escaped. , Instantly vacated like a flying swallow, and planted under the ring at one end.

"Crack, click, one by one!"

"Ah one by one!"

The miserable screams, accompanied by the sound of broken bones, suddenly fell down like soft sponges with the already strong limbs of the few people. It seems that the bones that are broken can no longer be broken. No matter how powerful a physician alchemist is, it is impossible to heal them. In other words, they may not have recovered in their entire lives. It's possible.

Regarding such a result, whether it was Ouyang Xiasha who did it herself, or who has been acting as a bystander, but occasionally, on the premise of the way, the Baichengfu and others who attacked him did not change their expressions at all, just like they were. It was not human beings who were abolished, but a few animals.

Well, in fact, Ouyang Xia Sha and the others really think this way. For these people, they will only take advantage of people’s dangers, fall into trouble, be unlearned, and do nothing good at ordinary times. When facing them, they always like to target their existence everywhere. , If you don’t treat them as animals, is it possible to treat them as ancestors? As for the same kind, Baicheng Mansion did not admit that they were so frantic, and they wanted to dissect their kind.

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