Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2974: (631) Ouyang is a real local tyrant and Shasha! (under)

That's right, in Ouyang Xiasha's eyes, isn't this batch of mustard spaces a so-called meeting ceremony? Although these things are not considered valuable to Ouyang Xiasha, because in order to improve his skill in refining, he refines the mustard space the most. As for the reason, who makes this mustard space refine? Is it the most economical material and the least rare material required? But in the eyes of others, Ouyang Xiasha's behavior, this behavior, is simply the performance of a super local tyrant!

Well, in fact it is true, isn't Ouyang Xia Sha just Hao! You know, in the eyes of Ouyang Xiasha, those existences can only be regarded as rare materials. In the eyes of other people, they are comparable to sky-high prices, and many of them are super treasures that have long been extinct in the vastness. Everyday people, including the Ji family, Including the Dongli family, including the Xiao family, has been calculating, including the so-called first-class families targeting the Bai family and Mingdian, if you are lucky enough to get it, it will be too late to provide it as a treasure of the town house, so what? It may be the refining tool, or the refining tool for hand training, even when it is whimsical, this can't happen, okay! Therefore, it is conceivable that Ouyang Xiasha, who can use this material as an ordinary material to practice his hands, is not a super local tyrant! In the same way, it is also conceivable that the'Wristbi Space' is against the sky, so it is not difficult to understand why in the previous life, the Mu family would want to get this magic weapon by all means.

Okay, a little bit farther, but then again, with this sudden super welfare, the boys of the Bai family are not fools who don't know the goods, so you can imagine their excitement at this moment. At the same time, they also understood by the way that Ouyang Xiasha's previous so-called "garbage" answer was not to comfort them, but a true, undeniable and undeniable fact. As for the previous, it was completely because they saw too low that they thought Ouyang Xia Sha was comforting them. In the end, even if they chose to believe, there was still a little bit of it. , The little entanglement that they didn't even notice themselves, fortunately, it's not too late to understand at this moment. And through this experience, the Bai family's squad composed entirely of dudes can be regarded as truly reaching the state of blind worship. In the future, every command given by Ouyang Xiasha, no matter what, no matter what Who, no matter how bizarre, how unbelievable, they never have any doubts, whether on the surface or in the depths of their hearts.

As for how excited they are? Listen to their responses, don’t you know? I saw that the Bai family boys present were all excited about what they don’t want, and then you began to express your own opinions with one word:

"Oh my God! Boss, I really believe it right now, isn't that space ring just a **** in your eyes?"

"Boss, it turns out that you are the true local tyrant in the legend!"

"Boss, boss, local tyrants want to be friends, local tyrants want to be raised in captivity!"

Although everyone does not forget to express their opinions, it is no wonder that there is a theme, that is, their boss is a local tyrant, and their boss is really out of the sky. Of course, they are just talking, and they don’t have any greed or want to take advantage. Ouyang Xiasha also sees this, so they are more tolerant of them, even now. I have used all the ridicule words, this is not, I only heard him say softly with a smile: "So you only believe me now? Before feelings, I said that I believed it was just fooling me?"

"Boss, don't get me wrong!"

"That's right, boss, we don't mean that!"

Although these boys from the Bai family also saw that Ouyang Xia Sha was joking with them, there was no malicious intent, but they, as brainless fans, could not really treat this as just a joke. They didn’t even react at all, because as The brain-dead fans, they simply don't allow them to have any rebellious image in their boss's mind, even if it's just a joke, it won't work. Therefore, they will deny it, worry about it, and it is not something incomprehensible.

"Okay, okay, I believe you, what I said just now is just a joke, don’t take it to heart. As for now, you immediately distribute the contents of the bag, but when you divide the things, your movements are a little bit smaller, after all. , Although I put a barrier around, so that they can’t hear your voice, but your movements are still visible to those around you. Therefore, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, and also to prevent them from vain The family has become the target of the public, I mean, you should understand!" Ouyang Xiasha doesn’t understand the world of stubborn fans, but he understands a little bit, that is, the group of boys in the Bai family seem to care about them very much. The impression left in his heart, or that they very much do not want any bad image of them to be remembered by themselves, even if it is a joke, it will not work. As a good master who protects shortcomings, it is for their little apprentices. Of course, he still has to satisfy this little desire. It is just to point out their care directly, which is definitely not enough, because then it will appear especially deliberate, as if he answered this way, just to coax them. It's very fake, so it's especially necessary to explain what you said before is just a joke, and then affirm them. Of course, these alone are not enough, because if these alone, without the following, it is easy for people to think more, and then they will start to guess suspiciously. Nothing will feel like there is something. Therefore, Let's move on to another topic, so that it can be considered perfect. As for this topic that is used to shift, I think that nothing is more suitable and more appropriate than the ready-made space for allocating these mustard seeds.

"Understand, don't worry, boss! We don't want to trouble ourselves!" Well, Ouyang Xiasha's plan went smoothly, and the attention of the boys in the Bai family was as expected by Ouyang Xiasha. It is progressing in the direction that Ouyang Xiasha expected, and it is progressing perfectly. At this moment, the answer of Baicheng Mansion, the young master of the Bai family, perfectly proves this point. .

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ouyang Xiasha chose to shut up, stay silent, stop saying or do nothing, just staring thoughtfully at the picture of Baicheng Mansion dividing things, that gesture, It looked like it was waiting for them with a single mind. Of course, it's just a bit like it. As for what Ouyang Xiasha is thinking, that's not what they need to care about.

"Boss, there are many more in this." In the past period of time, how many of these types Ouyang Xiasha have refined, in the eyes of Ouyang Xiasha, it is not a mustard space that can be filled with living things as a finished product, I'm afraid Ouyang Xiasha didn't know it, so, facing Baicheng Mansion, she suddenly spoke and asked that there were extra questions. When Ouyang Xiasha heard it in the first time, she still had a trace of hesitation, but there was only a trace of it. Silk's hesitation, that's all, after all, these things are just Ouyang Xia Sha's tasteless practice, a little more, a little less, for him, there is actually no difference, right? Anyway, he doesn't use it anyway.

Because it is not useful, because it is tasteless, Ouyang Xiasha certainly did not take back the excess mustard seed space. After all, from the beginning, Ouyang Xiasha did not mean to take it back, otherwise she would not even count. of? Wouldn’t it be enough to just count them by yourself? Coupled with the previous "garbage talk", it is even more proof of this, so there will be the following answer, which is also expected. No, I only heard Ouyang Xia Sha flatly facing white. This group of kids in the family, who are obviously still excited, faintly replied: "If you have the extra, you can take it first, and then you can deal with it as you like. You can also give it to the people in your family who can trust it. Take it for auction. It’s okay to add your money bags, you just need to figure it out!"

"Thank you local boss!"

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thanks a lot, real boss!"

Ouyang Xia Sha has said it all. If they are no more polite, they will appear hypocritical. Therefore, the excited Bai family boys quickly thanked Ouyang Xia Sha in excitement. Of course, the gratitude here is not about seeing outsiders, but a kind of gratitude. In the words of the Bai family, even though Ouyang Xiasha doesn’t care about this, they can’t know what’s good or bad. Must have.

"Whatever you are polite, it's some failures in practice, you don't dislike it." Well, this is not Ouyang Xiasha's politeness, but his sincere words from the heart. After all, these things are in the eyes of others. No matter how precious, in his opinion, they are all so-called failed products. Using failed products as a meeting ceremony will make Ouyang Xia Sha a little embarrassed. It is not surprising that he would say such a sentence specially.

"Don't hate it, don't hate it!" Such a good baby, these boys of the Bai family are not stupid, why do they hate it? In other words, if they hate even such a good baby, how many are they? Greedy? And they are so greedy, obviously they will be struck by lightning sooner or later. In short, this is the answer of ‘don’t dislike it’, which is entirely from the heart of the Bai family boys present, without any hypocrisy. Well, there is one thing they did not say, that is, "If there is such a tattered, throw it to them, they will not be too much, even if it is a garbage collection station, they have no opinion.", It's just that they don't say this, but if they say it, it will appear that they are a little greedy, that's all.

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